Bookshelf | Mashiho

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- Bookshelf | Mashiho + Y/n can't reach the book because it's too high in the bookshelf, nah this is not a kdrama there's no main lead who's coming to help you from behind and reach for the book instead let's see what Takata Mashiho does.

Mid-terms started and I've been feeling quite stress these days. The only way I release my stress is by reading some interesting story books at the public library. It's quite and I can have my own time there, plus I can even enjoy the aircond.

On a hot summer day like this, it's quite useful to head to the library. I got a hold of my laptop and put it into my totebag while putting on my airpods. Time to visit the library, hopefully there's not many people there.

I took the bus and enjoyed the city view. It felt so nice seeing the scenery even from the bus window, nothing's better than some alone time. After a while, I reached the stop and came off the bus.

I walked into the library and found a spot to sit. It was a table for two, it was the only vacant spot that was at the end of the library. I put my totebag on the seat and walked around the library to look for a book to fill up my time before I start doing assignments.

I walked to the first bookshelf and saw some interesting story books. I smiled at the new books that were added on the bookshelf, since I frequently visit the library, I kind of remember what books were here.

I reached out for the book.

"ah, sorry" He said as he left.

I starred at the guy that reached out for the book too. He apologised and left.

"What was that?" I thought and choose the book.

I went back to my seat and started reading the book. It was quite thick so I needed some time to read it. I starred at my watch, it was almost time for lunch. I sighed, I wanted to finish this book first before I head to the cafeteria....

What if I just leave my things here and head to the cafeteria. No one would steal my spot or even my belongings right? I starred around to find someone who came alone but for some reason everyone in the library either came with a friend or a group. I sighed.

"Is this spot empty?"

Someone asked. I lifted my head and it was the guy from earlier.

"No?" I tilted my head.

"Then can I have a sit? I need to plug in my laptop since it's running out of battery and there's a -"

"yea you're welcome to sit here." I answered immediately.

"ooh, thanks." He smiled happily as he took a seat.

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked him.

"um sure?" He answered.

"I'm going to head to the cafeteria for a while, could you take care of my belongings for a while?" I stood up from my seat.

"Yea sure."


I rushed off to the cafeteria to grab some snacks. We are allowed to eat in the library but make sure that there's no garbage left behind and make sure everything is in good condition for example make sure the tables, chairs, books, magazines and etc are all sparkly clean.

"I should get some snacks for him too since he's helping me." I said as I paid for the snacks.

I rushed back to my seat. The cafeteria was not near, I think I just did a whole marathon (exaggerating is y/n's speciality hahaha )

"I got some snacks for you to repay your kindness." I handed them to him.

He's eyes became bigger and he seemed shocked.

"I don't deserve it but thank you." He said.

"btw what's your name?" I asked. I poked the straw into my drink as I sipped on it while waiting for his answer.

"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Takata Mashiho." He said with a wide smile as he held his hand out for a hand shake.

I looked at him and refused a handshake because my hands were sweaty.

"I'm y/n and nice to meet you." I smiled and sipped on the drink.

"So you're studying here in Korea?" I asked as he was Japanese for sure, you can tell by his name.

"yea, I've got my mid-terms now." He scratched his head as he typed on his laptop.

"Me too and I shouldn't disturb you." I made the 'zip my mouth' gesture and faced away from him.

He smiled and munched on the pastry that I got for him.

After a while, I felt the awkwardness as we didn't talk at all after that since he looked really immersed in his work on the laptop. I finished reading my book and headed back to the bookshelf to put the book back.

I walked to the next bookshelf to look for another book that I could perhaps borrow, since it was time for me to head home after half a day here. I looked at the top shelf and there were many books that seemed interesting. I stretched my hand out for the book but I couldn't reach it.

I looked around for the stool to stand on but I couldn't find it. I'm not going to give up on that book. I stretched further and jumped a little but nah I still couldn't reach it. After jumping for a while, I felt someone behind me.

"You should be careful." Mashiho said as he held onto my shoulders.

I looked back at him and he let go.

"I can't reach the book can you help me?" I pointed.

"I'll try." Mashiho said and he reached out.

I laughed a little as he was also short as me, we both couldn't reach for the book. A second ago I thought it would be like those kdramas scenes but nah, life's not a kdrama.

"Well you can't reach it either." I laughed softly.

"Shuuush, curse my height." Mashiho looked annoyed.

"Hold up, I know what to do."

Mashiho kicked the bookshelf lightly and the book fell out. We both laughed together as he took the book up from the floor.

"Here's your book." Mashiho handed to me.

"What's going on here?" The librarian asked us as he stood in front of the bookshelf.

"Nothing. I just helped her to get her book." Mashiho smiled and the librarian nodded and headed back to his seat.

Mashiho showed the 'be quiet' gesture and we headed back to our seats.

Author's note :

I ain't going to make it like kdramas, i made it a little different hah.

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