Chapter 17

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"Willowpaw!" Rainfur hurried to her best friend's side, did she pass her assessment?

"What?" Willowpaw saw Rainfur and padded to her and touched noses.

"Did you pass?" Rainfur asked, excited for her friend. I really hope so!

"Yes! Firefeather said I passed! And so did Bramblepaw!" Willowpaw's eyes shone with pride, puffing out her chest. Yes!

"Great job! We can sleep together now!" Rainfur leaped into the air triumphantly. And I'll be nearer to Bramblepaw! Is that a good thing?

"Thanks," Willowpaw licked Rainfur.

"Your ceremony won't be long now!" Rainfur exchanged a glance with Froststar and she nodded.

"Yeah," Willowpaw nodded, Froststar gave a flick of a tail to show Rainfur the ceremony was now.

"It's now in fact." Rainfur added to Willowpaw, looking at Froststar. I wonder what's her name! Rainfur was so excited for her friend it felt like she was experiencing it herself.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Froststar yowled, her head raised. Finally! Rainfur bounded up to the Highrock.

Willowpaw's eyes widened as she searched for her brother, they padded forward, tail raised high. "Today, we will have two new warriors! Willowpaw and Bramblepaw have passed the warrior assessment and is ready to become warriors!" Froststar looked down at them.

"Willowpaw, Bramblepaw! Come forward!" Froststar beckoned to them. It's time! Rainfur's heart pounded excitedly.

"I, Froststar, leader of RainClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained well to learn your noble code and is ready to become a warrior in their turn." Froststar stopped and looked at the two apprentices. What will be her name? Rainfur wondered.

Willowpaw and Bramblepaw took a step forward, looking nervous. You can do it!

"Willowpaw, Bramblepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend and protect your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Froststar's eyes gleamed.

"I do," Willowpaw's voice quivered a little, but no doubt in her voice.

"I do," Bramblepaw was more confident, raising his head proudly. He's going to make such a good warrior! And I'll be sleeping beside him! Rainfur looked at Bramblepaw warmly.

"Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Willowpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Willowheart! StarClan honors your intelligence and great hunting skills." Willowheart's eyes shone happily, and rested her muzzle onto Froststar's.

"Bramblepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Brambleheart!" Froststar continued, announcing. Willowheart and Brambleheart are great names! Rainfur looked at Brambleheart fondly, and he looked back, eyes warm.

"Willowheart! Brambleheart! Willowheart! Brambleheart!" The Clan called their names in pride. Rainfur chanted so loudly her throat was sore. Willowheart! Brambleheart!

"Rainfur!" Willowheart ran to her friend. "I'm a warrior just like you now!"

"I know! Your names are beautiful!" Rainfur complimented. I love them!

"Thanks," Brambleheart put in, and Willowheart rolled her eyes.


The Clan was about to go back into their dens when Firefeather suddenly called.

"I would like to say something!" Her eyes full of sorrow. What now? Rainfur wondered.

"What's happening?" Brambleheart whispered.

"No idea," Willowheart replied.

"Let's listen." Rainfur pricked her ears.

"What is it?" Froststar turned around and asked her deputy. I wonder.

Firefeather breathed in a deep breath, "I-I would like to retire to the elders den." What? Rainfur was shocked.

"But... why?" Froststar was puzzled and sorrowful, gazing at her deputy in confusion.

"I have been a warrior for long enough. I have trained a fine warrior, Willowheart, and I think I should retire. " Firefeather sighed, not meeting the leader's gaze. She's not even that old! Rainfur wanted to protest.

"What?" Willowheart stared at her former mentor in surprise.

"But... Firefeather, oh, my friend." Froststar continued. "You were a fine deputy, and you may go join the elders now." She choked out.

"Thank you Froststar." Firefeather dipped her head.

"May you be in peace now. You have served your Clan well." Froststar rested her tail onto Firefeather's shoulder. She's really going to retire! Who's going to be our deputy now?

"Why did she retire!" Brambleheart paced around, confused. Don't ask me. Rainfur sighed.

"I don't know, but I do wonder who the next deputy is!" Willowheart told Brambleheart. Me too.

"Froststar will announce it before Moonhigh." Rainfur flicked her ears.

"Yeah," Brambleheart agreed, grooming his fur.

"I'm going to sleep." Featherhawk's voice came from behind.

"Same," Rainfur yawned, following her sister, "see you two later!" She called.

Rainfur settled down into her nest, and sighed, who's going to be the next deputy? Moonshadow? He's quite popular. Or Dawnheart? She was Froststar's old friend too, and her hunting and battle skills are great! Maybe Leafshade, no, he's too young. And drifted into sleep.


"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" The call woke Rainfur with a start. The ceremony! She sat up straight, nudging Featherhawk who was sound asleep. Willowheart and Brambleheart were already at the clearing, looking expectantly at Froststar.

"Wake up! It's the new deputies naming ceremony!" Rainfur nudged her sister.

"Oh! What did you say? The ceremony?" Featherhawk shot straight up as she heard the words ceremony. Yes sister. Rainfur sighed, feeling helpless.

"Great! Let's go then!" Featherhawk charged out of the den immediately, and Rainfur rolled her eyes. A second ago, you were sound asleep, and now? You're bounding off to the clearing without me. Rainfur followed her sister, and saw Froststar about to speak.

"I have chosen my new deputy." There was regret in her voice, but certainty too. Who? Rainfur stared at Froststar.

"Dawnheart will be the new deputy of RainClan!" Froststar announced, Firefeather poked her head out of the elders den, her eyes hurt, but still glad she's an elder now. Dawnheart! I knew it! She's such a good warrior. Rainfur yowled appreciatively.

"Me?" Dawnheart's jaws gaped open in surprise.

"Yes, you." Froststar was amused, beckoning to her.

"Thank you," Rainfur heard her murmur, then added more loudly after touching noses with Froststar. "I promise I will serve my Clan well and protect it to the deepest of my heart!" She dipped her head low, thanking all the cats.

"Dawnheart! Dawnheart!" The Clan yowled happily, glad they have a new deputy now. She'll make a good leader one day! Will I, too?

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