Bicycle | Junkyu

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- Bicycle | Junkyu + getting hit by your dream girl? is that actually something bizarre that someone wants to happen in real life? well yes for Kim Junkyu that is possible. (special appearance Park Jihoon)

What a great day to cycle around the neighbourhood. I lived in was small neighbourhood and I've been cycling around here since I was little. It was really calm today and there were not much traffic so it's really suitable for cycling today.

I'm going to drop by the convenience store later on just to meet Jihoon because he's working there as a part-timer. Also I'm going there to get some free food from Jihoon hehe.

"You're dropping by today?" Jihoon asked through the other line.

"Yup, make sure you have gimbap and banana milk ready for me!" I said excitedly.

"Alright, maam!." Jihoon laughed.

The air seemed fresh today, maybe because there was not much traffic today. I waved at my neighbours who were jogging and playing outside their house, it felt really nice till I came across this one tall guy who was crossing the road in front of the convenience store.

I rang my bicycle bell several times, I even screamed at the top of my lungs to make him aware of me but he was wearing earphones. I pressed onto my brakes super hard but it wasn't working, out of all times why is it not working now? Damn what volume is he listening at? When he realised it was too late, I crashed into him.

Luckily I wasn't injured that bad but instead the guy I crashed into laid there on the ground. Did he faint? I starred at him, I wonder is he alive? I inched closer and put my finger under his nose, luckily there was breathing.

"OMG y/n are you okay?" Jihoon rushed over with bandages.

"Yea I'm okay but what about him?" I asked as I starred at the guy on the ground.

"IS HE D-" Jihoon started to tremble.

"HE'S NOT, HE'S NOT. I think he just fainted." I said reassuringly.

"Let's drag him into the convenience store and wait till he wakes up." I pulled both of his hands.

"He's heavy." I sighed and looked at Jihoon.

"Let's put these muscles to use." Jihoon said and carried the guy on his back.

We headed into the convenience store's storage room and left him on the sofa.

"Y/n, you take care of him while I work." Jihoon exited the storage room.

I starred at the guy. I haven't seen him before is he new to this neighbourhood? I suddenly felt a tiny bit of pain on my elbow and realised that there was a small scratch. I took the bandages Jihoon gave just now and put it on. I wonder if he got hurt? I lifted his arms and checked if there was any scratches.

I starred at his face for a while and realised he had a cut at his forehead, I lifted up his bangs and put the bandage on.

"Sorry" I said as I laid my head beside him so that I could get some rest.

After a while I started to hear some movements.

"Am I in the hospital?" The guy said as he slightly opened his eyes.

"JIHOON HE'S UP" I shouted and Jihoon rushed in.

"Is that the doctor?" The guy asked as he stood up from the sofa.

"You're in a convenience store" Jihoon said as he looked at the guy.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Are you the one who hit me with your bicycle?" He asked.

"yea she hit you, it wasn't me. If you want to sue anyone you should sue her not me." Jihoon pointed at me. What betrayal.

"I always wanted to meet my dream girl by getting hit by a bicycle." The guy laughed.

I and Jihoon exchanged glances.

"I don't think he's sane." I said, looking horrified.

"I'm totally sane. That is my dream of meeting my dream girl and looks like you're the one." The guy laughed again and got knocked out.

"WHY DID YOU HIT HIM WITH A GIMBAP?!?!." I shouted at Jihoon who held a gimbap in his hands.

"I thought that's what we were going for when you said he wasn't sane." Jihoon scratched his head.

"Let's wait for him to wake up, AGAIN." I sighed and starred at him, is this guy crazy or is that what he actually wants getting hit by a bicycle to meet his dream girl, what nonsense.

After a few minutes, the guy opened his eyes and held my hands.

"My dream girl, it's really you I thought it was an actual dream." He laughed again.

"JIHOON, GIMBAP." I shouted and Jihoon came in as fast as lightning with a huge gimbap ready to knock him out again.

"Don't hit me with that, it hurts." The guy held his face.

"He's sane." Jihoon clarified.

"so what's your name?" I asked.

"Kim Junkyu." He answered and smiled brightly at me.

"so you really think she's your dream girl?" Jihoon joked.

"It's like destiny she came to me." Junkyu got red.

"so are you going to sue her or not?" Jihoon asked.

"Of course not, why would I sue my dream girl?" Junkyu smiled and held my hands.

I stood there frozen.

"I think we need to take care of him till he gets sane." I shrugged and smiled back at him.

Jihoon nodded his head in agreement.

Little did Jihoon and y/n know, Junkyu is 100% sane and really wants to meet his dream girl by getting hit with a bicycle.

Author's note :

Thank you to Park Jihoon for his special appearance >.<

This imagine does not make much sense at all right? HAHAHAH but actually I got inspired by Taemin when he said the ideal way he wants to meet a girl is by getting run over by her car and she comes and check on him, I can't with Taemin HAHAHAHHA. Taemin's brain works differently. 

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