Chapter 15

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"Rainfur! Featherhawk! It is time for your vigil." Froststar nodded to them, flicking her tail. We're going to be real warriors now!

"Okay." Rainfur bounded up to the camp entrance, sitting still as Featherhawk sat beside her.

"Good thing we're not warriors in leafbare!" Featherhawk shivered in the night breeze.

"Well, it's not that cold!" Rainfur told her sister, though her body protested, her fur was trying its best to keep her warm, and Rainfur still shivered in the wind. Featherhawk is right, it is cold tonight!

"You two stay quiet, StarClan is watching." Froststar's eyes gleamed, and Rainfur glanced at Silverpelt. Do they approve of me? I hope so. Rainfur nodded.

"We know, we know." Featherhawk shifted slightly into a more comfortable position, and settled down.

"Okay then, see you two at dawn!" Froststar padded back to camp, with Rainfur watching her disappear into the tunnel. This is going to be a long night. Rainfur sighed, catching Featherhawk's eye.

Featherhawk opened her mouth, but Rainfur shot her a glare. StarClan is watching! We have to be silent. Rainfur willed her to understand, Featherhawk nodded, and sat still.

The night was cold, fortunately not leafbare cold. The ferns beside the camp entrance rustled, and the wind swirled around them. The starry sky seemed to weave around them through the chilly night, blessing them.

Rainfur shivered, twitching her ears for any sounds of danger. StarClan is watching. Froststar's words echoed in her mind again and again, reminding her to stay quiet. I hope it's dawn soon! I can't wait to patrol and hunt! The sun was starting to rise, dawn was coming soon.

The sky radiated blue, the clouds from the night before slowly backing away. Rainfur and Featherhawk looked at it in awe, amazed by how pretty it was. I never knew sunrises were so pretty! Rainfur breathed.

They waited until Froststar padded up to them, " how are you two?"

"Not too good." Featherhawk shivered, "cold." Not really.

"It was okay. The sunrise was beautiful!" Rainfur's eyes glowed.

"You two in for hunting? Firefeather has started ordering patrols, you two may as well join in." Froststar suggested.

"Early hunting? I'd like that please!" Rainfur's ears twitched, she stretched, yawing, flexing her claws after the stiff night.

"I'd like to!" Featherhawk straightened up suddenly.

"Good," Froststar led them into camp. I can't wait to go hunting!

"Hi Willowpaw!" Rainfur greeted her best friend as she passed by.

"Hey Rainfur! How's it like after the vigil!" Willowpaw scampered up to meet her.

"It was really cold." Rainfur shivered, stifling a purr. "Where are you going?" Rainfur asked Willowpaw.

"Oh, I'm about to train with Firefeather when she's done organizing patrols. Or maybe I'll go on a patrol!" Willowpaw told Rainfur.

"I'm going on hunting patrol." Rainfur informed Willowpaw. My first day as a real warrior!

"Oh! I hope I'm with you!" Willowpaw dug her claws into the ground.

"Rainfur! Featherhawk! And let's see, Willowpaw!" Firefeather called their names.

"Yay! I'm with you!" Willowpaw jumped excitedly.

"Come on!" Rainfur sped forward, skimming through the grass.

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