Monitor | Jihoon

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- Monitor | Jihoon + Park Jihoon the innocent looking class monitor is not what you think he is, y/n gets on the other side of Jihoon that no one has seen. ( special appearance by Kim Junkyu )

"I'm going to volunteer to be the class monitor this year." I said seriously as I walked into the school gate.

"Isn't Park Jihoon going to be the class monitor again this year?" Junkyu said.

"Not this year, you better vote for me." I starred at Junkyu who had second thoughts.

"I think Ji-"

"I'll treat you to lunch later."

"It's a deal." Junkyu changed his mind immediately.

Once I stepped into the classroom, I was face-to-faced with my one and only enemy PARK JIHOON.

"Good morning y/n." Jihoon smiled.

I starred hard at him for a while and greeted him back. I immediately went to my seat and starred at him longer.

"You're that competitive?" Junkyu sighed.

"I need to analyze his every move." I said.

"Just look at him greeting everyone, he's probably doing that to get the votes from the others later." My hands formed into fists.

"woaaaa, you're not going to start a fight aren't you?" Junkyu calmly loosened my grip.

Our class teacher walked in and started to ask for volunteers for the class monitor role, Jihoon and I immediately stood up from our seats.

"Surprisingly, we have 2 volunteers this year. The voting shall start now!" Our teacher said as she wrote our names onto the board.

"Please vote for Park Jihoon or y/n right now." She said as she counted the votes. After a while of counting, she had a surprised expression on her face. I starred at Jihoon and he smiled, who knows what is under that smile.

"It looks like it's a tie." Our teacher announced.

"So how are we going to select the class monitor?" Junkyu asked.

"I'll give marks to the student who does a better job in managing the class. The student who gets higher marks will be the class monitor." Our teacher said as she left our classroom.

"Y/n, you need to do a good job." Junkyu said as he starred at me. My competitive side came out once again, I will not loose to Park Jihoon.

It was finally lunch time.

"y/n, can you wait for a while in class before you go for lunch. I want to inform you something." Jihoon said as he approached me.

"okay?" I agreed and waited till all the students went out for recess, even Junkyu. He didn't even wait for me, did he forget that I was suppose to treat him to lunch? I guess my money isn't going to waste today.

"So what did you want to inform me." I said, loudly enough for Jihoon to hear.

Jihoon came closer to me and I inched back a little by little because he came too close.

"Watch out." Jihoon said as he pulled me by my hand. I didn't realise I was inching back to much that I was going to bump into the table behind me.

I shook my hand out of his grip and he looked at me. He didn't say anything.

"Are you doing this to get my attention?" Jihoon's tone suddenly changed as he took of his glasses and loosened his tie.

I felt anxious what was happening? This is not the Park Jihoon I know, he's completely changed into a different Park Jihoon.

"Ah sorry, the Jihoon you see in school is no where near the real me. It's hard acting like a good student." Jihoon said as he tilted his head. This Jihoon was making me feel intimidated, I feel like a kitten in the corner of the room with a tiger starring at me. Where's Junkyu to save me?

"by the way, I'll win no matter what." Jihoon smiled. He soon tightened back his tie and put his glasses back on.

"Let's head for recess aren't you hungry?" Jihoon smiled in that same smile I've seen all this time.

I shook my head and followed him to the cafeteria.

"What took you so longggggg?" Junkyu whined as he handed me my lunch.

My hands were trembling because of what I just witnessed.

"y/n, are you cold?" Junkyu asked as he realised I was trembling.

"n-no it's nothing." I said and munched on the sandwich.

I looked at Jihoon again and he gave me a smirk. I gulped and ate my sandwich hurriedly.


"y/n, aren't you nervous for the results?" Junkyu asked as we entered class.

"I hope I don't have more marks." I said avoiding Jihoon who was sitting a few seats away.

"what happened to your spirits of crushing Jihoon? What happened that day between you and Jihoon? or did you finally accept the fact that Jihoon is suppose to be class monitor?" Junkyu blabbered on and on but I didn't response to him because I was nervous of the marks.

"Good morning everyone, I have the results in my hand." Our class teacher said with a big smile and read out the marks.

"As expected Park Jihoon won, he will be our class monitor once again."

Everyone cheered and I was relieved, if I had won what would happen to me? Jihoon murdering me? NO NO NO

"I have one more good news! Y/n since you volunteered and we don't have an assistant monitor you will automatically be the assistant monitor. I hope you and Park Jihoon will work hard together this year for the success of our class!" She said.

"Teacher, I have a request. Can y/n change her seat and sit beside me? So that it's easier to communicate with each other and settle things for our class." Jihoon said as he smirked at me.

"sure why not? y/n, do sit beside him." She pointed as she headed out.

"My seat buddy is going away, have a good time with a new seat buddy." Junkyu waved. It's not like I'm changing classes but sitting beside Jihoon could feel like I changed classes.

I didn't want to get up so Jihoon came to me instead. He picked up my bag and took it with him.

"I'll carry your bag for you." Jihoon smiled as he went to his seat.

"waaaaahhhh, so romantic." Junkyu squealed at the side. I smiled awkwardly, I have no choice but to brace for it.

I took my books and stationery under the desk and headed to the seat beside him.

"y/n." Jihoon said softly, I turned to him.

He pulled my chair close to him and whispered.

"Like I said I'll win no matter what and now you'll always be by my side." He smirked.

Author's note :


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