Chapter 20

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"Dawnheart?" Rainfur asked softly as Willowheart dragged Froststar's body. So much pain. Rainfur blinked as water came rushing out of her eyes, trying to stop it.

"Yes?" Dawnheart turned around, surprised to see Rainfur so solemn. Rainfur opened her jaw to reply, but choked on the words. I can't! Panic flared through Rainfur as she struggled to tell the deputy what had happened.

Just then, Dawnheart's face darkened, she stood up slowly, and started to panic. "Froststar, where is she!"

"She's dead." Rainfur finally choked out. Bowing down solemnly.

"No! I can't lead the Clan yet! I-I can't..." Dawnheart trailed off, her tail drooping. "I'm so inexperienced!" she finally blurted.

"You'll be okay." Rainfur assured, resting her tail onto the deputy's. It's so weird how I'm reassuring a warrior older than me! Rainfur felt awkward.

"Thanks." Dawnheart murmured, while Willowheart padded up to them and rested the body of Froststar.

"We should bring her to camp." Willow heart suggested, turning away as tears rushed into her eyes.

"Of course." Rainfur nodded, dragging the body back to camp.

"No, I'll carry her." Dawnheart shoved her way forward. Rainfur nodded, understanding the deputy's feeling, she let her pass, trailing behind to let Willowheart go. The cats in the camp don't even know what's happening, they'd still be celebrating the success of the fight. Rainfur sighed, suddenly sorry for the cats at camp, feeling the sorrow they would feel when they found out their leader was dead.

The three cats walked in silence, mourning their former leader on the way.

"Rainfur? What's wrong?" Brambleheart nuzzled Rainfur as they walked into the camp.

"Froststar is dead." Rainfur replied, feeling numb. How can I describe what happened? Rainfur nosed her way inside.

"No!" Brambleheart shook his head, confused, "how can that be?"

"She bled to death." Rainfur finally replied. She didn't want Brambleheart to think the RiverClan cats killed her or broke the warrior code.

"But..." Brambleheart trailed off, burying his muzzle into hers.

"Let's go, we should start buying her now." Rainfur nosed him. And Dawnheart would be Dawnstar soon.

"Okay." Brambleheart's low tone meant that he was mourning too. Affectionately, Rainfur nuzzled him, comforting him through licks.


"Dawnstar! Dawnstar!" The Clan cheered the new leader's name. Dawnstar had just come back from the journey to the Moonpool and was looking stronger. She's going to be a great leader. Rainfur cheered along.

Shadowkit and Applekit poked out of the nursery, they had just opened their eyes and everyone loved them. They were so cute and begging all the time, which made cats hard to scold them.

"What's happening?" Applekit squeaked, and Rainfur felt like her heart would break. When they were born, they didn't even have a leader!

"Dawnstar is back and received her nine lives and her name." Applekit and Shadowkit's mother, Dapplefur, told them, her eyes still sorrowful.

"Then why are you sad?" Shadowkit asked, wondering.

"Because Froststar is dead." Dapplefur murmured, not meeting their gaze. Their father, Shadeclaw, padded up to them.

"Come on kits, let's go see Dawnstar."

"Okay!" Applekit and Shadowkit scurried to their father.

"Dawnstar still has to choose a deputy." Rainfur heard Stonefur murmur to Goldenfeather.

"Yes." She replied thoughtfully. I wonder who she's going to choose! Rainfur felt excited.

"Rainfur!" Featherhawk bounded towards her.

"What?" Rainfur turned around, snapping out of her thoughts.

"Dawnstar wants you." her sister replied.

"Okay." Rainfur started towards Dawnstar's new den.

"Dawnstar? You wanted me?" Rainfur asked through the tunnel.

"Yes, come in." Her leader's voice rang from the inside. Rainfur stepped in slowly, coming to meet Dawnstar.

"Rainfur, I would've chosen you to be my deputy, but alas, I couldn't do that. You still haven't trained an apprentice." Dawnstar finally spoke.

"What? Why?" Rainfur was taken aback.

"You are a strong warrior, and would lead your Clan well," She sighed, then continued, "I would like you to mentor one of Dapplefur's kits as soon as they're ready."

"Thank you!" Rainfur couldn't help but give a little bounce of excitement, and dipped her head respectfully.

"Good, we should start preparing for the vigil." Dawnstar flicked her tail, dismissing Rainfur.


"Who do you think she'll choose?" Featherhawk asked Rainfur.

"I don't know, I guess we'll find out soon." Rainfur glanced at the sky, it was almost Moonhigh, and Dawnstar would have to choose a new deputy. I wonder.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Dawnstar assembled her Clan for the first time, looking a little nervous.

"It's time!" Featherhawk hurried to join the gathered Clan as Shadowkit and Applekit ran forward.

Rainfur heard Dapplefur sigh, but let her kits go. They shouldn't be out here, should they? Rainfur purred softly, knowing the truth, but didn't mind.

"I have to appoint a new deputy now, and I hope StarClan is watching." Dawnstar breathed in a deep breath, obviously focusing. Who is she going to choose? Rainfur scuffled the ground impatiently.

"I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve my choice." She paused, eyes glittering. "The new deputy of RainClan will be Dewpelt!" Dawnstar's eyes brightened as she spoke the last words.

"Dewpelt! Dewpelt!" The Clan sang the deputies name. He's a great warrior! Dawnstar made a great choice. Rainfur agreed inwardly, looking at Dawnstar, and she looked back, her eyes unblinking and her face expressionless.


"I can't wait to know Amberpaw's new name!" Willowheart exclaimed, looking up to see the half moon in the dark sky.

"Me too!" Rainfur agreed, nodding. Amberpaw, Cloudheart and Ashtail had left for the half moon meeting for medicine cats, and would soon be back.

"What do you think? Amberheart? Ooh, that's a good name. Or maybe Amberpelt! Hmm, maybe Amberflight." Willowheart chattered on as Rainfur stared at the camp entrance, waiting for the medicine cats to come back.

It felt like moons when Rainfur and the other cats finally saw Cloudheart and Ashtail, leading the way back to camp with Amberpaw behind her. They're back!

"We're here! And Amberpaw is now Amberfur!" Cloudheart announced as Ashtail nodded. Amberfur walked beside her fellow medicine cats, eyes shining, pleased. That's a great name! Rainfur blinked at her friend happily, glad she was finally a full medicine cat.

"Amberfur! Amberfur!" Willowheart yowled, affection showing in her eyes.

We have had hard times, but now we have a new leader, a new deputy, and a new medicine cat! Everything will be normal again.

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