Chapter 16

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Rainfur woke with a start, startled by the sound of Featherhawk. "Rainfur! Rainfur! Wake up!"

"Wh-wha-going on?" Rainfur's eyes blinked open, looking at her sister, the sun was blazing hot, warming Rainfur's fur. As if it wasn't hot enough. Rainfur grumbled.

"It's dawn already! Firefeather should be looking for us now!" Featherhawk replied, eyes widened.

"Oh! I forgot completely! We'd better go out now!" Rainfur jumped onto her paws immediately, surprised at how much she overslept. I must have been so tired! Rainfur was flustered, sat up,and started cleaning.

"I'll wait for you," Featherhawk, who was cleaned up already, curled her tail over her paws, and sat down.

"Thanks sister, I'm going to look the best I can!" Rainfur nuzzled her sister gently. She groomed herself till she thought she couldn't be more clean. There! I think I'm good now.

"Let's go and see what Firefeather has for us!" Rainfur nudged Featherhawk.

"Okay," Featherhawk scrambled to her paws, and followed Rainfur outside.

"Firefeather!" Rainfur sped up as soon as she saw the deputy. I hope I didn't miss anything!

"Rainfur! Featherhawk! Great! I was just about to organize the patrols." Firefeather called out to them.

"Okay!" Featherhawk replied, nodding. Good thing I didn't miss anything! Rainfur sighed, relieved that she wasn't in trouble as a warrior for the first day.

"Moonshadow, Shadeclaw, Leafshade, let's see, Bramblepaw! You'll go to patrol the ShadowClan border!" Firefeather called the cats who were named. What patrol am I going on? Rainfur was impatiently clawing at the ground, unlike her sister, who was chilling off, and patiently waiting for the deputy.

"Shadeclaw! You will lead the patrol." Firefeather finished.

"Of course." Shadeclaw dipped his head and collected his patrol and headed off.

Firefeather paused, thinking for a long time. "Cloudheart, Ashtail, and Amberpaw? Do you need anything?"

"Amberpaw, go see what we need!" Cloudheart whispered to the apprentices. Amberpaw dipped her head and slid into the den.

After a while, Amberpaw came out again, and reported, "we need catmint, poppy seeds, dock, tansy, borage if you can find them." Then she paused, wow! So much is missing! Rainfur was amazed and confused at how there were so few supplies at the same time, but showed no notice.

"We might also need marigold, but if you can't find that, try to find goldenrod." Cloudheart added hastily.

Firefeather nodded slightly, "okay, so Rainfur and Featherhawk, I would like you two to go with..." She trailed off. Oh StarClan, tell me we're not herb gathering! But I'm a warrior, so maybe it's just backup, also, I hope Amberpaw comes! "Which of you is free?"

"Amberpaw, do you think you can find the herbs with Rainfur and Featherhawk? Or do you need Ashtail?" Cloudheart asked the apprentice.

Her eyes opened wide, but was calm, "I think I can do it," yes! I'm at least with Amberpaw!

"Good, then Rainfur and Featherhawk, you two go with them to find the herbs they need please." Firefeather spoke, and Rainfur quickly followed Amberpaw.

"Where are we going?" Featherhawk asked, I hope not far! Rainfur was still a little tired from the vigil, although she slept for a long time.

"Oh, for catmint, we need to go to the Twolegplace, but the others will be near camp." Amberpaw replied, not looking back.

"How's it like to be a medicine cat apprentice?" Rainfur asked suddenly, I wish I knew!

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