Busking | Yedam

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- Busking | Yedam + Bang Yedam busking on the streets just for y/n. In the end, Yedam actually has a surprise for Y/n.


Yedam : Make sure you come for my busking today!

y/n : of course, I still haven't missed one yet

Yedam : you need to be there, it's special today

y/n : yea sure

I let out a laugh as I saw Yedam's desperate texts, what was so SPECIAL that I had to be there? I wondered for a while but I couldn't think of anything.

"I'm sure it's like the 100th day or something like that of his busking." I checked my calendars but hmm I really had no idea, it wasn't even mine or his birthday.

"y/n, can we get dinner first before the busking?" Yedam said as we were chatting over the phone, I was also desperate to know what day it was.

"yea sure." I answered and we hug up.


"I'm waiting for you." Yedam said through the phone.

"I'm on the way!" I said as I rushed a little because I was a bit late.

Once I entered the restaurant, I saw Yedam in a white long sleeved shirt and blue ripped jeans. He even folded his sleeves and I thought he looked kind of good today.

"You look nice today." I said as I looked at him.

"You too and I took your advice." Yedam laughed as we sat down.

"So what's so special?" I asked in curiosity.

"You'll know later when I start the busking." Yedam dodged my question.

I pouted a little and smiled immediately when the food arrived.

"very fancy." I said softly and we laughed.

"It's not every time that we get to eat like this." Yedam said as he cut into his steak.

"I guess it's really special ain't it." I smiled sheepishly.

Yedam passed me his plate and took mine.

"Here I cut the steak for you." Yedam said.

"Thank youuuu." I thanked him and chewed on the steak.

Let the busking start! Yedam's friends arrived too, they brought their instruments and started to busk. I guess it's special because Yedam started to play a guitar today. So that's what he wanted to show me? I chuckled and showed thumbs up to him. I stood at the front and enjoyed his singing, soon Yedam and his friends got crowded with many people who enjoyed their busking. His voice is really attractive and anyone would fall in love with it.

"I'm going to dedicate this song to her." Yedam said as he pointed at me and the crowd started to clap.

I was slightly embarrassed but I stood there listening to his song. I never heard it before could it be new? He strummed the guitar strings and it was a melody that would pull you right into it. Yedam then held onto the mic and started singing.

Girl I remember,

When I laid my eyes on you,

Made me surrender oh,

You kept me up all night long,

Promised I'll treat you right,

But I didn't know how.

Baby you I still love you,

Tell me when you're on the road,

Can you stop on the way,

Even if I'm only someone you passed by,

Just remember,

I'm looking for you,

My love.

While he sang, I looked at him in the eye and was falling deeper into his gaze. Yedam stopped singing and approached me with a bouquet of flowers. I stood there not knowing what to do. What was this? Was this the special thing he mentioned?

The crowd started clapping and Yedam kneeled on one knee. He smiled and held the bouquet of flowers in front of me.

"Y/n, would you be my girlfriend?" Yedam said.

I starred at him and tears started to flow out slowly.

"yes" I answered and took the bouquet from him.

Yedam stood up and hugged me tightly. Even if there was a huge crowd of people around us, it felt like it was only me and Yedam there.

I didn't know what to feel, I had so many feelings mixed in me. I wanted to cry but I wanted to cherish the moment and smile but I ended up crying on Yedam's shoulders as I hugged him tightly.

"y/n, I love you." Yedam said as he caressed my hair slowly.

After that, Yedam wrapped up his busking with a few songs while I waited for him.

"y/n, let's head home." Yedam rushed to me cheerfully and held my hand tightly.

I smiled at him as we held hands as we walked back.

"I can officially call you mine now." Yedam said.

"Stop being so cheesy." I sighed and playfully hit him.

"or should I call you.... honey? baby?" Yedam chuckled.

"y/n is better." I let go of his hand and walked faster.

"Wait for me baby" Yedam said as he ran quickly to me and hugged me.

"I don't want to let go of you." Yedam whispered as he rested his head on my shoulder.

Author's note :

WAAAAAWAAAAAWAAAA WHAT IS THIS AHAHAHAHAHAHA, MY 3AM THOUGHTS REALLY IS SO CRINGEYYYYY btw those lyrics are from an actual song bcs author-nim has no knowledge in writing lyrics heh. 

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