Trainee | Yoshi

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- Trainee | Yoshi + Kanemoto Yoshinori suddenly broke up with y/n without a sustainable reason. The actual reason will be discovered by y/n later on.

Imagine dating a trainee, you think it's easy? It's literally the hardest relationship, he never has time to go on dates because he needs to practice. I mean I'm very happy for him and I'm waiting for him to debut someday but sometimes I just feel lonely. My friends keep on asking me to date someone else but what can I do if I love him too much?

'Yoshi, wanna go on a date today?'

'I got some dance/vocal/rap practice this afternoon till evening.'

'okay, maybe another time.'

That's how my conversation with him usually is. He always says maybe another time but it doesn't happen until a few weeks. Does his company have to be that strict with him that he can't even take a day off from practice, I mean reality is quite harsh ain't it?

My phone lighted up and it was a message from Yoshi. I immediately picked it up and read the message.

'y/n, can we meet? I've got something to tell you.' He finally texted me first. What does he need to tell me?

'yea sure, when?' I replied.

'now >//< '  He answered.

'where? Should I dress up?' I asked.

'The playground near your house and you don't have to if you don't want to.' Yoshi replied.

Of course I am going to dress up, I haven't met him for almost a month. I have no idea why is his company overworking him. I need a word with his company, they need a taste of their own medicine.

I rushed to the playground and I saw Yoshi sitting on the swing. I checked out myself from my hand mirror and adjusted my hair and even put on some lip balm, I need to look presentable ya know.

"Yoshi." I said as I sat on the swing beside him.

"y/n." Yoshi smiled and held my hand.

I smiled at him.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked curiously.

"For one last time I want to tell you that you're the prettiest person in the universe and I love you so much." Yoshi said as he held something in his hand.

"One last time?" I questioned.

Yoshi didn't answer but he held my hand out and put on a bracelet.

"Keep the bracelet, this is the last thing from me." Yoshi smiled and held my hand tightly.

"WHY? Why is it the last?" I started to tear up.

"We need to break up." Yoshi said as tears fell from his eyes.

"Why so sudden, what was wrong with our relationship?" I cried harder and Yoshi hugged me tightly.

"Thank you for being a part of my memory." Yoshi said as he left.

I crouched down on the floor and starred at the bracelet. Why give me something to remember, when we're breaking up? I cried even harder, this makes no sense at all, he suddenly wanted to break up? he needs to break up? Doesn't that sound ridiculous?

I headed back home and rolled myself in my blanket, I went through some old photos of us and cried even more till my eyes became puffy.


I stopped crying about our break up and came back to my normal self but I still wanted to know what's the reason we broke up. I've been texting him these few days but he didn't even read it, did he block me? Did he change his number? Why did he suddenly disappear? What happened to him? I want to know.

I flipped through the channels on the television and came upon a show that caught my attention. It was a music show (music bank, inkigayo & etc.), the MCs were interviewing a rookie group. I looked closely and saw Yoshi standing there with a big smile in between the other boy group members. My tears that didn't fall for a few weeks fell once again.

"Seriously, he ghosted me and now I see him on a music show, he's even smiling and worse he even debuted an didn't even tell me." I couldn't hold back my tears.

"Yoshinori, your fans are a bit curious as to why you always wear that bracelet, could you tell us why you always have it on." The MC questioned and passed the microphone to Yoshi.

I starred at the bracelet and realised it was the same one I had, the one he gave me on the day we broke up. Yoshi hesitated at first to answer the question but what could he do it was LIVE, he needs to answer something at least.

"This bracelet is special to me, it resembles someone I love a lot." Yoshi answered.

Someone you love a lot? So you do still love me? You broke up with me because you were going to debut, why didn't he just tell me that?

"You must really love that someone a lot." The MC continued.

"Yes a lot." Yoshi smiled and passed the microphone back to the MC.

"Yoshinori, you should have just told me." I sniffed on my tears.

Author's note :

Such a short imagine. Idk why I even chose Yoshi for this role sksksksk but like the little love between y/n and Yoshi is kinda cute to me, I mean Yoshi seems like a really nice boyfriend in my mind lmao.

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