Chapter 21

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Rainfur sat outside of the warriors den as Dewpelt, the new deputy, organized the patrols for the day. She blinked, a little tired as she stared out into the endless forest. I wonder what StarClan has for me now? Rainfur suddenly wondered, itching to find the answers to the prophecy Cloudheart had told her when she was still a young apprentice. Does StarClan still mean that? It's been such a long time. Rainfur sighed, her heart hollow.

"Rainfur? What's bothering you?" Brambleheart had been so close to Rainfur these days Rainfur thought she would have kits soon.

"Nothing," Rainfur turned around, not meeting his gaze because Brambleheart knew her too well. Rainfur heard Brambleheart flick his tail frustratedly, sweeping up the leaves on the ground.

"I know you Rainfur, you're not like this usually." Rainfur looked back at him and saw Brambleheart narrow his eyes. I know, but I can't tell him the prophecy! It's too complicated. Rainfur swallowed. "So?" Brambleheart asked promptly. I have to make up an excuse quickly!

"Dawnstar told me a few moons ago that I would train one of Dapplefur's kits and they're six moons old now and I'm just nervous!" Rainfur rushed in a breath, at least part of it was true. She forced her eyes to brighten, but her gaze was still thoughtful.

"I see," Brambleheart didn't seem suspicious at all, just brushed his muzzle on Rainfur's. "You'll be a great mentor!"

"Thanks," Rainfur purred, feeling the thought slip away into nothing. I would love to be with him. Rainfur nuzzled him, purring, drinking in his scent.

Just then, a loud yowl broke their happiness. What? Rainfur tucked away from Brambleheart, looking up to see Dawnstar standing on the Highrock, calling for a meeting. The ceremony! Rainfur realised, excitement flowing through her from ears to tail tip. I'm going to be a mentor!

Brambleheart was also staring up, then realisation showed in his eyes and he nodded at Rainfur, looking pleased. If he's happy for me, then I'll be happy too. Rainfur blinked affectionately at him.

"Today! Applekit and Shadowkit are ready to become apprentices! Come forward little ones." Dawnstar's eyes glittered.

Applekit and Shadowkit squealed happily, bounding forward, then realised their leader was watching and slapped their tails on their mouths. They're so cute! Rainfur purred. Dapplefur looked flustered, but stayed her ground and looked at kits lovingly, her flank touching Shadeclaw, her mate.

"Applekit!" Dawnstar turned sharply to face the tortoiseshell she-kit and meowed, "from this moment on till you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Applepaw!" She paused as Applepaw bounced up, giving an excited yowl, then stopped, looking embarrassed.

Dawnstar turned to Rainfur's, eyes locked with hers. She's going to be my apprentice and I know it! Rainfur felt excited as well, almost giving a yowl of triumph right then, but controlled herself. "Applepaw, your mentor will be Rainfur! Rainfur, you are a great warrior, and you have great hunting and battle skills and you are always determined and intelligent." Dawnstar ended, and did the same to Shadowkit, but Rainfur wasn't listening, I'm a mentor! Was the only thing she could think of. I'm finally a mentor!

Shadowkit was Shadowpaw now, and his mentor was Rainfur's sister, Featherhawk, and Dawnstar had told her that it was good if two littermates would train the other two, and Rainfur had nodded, not surprised.


"We should take Applepaw and Shadowpaw for a tour right now, they'll be so excited!" Rainfur suggested to Featherhawk, and I'm already excited! Being a mentor will be great!

"Of course!" By the look of it, her sister was enjoying being a mentor too. Her eyes were glazed and Rainfur wondered if her sister was thinking the exact thing she was, I have so many things planned for my apprentice!

"Applepaw!" Rainfur called to her apprentice, who was grooming her fur, getting ready. I can't wait! I promise I'll be the best mentor I can! Applepaw jumped at the sound of her voice, then calmed down when she saw it was just her mentor, and padded towards her.

"Are we going now?" Applepaw asked excitedly, looking at Rainfur expectantly, and straightened up.

Rainfur nodded, and Applepaw gave a little excited bounce, "yes!"

"Follow me then, and don't go without me and stay where I can see you okay?" Rainfur looked at her apprentice sternly, wanting to purr as she thought of how stern she was being. I'm getting old.

Applepaw scuffed the ground, "fine," she finally nodded reluctantly. She doesn't really mean it though, because I know how exciting it was on my first day. Which means I have to keep an eye on her. Rainfur's eyes sparked.

Rainfur just nodded, and padded for the entrance, waiting for the apprentice to catch up. Then, they walked to The Stream, Rainfur was dreamy, we won the battle here, and Froststar died trying to. A pain stabbed Rainfur's heart, the thought that her former leader and mentor was dead reminded Rainfur of so many memories. We were so young then... Rainfur sighed, feeling nostalgic.

"Rainfur? What's wrong?" Applepaw looked worried, sniffing the air urgently as if something was wrong, I was so caught up in my thoughts! Oh StarClan, how am I going to be a good mentor if I can't even focus! Rainfur took a step back, head spinning in dismay.

"Nothing to worry about, I was just scenting for some prey." Rainfur lied, you mouse-brain! Lying to your apprentice on the first day already! Rainfur scolded herself.

"Okay," Applepaw was reassured by her mentor's soft mew, but Rainfur felt guilty that she had lied.

"Let's keep going." Rainfur continued, starting to introduce The Stream. "Here is The Stream, one of the most important places in our territory." Rainfur almost winced in sorrow as she spoke her dead mentor's words.

"Can I go fish in it? I can swim! I promise!" Applepaw didn't even question about The Stream or Rainfur, but was bouncing around in excitement, waiting to jump inside already. How do apprentices have so much energy. Rainfur was amused by the thought, and concentrated.

"No Applepaw, you still don't know how to swim, though you will fish in it someday and we will learn to swim here soon." Rainfur told Applepaw.

"Okay." Applepaw looked crestfallen but was still excited. Apprentices these days. Rainfur sighed, shaking her head.

"So, any questions?" Rainfur asked, when Applepaw was about to answer, her sister, Featherhawk, with Shadowpaw behind her, came to join them.

"Hey!" Featherhawk bounded forward and waited for her apprentice. Applepaw raced to meet his brother as he joined, nuzzling him and purring, Shadowpaw too, was purring.

"Hello Featherhawk, I have just shown Applepaw The Stream, you?" Rainfur asked formally, sounding like a senior warrior. I can't wait to mentor Applepaw and Shadow with my sister! Rainfur wondered suddenly how her sister was going, she was always so happy and she loved messing around when they were apprentices.

"Oh, I've just taken Shadowpaw to The Leafbare Tree, then we met you. I was going to Shadowpaw The Stream next." Featherhawk replied.

"Okay, I think we should go together, Applepaw and Shadowpaw must want to be together." Rainfur suggested. At least, it would be better and not that boring to them if I was an apprentice.

"Yes!" Shadowpaw gave a bounce, and Featherhawk nodded approvingly.

"Sure!" Featherhawk replied.

Rainfur nodded and flicked her tail to motion the apprentices to join her, and they padded off into the forest.

Shadowpaw looked around incredulously as Applepaw walked beside him. The air was fresh, filled with RainClan scents, but there was something else to it. What? I thought we wouldn't have any trouble with those anymore... 

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