Banana Milk | Hyunsuk

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- Banana Milk | Hyunsuk + What happens when y/n and Choi Hyunsuk share a banana milk together? (special appearance by Park Jihoon)

I'm heading straight to the cafeteria once the bell rings for recess. I constantly peeked at my watch, waiting for the clock to strike 10:00am which means it's recess time. I even kept an eye on the clock on the wall in my class, I was way more focused than I am in classes lmao. Once the clock struck 10:00am I immediately stood up from my seat.

"Teacher, it's recess time." I said and was ready to head out.

"Hold up y/n, I'll let everyone go after we discuss this one last question."

I sat back down and looked out of my classroom door anxiously. My chances of getting banana milk is slowly decreasing as I saw many students heading to the cafeteria. Banana milk is one of the hottest drinks in school and everyone literally EVERYONE would fight for it, including me and this one guy in my class, CHOI HYUNSUK. I looked behind me and starred at him, he was also anxious to head to the cafeteria.

"You may go to recess now." My teacher said and I rushed out immediately.

I hope I'm not too late. Once I reached the cafeteria, the beverage line was quite long, hopefully they have lots of stock today. The teachers should know by now that the students in this school love banana milk a lot. I sighed as I saw Choi Hyunsuk in the line, he was directly in front of me.

He had a little smirk on his face. I shrugged it off and waited for a while till I was near. Hyunsuk got his banana milk and left. I took my money out from my purse and handed it to the cafeteria worker.

"One banana milk please." I said.

"Sorry but that was the last banana milk." The worker said as he pointed at Hyunsuk who walked away.

"WHAT?" I gasped.

"CHOI HYUNSUK!" I shouted and he stopped.

"Let's share the banana milk, I'll pay for half of it." I said as I held the money out.

"Share? You'll pay half? DEAL!" Hyunsuk said as he took the money from my hand.

"I'll get a straw."

"I'll find a place to sit first." He said as he headed to one of the tables.

I headed to the beverage area and took a straw, before heading back to Hyunsuk I stopped to buy at least some sandwiches for myself and probably one or two for him too since I didn't see him getting any food.

"y/n, I'm here." Hyunsuk waved as I walked to him with my hands full of sandwiches.

"You're eating that much?" Hyunsuk asked as he saw 4 sandwiches in my hands.

"2 is for you." I handed him the sandwiches.

"I didn't know you were this nice or is it because of the banana milk?" Hyunsuk glared as he unwrapped the sandwich.

"50/50." I answered as I munched on the sandwich.

I poked my straw into the banana milk and drank a little. Hyunsuk poked in his straw too after I drank a little.

"Y/n can't you drink your half a little faster?" Hyunsuk sighed.

"We have to eat elegantly." I said just to annoy him.

"Are you two dating?" Park Jihoon, the prankster of our class passed by and giggled.

I choked on my sandwich, why would he think that???

"No, we aren't." Hyunsuk explained to Jihoon.

"it's so obvious, you guys sitting together, sharing one banana milk and eating together~" Jihoon smiled sneakily.

"We really aren't" Hyunsuk lead Jihoon away from us.

Me and Hyunsuk no wayyyyyyy. I starred at those two bickering and finally Jihoon left. Hyunsuk looked a bit flustered as he ran his hands through his hair. I mean he wasn't that bad looking but nah he's totally far away from my type.... I laughed awkwardly.

"I'm sorry about that, Park Jihoon can be a bit of- you know what I mean." Hyunsuk smiled awkwardly and munched on his sandwich.

"Us a couple? That's totally-"

I stopped at my sentence and immediately reached out for the banana milk when Hyunsuk started to choke on his sandwich. Coincidentally, Hyunsuk reached for the banana milk too and our hands touched. I let go immediately and he drank the banana milk. I looked to the other side as he relieved his choking.

"I'm sorry y/n, I finished all the banana milk." Hyunsuk scratched his head as he put the bottle down.

"It's okay." I said softly and stood up.

"I'll head back to class first, see you later." I said and left.


I suddenly felt a bit anxious to meet Hyunsuk. I don't think he realised what happened yesterday as he was a bit panicked to reach out for the banana milk and it occurred so fast. I peeked through the window of my classroom and there was no sight of Hyunsuk. I headed to my seat immediately and put my books under the desk. I looked under my desk and saw something familiar.

"Banana milk?" I took it out from my desk.

A note that was stuck on the banana milk bottle wrote' sorry about yesterday, here's the apology. - Choi Hyunsuk'. I smiled as I read the note. I decided to poke the straw into it and drank it immediately.

I left a note under Hyunsuk's desk that said 'Thanks for the apology! and do you want to eat lunch together again? >.< - Y/n'

Author's note :

Lmao I think this was kinda cute, also thank you to Park Jihoon for his special appearance >.<

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