Chapter 2

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"Streamfur!" Featherkit ran towards their father, burying her muzzle into his, Rainkit stared at her, then followed, scampering into his father's warm fur.

"Hi Featherkit and Rainkit," Streamfur purred, his eyes were green, like Rainkit and Featherkit's.

"Did you bring us fresh-kill?" Rainkit asked inquisitively, glancing at Streamfur with wide green eyes. What does fresh-kill taste like? Rainkit wondered.

"No, little one, you're too small to eat fresh-kill!" Streamfur replied sternly, and added, "you'll choke on it."

"No we won't! We're going to play with it!" Featherkit protested, unsheathing her claws.

"No, prey died for us to eat, not to waste for nothing." Lightnose shook her head at Featherkit sternly. Featherkit looked disappointed, but said nothing.

"Of course!" Rainkit put in, glaring at Featherkit. Of course we won't shred it!

"Do you want to go out to the clearing? I'm sure Froststar will be in the clearing." Streamfur suggested, the leader of the Clan! Rainkit breathed, excitement crawled into her pelt, I'll see the leader of the Clan!

"Yes please!" Rainkit eyes shone, while Featherkit paced around the den.

"Come on then," Streamfur called, then added, whispering to Lightnose, "you might want to stay here."

"Yes," Lightnose nodded, then added, "you sure you can take care of them by yourself?"

Streamfur's whiskers twitched, "I think I can, don't you?" Lightnose nodded. Rainkit glanced at them, giving them a sideways glance. Why does Lightnose have to stay? And we don't need taking care of!

"Can we just go now?" Featherkit scuffled the ground impatiently, pacing around, still.

"Okay, come on," Streamfur lead the way, zigzagging through the camp, passing through the apprentices den and the warriors den, I know all those dens! Rainkit felt proud, there was still some places to explore, but she knew the camp now!

"Hello Streamfur, are these your kits?" A light blue colored she-cat with blue eyes asked Streamfur warmly.

"Yes, Froststar, they are," Streamfur seemed to puff out his chest as he replied.

"What are your names, little ones?" Froststar nodded, and turned to look at Featherkit and Rainkit, this is the leader of the Clan! Rainkit stared at her leader, wide eyed.

"I'm Featherkit, and this is Rainkit!" Featherkit told Froststar, flicking her ear to Rainkit.

"Great names," Froststar nodded, eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

"Are you our Clan leader?" Featherkit stared at her in awe. Rainkit rolled her eyes, Featherkit must be fish brained!

"Of course she's our leader! She has a star in her name!" Rainkit snapped at her littermate, forestalling Froststar as she was about to speak.

Rainkit glanced at her, "oh, sorry Froststar." Rainkit mumbled, scuffling her paws on the ground and staring down into a small crack inside the ground, wishing she could disappear into it.

Why was I so clumsy? I might have ruined my only chance to become a warrior! Rainkit scolded herself, glancing up at Froststar, then asked hesitantly, her voice quivering, "will I be able to become an apprentice anymore?"

"No way! You're never going to be an apprentice now! Forestalling your leader!" Froststar allowed herself to stop herself from purring and told Rainkit sternly, joking.

Rainkit was horrified, she glanced at Streamfur, who was standing beside them the whole time, tried to hide his giggle. Why is he trying to laugh? I'm never going to be a warrior now! Rainkit stared at Froststar miserably.

"I'm just kidding Rainkit, of course you can be a warrior! You're going to be great!" Froststar purred at Rainkit's miserable gaze, touching her nose to Rainkit's.

"Really?" Rainkit stared at her, not quite sure that was true.

"Of course!" Froststar replied, her gaze full of laughter. I'll still be a warrior! Rainkit puffed out her chest fur, licking it thoroughly.

"Do you want to see the Highrock?" Froststar asked, glancing around the camp, as if searching for it.

"Okay!" Featherkit and Rainkit squeaked. I'm going to be the best warrior ever! I'm going to see the Highrock!


"Here it is! The Highrock." Froststar explained, flicking her tail towards a huge rock, the size even bigger than Froststar!

"Wow," Featherkit stared at it, while Rainkit thought, it must be so important! Leaders stand on it!

"It's huge!" Rainkit added, looking at it in awe.


"Ow!" A spasm shook Splashnose, she had just moved into the nursery a moon ago, and was now kitting. Rainkit and Featherkit sat outside, ears pricked.

"Ashtail! Help me! It hurts!" Splashnose wailed, calling to the medicine cat feebly.

Stormwing, her mate, paced around the clearing, as if itching to say something but wouldn't. What's going on in him? Rainkit wondered.

Then finally he spoke, nervous. "Will she be okay?" He asked Lightnose.

"She will be okay, Cloudheart and Ashtail is with her." Lightnose replied, her mother's mew was taut, as if she didn't believe herself either. She'll be okay. Rainkit repeated her mother's words silently.

"Hold on Splashnose! I'll get you a stick to bite on!" Stormwing called, rushing out of the den immediately.

"Thanks," Splashnose sounded relieved as Stormwing gave her a stick. All Rainkit could hear was panting noises now.

"The second one's out! A she-kit! One more! I think." A triumphant meow came from inside, Ashtail, Rainkit guessed. She peered into a crack in the nursery, pain flashed in Splashnose's eyes.

"And! The third one, a tom!" This time it was Cloudheart, she licked the third kit, a brown tabby with darker stripes.

"Can we go in now?" Featherkit complained, they had sat out in the clearing all day, waiting patiently.

"Yeah! I want to see the kits!" Rainkit added, without waiting for an reply, they bounded into the den.

"Let's name this Willowkit," Splashnose meowed to Stormwing, pointing at the gray she kit with white stripes. Not noticing Rainkit and Featherkit.

"Yes," Stormwing breathed, touching the kit's little nose with an affectionate lick.

"Maybe Amberkit for this one?" Stormwing flicked his tail at the light brown she kit with amber eyes.

"Okay," Splashnose agreed. And added, "Bramblekit for this one then." Fixing her gaze at their last kit, the brown tom with darker stripes.

"Okay." Stormwing's eyes shone proudly, looking at his kits, "Willowkit, Amberkit and Bramblekit."

Great names. Rainkit thought, she felt like they would be good friends.

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