Baking Class | Mashiho

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- Baking class | Mashiho + Mashiho as a chef? Y/n is forced to join the class because Yoshi wanted her to improve her baking skills. Meanwhile some heart-fluttering things happen in Mashiho's baking class. (Special appearance by Kanemoto Yoshinori)

"Y/n, I signed you up for the baking class I'm taking." Yoshi pointed at his phone screen.

"YOU WHAT-" I stood up from my seat.

"Calm down y/n, people are watching." Yoshi grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down to my seat.

"I'm sure it'll be fun." Yoshi laughed.

"yea sure." I squinted my eyes and looked away.

The next day we headed to the place where the baking class was held. The location looked very fancy, damn how much money did Yoshi use? Did he really want me to be a better chef lmao. I mean my cooking ain't that bad, I sometimes overcook things that's all, it's still eatable ya know. Oh wait, I'm going for a baking class..

"I'm getting a very expensive vibe here." I forced a smile at Yoshi.

"Of course it is. Your baking skills better improve." Yoshi sighed as we waited for the chef to arrive.

"Hello my students. As usual I'm Takata Mashiho your chef and teacher for today." The dark brown haired man wearing a very neat uniform appeared.

"You didn't tell me he looks this handsome, then I would have joined earlier." I let out a small laugh and hit Yoshi lightly on his shoulder. Yoshi stared at me confused.

"I see we have a new student today." Mashiho said as he approached me.

"She's my friend." Yoshi smiled.

"I'm y/n." I held my hand out for a hand shake.

"Welcome to my baking class." Mashiho shook my hand.

"Please turn around." Mashiho said. I was slightly confused but I did anyways.

Mashiho put on the apron for me and tied it. He was very near me, my heart almost exploded. After he put on the apron for me, he smiled and went back to the front of the class.

"Did you see that, he put the apron on for me." I got slightly embarrassed.

"What an eye sore." Yoshi's face looked disgusted but like ugh let me feel my 'main lead' moments like in kdramas duhhhh.

"Today we will learn how to make and decorate a Strawberry Cake. Easy right?" Mashiho said confidently as he held the piping bag.

Mashiho demonstrated the steps and all I could do was stare at him he looked really professional, well I mean he is but you know what I mean. I felt like I could see sparkles all around Mashiho, he looks so sparkly.

"FOCUS ON THE STEPS NOT MASHIHO." Yoshi waved his hand in front of me.

After a few ups and downs of baking the cake, it was finally time to start the decoration.

"Everyone hold your piping bags and do it like this." Mashiho said and I started to copy what he was doing.

"Everyone can decorate your cake according to your own likings, you don't have to follow mine 100%." Mashiho said and walked around the class to help the other students.

"I got a hang of this." Yoshi said as he piped beautifully on his cake.

"How do you do it?" I kept on asking but Yoshi was too focused on his own cake. In the end, I was standing there starring at him piping his cream, when can he help me with this?

"Are you having a hard time y/n?" A sweet voice appeared beside me.

"ooh? I just can't seem to get the hang of this piping bag." I said as I scratched my head.

"Let me help you with that." Mashiho said as he held my hands and the piping bag.

"It's easy, just like this. Press the piping bag gently and-" Mashiho explained but it seems like I couldn't hear anything, are my ears blocked?

I tried to focus on what he was saying but it looks like I was starring at him instead, our faces were only a few centimeters away. My face started to turn red slowly because of the embarrassment.

"Understand y/n?" Mashiho said as he looked at me. I was startled as he was facing me within this few centimeters between us. Am I really in a kdrama?

Mashiho then let go of my hands and gave another reassuring smile. How can I not fall for that sweet smile? My heart was beating even faster and my face was turning really red really fast.

"What did I just witness." Yoshi closed his mouth with his hands.

I blinked twice and focused back on the cake.

"Get a hold of yourself y/n." I hit my chest lightly.

"Everyone did a good job today! We'll meet in the next class!" Mashiho said as he took off his apron and headed out.

"I think I did a mistake signing you up for this class." Yoshi sighed as we headed out from the class.

"Is this a dream?" I kept saying to myself, I even pinched myself hard but I just ended up with pain.

"This isn't a dream?" I starred at Yoshi.

"It's reality." Yoshi shook me vigorously.

"Calm down and let's head home."

"WAIT" A voice was heard that made us stop walking.

We both turned to where the voice came from and it was Mashiho, he was standing there with a piece of paper in his hands. He rushed to us, Yoshi and I exchanged looks and we were like did we leave anything?

"y/n, this is for you." Mashiho winked as he handed me the piece of paper.

"What is it, open it, open it." Yoshi was even more excited than I was.

I opened the small piece of paper and read it.

"010-XXXXXXX. Call me."

"BRUH HE LIKES YOU TOO-" Yoshi laughed out loud.

"My kdrama life came true." I smiled brightly.

Author's note :

Thank you to Kanemoto Yoshinori for his special appearance >.<

BRUHHHH AHAHHAA we all want a 'y/n' life don't we?

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