Part 28

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Jungkook sat staring at the Hyungs, as Jimin and Taehyung sat on either side of him. Jin was with NamJoon, Yoongi, and Hobi, and they had asked him over, though, he did not know why, and it would seem neither did Taehyung or Jimin. He did not really worry too much about that, he was simply curious what it was that had them up in knots to the point that they would call for him. They seemed rather content to just leave him to his own devices as long as Taehyung or Jimin were around. They did not want him to be unsupervised it would seem, not that it could stop him should he really want to do something, but he was appreciative for the efforts. Now, he was just curious. He had no idea what they were calling him for. For it to be something that both Taehyung and Jimin also did not know...Jungjook could confess, he was rather curious, and as such, he really wanted to know what was going on. 

"We figured, that we should inform you exactly what we have done to make lengths into our attempts to help the Dream members." Jin said with a sigh. Jungkook furrowed his brows, having to admit to himself that he was slightly confused. He glanced towards Taehyung and Jimin, the latter having a slightly guilty look on his face. Ah, that explains it. Jimin was not supposed to tell them yet. Or rather, he was not supposed to tell me. Having already done so, hmm...Well, I figure it would be best to get the Hyungs' opinion on what is going on too, it could not hurt after all. Jimin was bound to leave something out, I am sure. 

"Ah, couldn't you have done it a bit later in the morning though?" Jungkook whined, leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder, cheering the other up, as well as to let him know that he was not going to rat him out. Jimin gave him a smile, and pat his head softly. He did not remove his head from Jimin's shoulder, and just proceed to stare at the other's expectantly. "What happened so far then?" Jungkook questioned, waiting for the others to continue to speak, watching primarily Jin, considering it was the eldest who had called for the meeting in the first place, and the one who had spoken first. Jin seemed to be having trouble talking at the sight before him, however, so Hobi smoothly cut in for him. 

"We figured you all would already be awake." Hobi said with a smile, as though Jungkook cared about those things and just stared at the teen with a deadpan expression. He did not say anything, however, just sighed heavily and let his eyes flutter shut momentarily in answer to him, but did not let them fall entirely. Hobi just swallowed, finding himself nervous, for a reason that he was not aware of. He glanced back at Yoongi and Namjoon, a sort of helpless expression on his face. NamJoon just shrugged his shoulders, and Yoongi ushered him to continue speaking. Hobi licked his lips, nervous at the prospect for some unknown reason. He did not have bad news, so he was not sure why it was that he felt so nervous. It did not really make much sense, in his opinion, but he still took a deep breath in, and pushed forwards, despite his turbulent emotions for whatever reason that it was that they had arisen. 

"Hyung, why aren't you saying anything?" Jungkook pouted, staring at Hobi with big eyes, knowing that the other would finally crack. He really just wanted to get out of here, and while sure it was a bit of a cheat, he did not really care about that at the moment, just wanting to go back to his room, preferrably with Jimin and Taehyung. He also wanted to talk to Chenle and Rejun more, Jisung was a bit busy which he understood, talking to Mark. They had managed to convince him to speak to the other, according to Rejun, although Rejun claimed it was mostly Chenle who got the other to break down into finally talking with Mark and figuring out what was going to happen. After this conversation, that would determine if they needed to take Jisung, or if they did not. 

"Sorry, I was just wondering how to word it. We contacted Ateeze and TXT yesterday. I was surprised that we managed to get it to go through, although it was definitely no small fete that it was managed. It will definitely take them a lot longer for them to contact us, but, on the bright side, we will get some more information soon. They are going to look into things for us." 

"Ateeze and TXT?" Jungkook muttered, glancing towards Taehyung who just muttered a 'later' under his breath, and left Jungkook content to continue to listen to what Hobi was speaking. He would hold Taehyung to explaining this, after all. 

"They should get back to us, within the next month or so, about further information on NCT that we may be able to use. Granted we will have to have Seventeen verify it before we can do anything, but Seventeen is known for their quick work, so once we get the information, we will send it forwards to Seventeen, and figure out if it is legit. Vixx should be handling the carrier between the outside and the inside, so if one or a few goth boys asks for you, or for one of us, just send them straight here and don't be too freaked out." Jungkook just stared at Hobi, shocked at the amount of information that just penetrated his brain. 

It would seem that Bangtan was far more well connected than he had previously thought. It did not really surprise him, but he did not know who all these names are, which was something that Hobi either did not realize, or did not really care for. He was betting it was the latter, and even more certain that they were trying to test him in some way, by seeing how he would react to all this excess information being shoved at him.

""Wouldn't it be better for VIXX to just go to you straightly? Rather than coming to me?" Hobi shrugged, not answering the question which caused Jungkook to roll his eyes at the lack of answer. "Well, as long as it gets done, the sooner the better, I suppose. I would suggest you make sure that all of them are keeping up with their loyalty though. It would seem that NCT had been drifting out for a while, you know?" Jungkook stood with that comment and dragged Jimin and Taehyung out of the room with them, leaving Hobi to just sigh at the sight and shake his head.

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