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Thank you so much for reading this book 'TREASURE IMAGINES'! I'll come back with an even better book in the future! I hope everyone felt what I was trying to convey in my chapters. Might make a new imagine book hahaha but we'll see. I thought making short stories were easy but nah your ideas just keep pouring in and it becomes longer than I expected.

Again I'm so thankful for each and everyone of my readers who spent their time reading my book, commenting and etc. I'll try hard to answer to your comments too and if anyone wants to ask questions about the characters, you can! Just comment anywhere and I'll answer! I'll work hard to be one of your favourite author-nim ! 

Only a short outro because author-nim doesn't know what to say anymore :((( no words can describe how thankful i am to everyone here.

Have a good day everyone and stay healthy! Your health comes first okies <3 

You are welcome to share anything if you want to okies! I'm more than welcome to hear your rants or anything about my book or even about yourself if you're having a hard time! Just remember that there are people who love you <3 


TREASURE IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now