Chapter 11

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"Come on Willowpaw, let's go sit vigil." Rainpaw coaxed Willowpaw who was sitting still as rock, staring at her former mentor's body. Willowpaw looked blankly at her, but walked out to the heart of the camp. It's so painful for Willowpaw! Rainpaw sighed, hoping she could have taken the pain away from her friend.

"We have lost a warrior today," Froststar for once sounded sorrowful, her head drooped, and her tail drooped along with it.

"She was a fine warrior, she fought for her Clan to get The Stream back, we will not lose The Stream after her death now! We will not give up! Fernshadow will be missed, but life still goes on!" Froststar suddenly looked more energetic. The Clan was more happy, too. Yes! We will protect our Stream! RiverClan won't beat us!

Froststar looked expectantly at Firefeather, who was next to speak. "She was... she was a great warrior, and she always brought back prey for the Clan." Firefeather lowered her gaze sadly, shaking her head.

"She helped out a lot in battle and saved my life once." Goldenfeather dipped her head at the dead body, "she was a good friend."

"She was such a good cat, so kind, and just... so loyal." Stormwing choked out finally after pausing for a long time. Splashnose's tail rested on her mate's shoulder, comforting him.

The cats gathered around the dead warrior spoke one by one.

"She was a great mentor," Willowpaw murmured, sorrow filled her gaze.

Rainpaw struggled to find words, what can I say? "She-she taught us battle moves," Rainpaw finally spoke. She suddenly remembered the moves she had learnt with her. I miss those days, Rainpaw's heart suddenly ached.

The Clan sat vigil for Fernshadow the whole night, and no one spoke, silence rose through the clearing. Rainpaw watched the sun rise above her, finally morning. She thought.

Finally, dawn came, the cats yawned, stretching because of the stiffness of the night. It was cold yesterday, and every cat who sat vigil was stiff, tired.

"Rainpaw, you may go rest, you've sat vigil, and you must be tired." Froststar told Rainpaw with sleepy eyes, though her voice remained clear.

Rainpaw yawned, "thanks Froststar," She mumbled off into the warriors den.


"Willowpaw? Do you want to train with us for now? Froststar says she'll announce your new mentor later." Rainpaw prompted her friend.

"Okay," Willowpaw murmured, still mourning. She was much better now, but still not over with the grief.

Rainpaw nudged her onto her paws, and led the way to the hollow. It must be so hard for her, losing her mentor. She sighed.

"Okay Willowpaw, has your... your... former mentor taught you the belly rake yet?" Froststar searched for the words. Willowpaw just shook her head.

"Okay, Rainpaw, you can show Willowpaw the move first." Froststar told Rainpaw. Then turned to Willowpaw, "watch carefully now." Willowpaw nodded, her gaze fixed on Rainpaw.

"Okay!" Rainpaw bounded forward, crouching down, and narrowed her eyes at the spot where she imagined the warrior would be. Then leaped, her muscles tending as she twisted, and landed on four paws.

"Good, now Willowpaw, did you see how she twisted? In a swift movement." Froststar prompted.

"Yeah! That was awesome Rainpaw!" Willowpaw stared at Rainpaw in awe, all her grief forgotten. At least she's happy now. Rainpaw was rejoiced to see her friend so normal today, it had been days since she had been this happy.

"You try now, focus on an imaginary warrior, and try to do the move." Froststar paused, then asked, "or do you need Rainpaw to show you again?"

"No, I think I know how." Willowpaw crouched down, thinking hard for a moment, and made Rainpaw think she wouldn't leap, but suddenly, Willowpaw pounced forward. Her leap was good but she wasn't able to twist in time, and landed badly. "Oomph!"

"Well, can you see what you did wrong?" Froststar asked Willowpaw.

"I twisted too late." Willowpaw meowed through panting breaths.

"Great. Now try again, after you think you're ready." Froststar told Willowpaw.

They practiced all afternoon, until Bramblepaw came in.

"Hey! I've learned that move too! Look at meeeee!" Bramblepaw boasted, crouching down and leaped forward, his muscles were bunched together, and he twisted, it was perfect. Just that he forgot to land on four paws, and landed on his back.

"Ummm," Rainpaw and Willowpaw looked at Bramblepaw together, his fur was ruffled, sand in his pelt.

"Come on! I almost got it!" Bramblepaw complained, flicking a leaf off of his nose angrily.

"Well, you'd better master it before you brag!" Rainpaw purred, joking. He's quite good. For an apprentice younger than me. Rainpaw was impressed by his skill. He'll make a good warrior one day. And maybe even my mate! Rainpaw suddenly thought, no way, what am I thinking? I'm too young for this... Rainpaw was humiliated by this thought, how could she have thought that they would be mates. I'm such a fish-brain. Rainpaw shook her head to clear away her thoughts, and padded towards Froststar.

"How did we do?" Rainpaw asked, still in her thoughts.

"You two were perfect." Froststar touched her nose to Rainpaw's. "Also, I will announce Willowpaw's new mentor." Froststar's eyes glittered. She at least has someone in mind! Rainpaw was excited even though it wasn't for her.

"Go and rest, just wait for the ceremony. After that, you should go see the elders for ticks." Froststar told Rainpaw.

"Okay fine." Rainpaw yawned, feeling sleepy at the thought of elders ticks. Mouse bile, disgusting. Rainpaw suddenly wrinkled her nose at the thought of the stench of mouse bile and shuddered. Ugh, I could never get it off me for a lifetime! But didn't complain, and padded into the den to rest.


"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Froststar's yowl woke Rainpaw up. Willowpaw's new mentor! Rainpaw hurried outside, eager to see who was going to be appointed. Willowpaw was much better now, more happy.

"I wonder who's my mentor!" Willowpaw bounced excitedly around Rainpaw.

"Yeah, me too." Rainpaw agreed.

"It is time for me to announce Willowpaw's new mentor!" Froststar raked her gaze over all the cats, and fixed on Willowpaw. "Willowpaw, come." Willowpaw trembled slightly, and stepped forward. I'm so glad she's finally getting a new mentor! Rainpaw looked at Willowpaw warmly.

"Firefeather! You will be Willowpaw's mentor. You are a great deputy, and I hope you will give Willowpaw the strength." Froststar announced. The deputy! Rainpaw was looking at Willowpaw in surprise, but wasn't jealous at all, instead, she was proud. She's had so much pain over Fernshadow, I hope she'll be better now. Rainpaw purred happily.

"I will Froststar," Firefeather dipped her head solemnly.

"Good, then the meeting is over." Froststar jumped off of the Highrock, and padded back into her den.

"What? Rainpaw, how? This is unbelievable! How come I get the deputy? Wha...?" Willowpaw was shocked by the sudden change of mentors.

"It's okay, you're going to be just fine!" Rainpaw encouraged. She is going to be perfect!

"Thanks Rainpaw, but I don't think I can..." Willowpaw shook her head, confusion still wavering in her.

"Just try, I was overwhelmed when I had Froststar as my mentor too." Rainpaw assured her friend.

"Okay, I guess," Willowpaw was still unsure, but she had new confidence in her now. Her eyes gleamed happily, and she was much more energetic. We'll train together lots now! I'm so glad!

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