Chapter 23

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"... are going to have kits!" Amberfur's eyes gleamed with pride as she looked at her old friend.

"But... what about Applepaw!" Rainfur froze as she finally remembered she had the apprentice to train. And something else important, I can't have kits! I mean, I can, but it's not the way it's supposed to be!

"Rainfur? I thought you'd be pleased! You don't need to worry about Applepaw! Dawnstar will sort that out." Amberfur looked worried.

"Oh, I am pleased! Really!" Rainfur lied, the prophecy. She sighed. The old prophecy finally made sense to her now, she was told not to be distracted by one I will love. It was obvious now, it was Brambleheart. Now I would have kits and I couldn't be a deputy anymore. I'll have to give up on my kits until I become leader. I decided, a painful stab in my heart.

"Well, you certainly don't look like it." Amberfur looked at me strangely.

Rainfur forced out a purr, but the rumble stuck in her throat. Amberfur looked at her, worried and concerned.

"Well, you'd better get some rest! I'll tell Brambleheart!" Amberfur stopped, "and Applepaw." She ended.

"Thanks." Rainfur replied, not looking at Amberfur.

"Bye then! See you soon!" She turned and left Rainfur lying in the den.

"Bye." She gave a half-hearted goodbye and shifted. Oh StarClan, I wish I knew what to do!


"Rainfur! Come in!" Dawnstar called from inside, and Rainfur stepped into the den.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" She asked politely.

"It's about Applepaw." Dawnstar's eyes glowed, not giving anything away.

"What about her?" Rainfur asked curiously.

"She needs you as a mentor, and I want you as my deputy." Dawnstar sighed.

"But I didn't train an apprentice yet!" Rainfur exclaimed. As much as I want to, at least.

"That's exactly the point! If you train Applepaw, then I can make you deputy, which, of course, is what I want." Dawnstar continued.

"Oh, but I'm going to have kits!" Rainfur argued, although she was tired.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Dawnstar seemed tired.

"I know, I know I have to be deputy, I'll give up my kits and give it to Dapplefur, since she's expecting again as well." Rainfur finally meowed reluctantly.

"That's... if that's fine with you." Dawnstar hesitated.

"I guess it is. I'll do the best for my Clan." Rainfur nodded a little reluctantly.

"RainClan thanks your courage and loyalty, Rainfur." Dawnstar dipped her head at me. "I know you will serve your Clan well."

"I'll try, Dawnstar." Rainfur promised her leader.

"I know you will. Now you may leave." Dawnstar acknowledged her with a flick of her tail. Rainfur padded out of the den slowly, starting to run and find Brambleheart.


"Brambleheart, I need to tell you something." Rainfur's voice was sad when she called.

"What is it?" He poked his head out, confused.

"I–I have to give up our kits and give it to Dapplefur. I–I must be the deputy." Rainfur was embarrassed. He must think I'm ambitious. Brambleheart's eyes narrowed, then softened.

"Okay, I know you must have a reason, you would never be that ambitious, I know you. I understand, I will take care of them with Dapplefur." He nodded.

"Thank you. I'll visit the nursery everyday if I can." Rainfur promised. I just hope I have time to do that.

Bramblefur nuzzled Rainfur affectionately, they purred, relishing the scents of each other.

"I'll tell Dapplefur." Rainfur meowed.

"Okay." Brambleheart looked at her, "be careful, I still need you until our kits are born!" He joked, and Rainfur purred in amusement.

"You bet!" She headed off in the direction of the nursery. Her mind still filled with thoughts, she climbed into a nest.

"Hi! I heard you're having kits too!" Dapplefur welcomed me the moment Rainfur came in.

"Oh yeah." Rainfur nodded.

"That's wonderful news! Are they Brambleheart's?" She asked.

"Yeah." Rainfur settled down, and Dapplefur looked pleased. "Oh and...I won't be caring for my kits, so will you take them for me?" Rainfur stumbled over the words.

"What?" Dapplefur's eyes narrowed in confusion.

"I have to be deputy. It's my destiny." Rainfur finally understood what her destiny was. To be a leader.

"Oh, in that case, of course I will! I hope you do well!" Dapplefur meowed cheerfully.

"Thanks." Rainfur murmured.

"Not a problem!"

Rainfur lay down, fatigue filling her. She sighed, feeling her chest's heaviness, she slept.


"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ouch! Help me! It hurts!" Rainfur wailed in despair, looking around to find Brambleheart, but he was nowhere to be found. Where is he when I'm like this! Rainfur thought, cursing.

"Rainfur! I got you a stick!" Brambleheart ran in and thrust me the branch, and Rainfur looked at him gratefully.

She was about to say thank you, until, "Hurts." She whimpered.

"Take deep breaths." Amberfur advised, and Rainfur concentrated. Deep breaths. She kept repeating to herself.

"That's right! A kit is coming!" Amberfur's excited mew almost got Rainfur out of control, but she held it.

Rainfur didn't know how long it took, but it didn't feel long until Amberfur called, "A she-kit!" Yes! Rainfur praised herself.

Brambleheart immediately started licking the kit, and asked, "What should we name it?"

"Moonkit." Rainfur answered without question. It was the first thing that popped up in her mind. So beautiful.

Rainfur gazed at their kit happily, but a spasm came again, she quickly picked up the stick and bit hard, this time, it was fast.

"Another one! A tom!" Cloudheart announced.

"What should we name this one?" Rainfur stroked the kit's long fur.

"Sunkit." Brambleheart breathed, and Rainfur nodded in agreement. They purred happily and buried their muzzles into each other's.

"I love you, Rainfur." Brambleheart confessed.

"What do you think, mouse brain? Of course you love me! Or we wouldn't have these wonderful kits!" Rainfur joked, and Brambleheart purred. "I love you too." She then nuzzled Brambleheart affectionately.

"What did you name them?" Amberfur padded up to them.

"Moonkit and Sunkit." Rainfur answered quickly, licking the two's messy fur. They're just perfect. She thought.

"They're so cute!" Amberfur grinned, "may I?" She gestured to lick them, and Rainfur nodded.

"Of course."

Amberfur picked the kits carefully up, and started cleaning them up, as Rainfur watched, she felt more dedication to the Clan, more hope, more courage. I will lead the Clan in the hardest days, and I will be the best deputy I can be. I vowed a silent prayer to StarClan.

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