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Flowerpetal's Farewell

Chapter 1

Flowerpetal looked back at the ShadowClan camp. The Clan that I was born in... The Clan that I lived in.. The Clan that left me alone and taught me what darkness is...

"Farewell, ShadowClan." She whispered, and cast one last glance to the camp with a mixture of emotion and went into the forest.


Flowerpetal swiftly hid into a bush when she was travelling through ThunderClan.

"Did you hear a weird noise?" A golden tabby asked.

The other cat, which has brown spots all over her, sniffed the air and mewed. "I don't smell anything, but the taste of forest."

Ha! Stupid ThunderClan cats, I had already rolled myself into a pool of mud. Now I just need these furballs to leave.

"Hmm..." the smallest one among them, who looked like an apprentice mewed. "Maybe the intruder did some disguise? Like rolling themselves in mud before coming?"

Ahem... Maybe they aren't that stupid. But one thing that will never change is their ability to annoy cats. Is it that hard to think that I am a bird or a skunk? And they chat about stuff which sounds like nonsense. Why can't they leave and catch some prey instead? That will save them so much time! No wonder they're so skinny!

She scowled inside her, but she still waited patiently for them to leave.

"Let's not waste time discussing this, we need to hunt!" The golden tabby meowed.

Finally someone who's smart! Flowerpetal scoffed.

"You are the one who started this!" The brown spotted she-cat glared at him.

The golden tom licked his chest fur embarrassedly and left the place where Flowerpetal was hiding. The other cats followed him and the forest was silent again.

Good thing ShadowClan's territory and RainClan's territory are near... I just need to pass a tiny part of ThunderClan territory to get to RainClan.

Flowerpetal scurried to the next bush that was beside her, she was slowly getting closer to RainClan, what would I do to make RainClan trust me? Or make Froststar let me stay?

Flowerpetal shook the thought away, I just need to concentrate right now, think about it later. Scrambling up a tree, she searched for the RainClan camp. There! She spotted a small fern tunnel that led to the RainClan camp, and looked around for cats that might be patrolling. No cat in sight. I'll just go quickly. She decided to take a run for it.

The fern tunnel was only a few steps away, but Flowerpetal stopped. What will I do? RainClan will think I'm an intruder! I have to act normal and say I come in peace. RainClan is quite hard to get trust from. She took a deep breath, and headed in, hoping a nicer cat would find her first, like maybe Cloudheart, their medicine cat.

"I smell ShadowClan." A cat hissed. Flowerpetal stiffened, they were definitely smarter than ThunderClan, at least in scenting. I'll just go myself so they don't think I'm hiding.

"It's me, Flowerpetal! I come in peace, I don't want to fight or anything.'' She stammered, and stepped out.

"Flowerpetal." Firefeather growled. "Why are you here?" She asked coldy. Flowerpetal started to get panic-risen as more and more RainClan cats surrounded her, some with curiosity, and some with hatred.

"What's going on?" Even Froststar had to come out of her den. What do I do now? Do I just tell them? I guess it's the only choice. Flowerpetal sighed.

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