Chapter 18

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"Rainfur?" Willowheart nudged Rainfur, who was staring at a Twoleg chasing a dog in Twolegplace. What are they doing? Rainfur was always confused at how Twolegs behave.

"Yes?" Rainfur didn't look back, still stuck in her thoughts.

"I... I would like to see Firefeather, I want to know how she's doing." Willowheart's mew was sorrowful. Of course! Rainfur turned around immediately.

"I'll come too, I want to see how she's doing too." Rainfur promised. She must miss Firefeather.

"Thanks, let's go then." Willowheart sounded relieved, leading the way into the elders den.

"Firefeather?" Rainfur called into the den.

"Willowheart and Rainfur!" Firefeather poked out of the den, she looked older, more like an elder, but very energetic. She looks well. Rainfur was happy that the former deputy seemed to enjoy being an elder.

"Firefeather! I missed you!" Willowheart ran inside of the den, nuzzling her former mentor. Rainfur watched, not knowing what to say or do, but seeing the two cats reunite made Rainfur think. I should really go visit my mother and father. Rainfur sighed, feeling old in her bones. It felt like ages when she was a apprentice, and it had been a long time when Lightnose and Streamfur had spoke with Rainfur. I miss them too.

Willowheart and Firefeather shared tongues for a moment, then Willowheart stepped back. "We should go now, Dawnheart would be organizing patrol now."

Firefeather nodded, sadness glistening in her gaze. She must be thinking how she had once been a deputy. Rainfur looked sympathetically at the Firefeather, speechless. "I understand." Firefeather finally replied.

"I'll get you some prey next time!" Willowheart promised as they left the den.

"You know?" Rainfur suddenly broke the silence, asking no one in particular. Willowheart stopped, turning to stare at her in confusion.

"What?" Willowheart asked.

"I ought to go see Lightnose and Streamfur." Rainfur replied, eyes glazed. They must miss me, too. I'll get Featherhawk with me, and we'll go.

"Oh," Willowheart didn't seem surprised, "of course."

"Should I go now?" Rainfur's eyes finally focused on her friend. I don't think so, Dawnheart would be organizing patrols.

"If you want, but I suggest no, we need to go on patrol soon." Willowheart shrugged.

"True." Rainfur agreed. "I'll go after some patrols."

"Good idea." Willowheart nodded, padding towards Dawnheart. Later, I will go. But I have to focus on my Clan first. Rainfur was determined to become the best warrior possible.

"Rainfur! Willowheart! There you are! I was waiting for you to come." Dawnheart's voice sounded near them, the ginger she-cat looked flustered. It must be hard being deputy. Rainfur was glad she wasn't. But will I be?

You will be the greatest, you will love a cat who you will need to ignore until you are. Don't let him disturb you!

The prophecy suddenly rang in her ears, repeating over and over again in Rainfur's mind. She shivered, feeling overwhelmed all over again like the day Cloudheart told her the prophecy.

"... and Rainfur! Rainfur you can lead the patrol to the RiverClan border." Dawnheart finished. What? Rainfur was suddenly felt dizzy, turning to look at Dawnheart, confused.

"You will lead the patrol to the RiverClan border with Lightnose, Goldenfeather, Nightfall and Dapplefur." Dawnheart repeated slowly but patiently. I didn't even hear any of that! Rainfur was surprised, and I'm leading it!

"Okay," Rainfur dipped her head, trying to concentrate without the prophecy disturbing her.

"Good," Dawnheart padded off.

"Come on, let's go." Rainfur called her patrol. Lightnose is with me!

"Here!" Lightnose called, stopping beside her daughter.

"Here." Goldenfeather stood beside Rainfur.

"I'm here!" Nightfall joined them.

"All good." Dapplefur scuffed the ground.

"Okay, let's go then." Rainfur was a little nervous. RiverClan it is! Rainfur padded slowly, checking behind her.

"Rainfur," Her mother's mew made Rainfur turn around.

"Yes?" Rainfur asked softly so no one would hear.

"You will be a great warrior Rainfur." Lightnose replied, focusing on not Rainfur, but nothing, her eyes were glazed, looking at nothing in particular. Did Cloudheart tell her the prophecy too? Rainfur froze suddenly, stopping as the warriors following her bumped into each other.

"What's happening? Why have we stopped?" Nightfall called at Rainfur, who was frozen in place.

"Oh-uh-nothing, let's keep going, I-uh was just smelling the air-uh for scents." Rainfur was snapped out of her thoughts right that moment. Lightnose looked at her, worried. She seems like she knows nothing, thank StarClan! Rainfur sprinted forward, stopping at the border of RiverClan.

"Don't you pesky RainClan cats even dare set paw into our territory!" A RiverClan patrol stopped as they saw Rainfur and the others. Riverflow, the deputy's eyes narrowed, Sleekfur's pelt bushed up, bristling as he yowled. We didn't! Rainfur wanted to claw his fur off for being so rude, but kept herself from starting a fight. Calm down. Rainfur told herself, breathing through rapid breaths.

Rainfur could see her patrol bristling with rage, sliding out their claws. Lightnose was staring angrily at the RiverClan cats, eyes widening.

"We didn't cross your border." Rainfur pointed out after she had calmed herself.

"Just stay where you are." Reedfur muttered, her eyes gleaming.

"Amd don't you dare cross The Stream! It's ours though we didn't win it last time!" Riverflow yowled. Oh really? I thought you called the retreat? Rainfur almost purred in amusement.

"It's ours." Rainfur's eyes narrowed.

"It isn't yours and won't be yours ever!" Rocksplash flicked his tail angrily swooping it on the smooth rocks. I don't think so. Rainfur dug her claws hard into the muddy ground.

"Sleekfur! Go back to the RiverClan camp to get more warriors! Now! We are going to get The Stream back!" Riverflow ordered, crouching down into battle stances. If you're going to fight, we are!

"Dapplefur! Go to RainClan and get help quick! Be as fast as you can!" Rainfur yowled to Dapplefur, and ran forwards to face the RiverClan deputy once more. I'm going to claw of your confident face!

The deputy looked a little nervous, remembering the time Rainfur and Willowheart had defeated him, but he braced himself for Rainfur's attack.

"RainClan attack!" Rainfur yowled, charging forwards.

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