Couple? | Jeongwoo

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- Couple? | Jeongwoo + Park Jeongwoo follows y/n to the movies but he didn't know that y/n got couple tickets, her reason was because it was cheap..... Jeongwoo spoils one line from the movie and it made y/n blush.

"Jeongwoo, Jeongwooooo, Jeongwoooooooo" I called out for him.

"What is it?" He asked as he was playing a video game.

"Wanna go to the cinema with me this Saturday?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm lazy." He answered.

"Why not? Stop being a potato at home." I slapped his shoulder.

"This is not even your house." I sighed as he was minding his own business in my house.

"You asked if I wanted to go or not so I said no, if you asked me to go with you then I have to go anyways." He blabbered.

"I don't get what you're saying but whatever it is you're following me to the cinema this Saturday, I booked the tickets for us already." I smiled as I walked away.


"Let's get the popcorn." I pulled Jeongwoo by his sleeve.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Jeongwoo got dragged by me.

We stood in front of the popcorn and drinks counter. I looked at the menu and couldn't decide what I wanted to get.

"I recommend you getting the couple set  since you guys are a couple right? Assuming from the ticket that both of you got?" The cashier said as she smiled at us.

I choked for a second.

"We're just friends." Jeongwoo awkwardly laughed.

"You don't need to lie to me, I often get customers like you guys. Going on a date together and don't want to get caught by your friends or etc." The cashier gave a reassuring smile.

"but is this the cheapest set?" I asked the cashier so that we would change the topic.

"We're having an offer now for this set."

"Then I'll take it." I paid the cashier and passed Jeongwoo the popcorn.

"What does she mean by our ticket?" Jeongwoo babbled as he tried to reach out for the ticket that was in my hand.

"I got the couple tickets because it was cheap okay? I need to save some money, I'm low on cash." I laughed awkwardly and took a sip on the drink.

"So we have to act like a couple huh." Jeongwoo rolled his eyes and ate the popcorn.

"Bruh you better not finish it before we head in." I slapped his shoulder as he was munching on the popcorn like there was no tomorrow.

"Give me some." I held my hand out for the popcorn.

"I'll feed you instead, come here y/n." Jeongwoo held the popcorn in his hand.

I starred at him like he was a total creep.

I pulled him by the collar and whispered into his ear.

"Do you have a death wish? What the heck are you doing?"

"We're suppose to be a couple, did you forget?" Jeongwoo winked and continued to feed me the popcorn.

I gave him a death glare and walked into the hall.

I sighed as I sat in my seat. I don't feel like eating popcorn anymore after what he did. I looked at Jeongwoo and he seemed happy as he watched the advertisements before the movie started.

"What are you looking at?" Jeongwoo asked as he reached for the drink that was beside me.

"Nothing and use another straw." I passed him a new straw.

"I wasn't thinking off using the same straw anyways." Jeongwoo scoffed.

Soon the movie started and in a second I was immersed in it. I laughed so much because the movie we were watching was a romcom, everyone probably watched it already and I heard it was good so I wanted to watch it too duh.

"I like you." Jeongwoo said to me.

"huh?" I looked at him and why did that hit me hard?

"That's the line that's going to come after this." Jeongwoo smirked.

Bruh damn I thought he said that to me, I was fooled. Nah I would never get my heart shaken by Park Jeongwoo.

"Oh?" My eyes started shaking and yup the main lead said that. I was embarrassed as I thought he said that to me like literally, I hate it here.

"By the way, why are you blushing? Was it because of me?" Jeongwoo smirked.

"Hell nah why would I blush because of you, it's because of the movie." I laughed awkwardly and reached for the popcorn.

The worst thing happened, the thing that I would never imagined, our hands touched while I reached for the popcorn. We both looked at each other as I pulled my hand away from the popcorn box.

"You can take it first." I pointed.

"You totally fell for my charms." Jeongwoo smirked and ate the popcorn quietly.

Author's note :

It's a short but cute hehe.

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