Chapter 4

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"This is the Stream! Our most important land in our territory." Froststar nodded at the wide stretch of water that seemed to go on forever.

"Why is it so important?" Rainpaw tipped her head sideways, it didn't look sacred or anything, just a river full of fish.

"That's because StarClan gave us that land. Which means the land will always be ours!" Froststar replied with an triumphant mew.

"Wow," Rainpaw looked at the Stream again, it suddenly looked more shiny and important. She wanted to get back to camp and tell Willowkit what she learned today so much! I can't believe our territory is so big!

"Come on, let's go back," Froststar flicked her tail to motion Rainpaw to follow. She ran forward quickly, catching up just as they reached the camp. "Did you like the trip?" Froststar asked Rainpaw as they stopped.

"Yes! I loved our territory! It's so big!" The words spluttered out of Rainpaw before she could stop herself. That was... embarrassing. Rainpaw scuffled her claws at the ground.

"Can I go now? I want to tell everything to Willowkit!" Rainkit asked, looking at Froststar pleadingly.

"Okay, go on then, I see you two are good friends." Froststar's whiskers twitched, looking at Rainpaw.

"Yes! We are good friends!" Rainpaw meowed earnestly, then scurried away towards the nursery.

"Willowkit! Willowkit!" Rainpaw called, I hope she's in there, Rainpaw thought anxiously.

"Rainpaw!" A delighted squeal came from inside, a grey and white shape ran out in front of Rainpaw. It was Willowkit, Willowkit asked Rainpaw urgently, "what did you see?"

"The Stream, The Bird Tree, Fourtrees and the Great Rock, and The Leafbare Tree, and the... Oh, there's just so much!" Rainpaw blurted out everything.

"Wow, I wish I was with you." Willowkit eyes were glazed as if she was daydreaming.

"I ought to go now, I'm kinda hungry, you wanna come?" Rainpaw's belly rumbled, while Willowkit's eyes lit up.

"Yes please! I'm so hungry my belly thinks my throat is clawed out!" Willowkit sounded relieved.

Then she added, "Splashnose didn't let us leave the nursery in the morning unless an older cat takes you! So grumpy, she's just scared we'll cause trouble." Willowkit flicked her tail dismissively, looking as if she'd just filled her belly with her anger.

"Let's go then!" Rainpaw called, racing towards the fresh-kill pile.


"Come, Rainpaw, today, we are going to learn how to fish." Froststar beckoned Rainpaw with her tail by The Stream. They could see WindClan scurrying about with their patrols. I love this view so much. Rainpaw gave a huge yawn, and grunted.

"Okay," Rainpaw dipped her paw in the water, it's so, so cold today! Rainpaw was shivering, but she got used to the water and started to wade in the water.

"No, Rainpaw!" Froststar called her back just as Rainpaw was about to plunge in.

"What? I know how to swim already!" Rainpaw protested.

"But you don't know how to fish. If you do that, all the fish will run away," Froststar gave Rainpaw a stern glare, making Rainpaw flinch.

"Sorry Froststar," Rainpaw shrank under Froststar's glare. I hope I don't make Froststar angry too much.

"Now, just listen." Froststar softened her mew, allowing Rainpaw to feel confident.

"Okay," Rainpaw glanced at The Stream, she wanted to go in again, feel the water pull her fur, let the water take her and float on the water.

She stood at the water's edge as Froststar demonstrated, "like this," Froststar plunged her paw into the water and didn't move her paw until a fish came by. She clawed at it, digging her claws in and scooping it up, and finally giving it a killing bite.

"Wow, that was... quick!" Rainpaw looked at the fish, it was a carp, looking amazed at the catch. What a big fat carp! It could feed a nursing queen and their kits!

"It was nothing, you try it now." Froststar looked a little embarrassed, licking her chest fur a few times before replying.

"Okay!" Rainpaw bounded forward, put her paws into the water, and waited for a fish to come. What if they don't come? Rainpaw looked at Froststar nervously, Froststar nodded at her. She believes in me! New confidence flowed through Rainpaw, I'm going to be the best apprentice ever!

"Caught it!" Rainpaw flung the cod out of the water, giving it a killing bite on its neck, and placed it in front of her mentor.

"Wow, great job, apprentices usually don't get it on first try!" Froststar praised Rainpaw, then moved on to teach Rainpaw the hunting crouch and how to hunt.


Wow, a fat thrush is on that tree! Rainpaw looked at the bird pecking on the wood of the tree. I have to catch it!

Froststar was padding ahead, and didn't notice that Rainpaw was left behind, they had hunted a lot of prey and was heading back to camp.

Rainpaw gave a hard push, skimming through the grass like wind, she flattened her ears and made sure there weren't any leaves that would ruin her catch.

Suddenly, she jumped, leaping in the air, she snagged the thrush's feathers, she tore in down, and pounced on the bird hard, making sure it doesn't escape. It's working! I'm going to catch it! She bit hard into the thrush, and picked it up.

"Rainpaw! Rainpaw! Where are you?" Froststar's panicked call made Rainpaw run faster, the thrush was too fat for her to reply. "Rainpaw!"

"Here!" Rainpaw hurried forward, dropping her prey in front of Froststar and panted.

Froststar's eyes widened, she looked at the thrush, then back at Rainpaw. "Did you catch that?"

"Yes, I did," Rainpaw lowered her head as she replied, she didn't want Froststar to think she was ambitious.

"I don't believe it!" Froststar exclaimed, "your fourth day as an apprentice and you caught that?" She pointed at the thrush.

"You're even more special than I thought, Rainpaw." Froststar's eyes gleamed. What does she mean? I'm not anything near special!

"But, I'm not special!" Rainpaw protested.

"You are, Rainpaw, I can feel it, that's why I imade you my apprentice. You are special." Froststar told Rainpaw, her tail touching Rainpaw's shoulder. I'm special! Froststar said I am! But how?

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