Dating class | Asahi

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- Dating class | Asahi + Y/n is paired with Hamada Asahi on their 'dating class' assignment. Y/n doesn't feel like Asahi would cooperate but who knows Asahi might actually be the cause of their assignment's success. (special appearance by Bang Yedam)

"Y/n, you should join this class to get more marks! It's going to be super easy since you don't have to study." Yedam said as he showed me a brochure.

"Da- Ting- Class?" I read out the text on the brochure.

"This type of class actually exists?" I asked as I couldn't believe it.

"I guess it's new?" Yedam was unsure.

"Then join it with me, you don't have much marks too." I sighed.

"Like I would-" Yedam scoffed.

"I just signed up online for you and me, the class starts tomorrow." I said and left to my dorm.

The next day we met each other at the hall where the class was held. Yedam starred at me in disbelief and cursed me with his eyes.

"How could you?" Yedam sighed. I let out a small laugh.

Soon many students entered and the seniors that formed the club came in too.

"Welcome to our first class!" The seniors said in much enthusiasm.

"We'll pick your partners for you."

"BANG YEDAM AND (i'll let you guys come up with a character). CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING THE FIRST COUPLE TO BE CHOSEN, please take your seats beside each other." The seniors clapped as Yedam left to the seat beside the girl, I thought I could pick my partner.

"Next is Y/N and HAMADA ASAHI." The seniors clapped.


I turned behind slowly and I Asahi was there. He showed a gesture which I suppose it meant to come to him? I stood up from my seat and headed to him. I pursed my lips as I sat beside him.

I starred at him from the corner of my eye and it looked like he didn't even bother about what the seniors were saying. Why did he even join this class....

"The first assignment for each pair is to get to know each other more personally and we need pictures and videos as prove of your assignment, so do send them to our email." The senior said as she left us to decide with each other where we were going to meet for the assignment.

I looked over to the other side and it looked like Yedam was having a really fun chat with his partner but here I am not saying even a word to Asahi who was lying his head on the table.

"Umm, so should we meet at the park?" I tapped his shoulder and he woke up slowly.

He brushed his hair to the back and starred at me. I can't lie this man looks kind of attractive even from a far and now that I'm in front of him it makes my heart go a bit wild.

"okay." He said and stood up.

"Where are you going?" I said as I held onto his sleeve.

"Class is over isn't it? I'm heading back." He shook my grip off his sleeve.

"At least give me your number so we can text each other." I said.

Asahi turned around and took my phone that was on the table, he punched in his digits and walked away. I starred at him walking out, will our assignment really go well? 

The next day, we proceeded with our assignment since I wanted this assignment to be over in a flash. I texted Asahi but all he does is leave me on read. Is he not going to show up and leave me here waiting for him? I sighed as I sat on the bench.

A motorbike stopped in front of me.

"Put this on." He tossed me a helmet.

My mind went blank, I just followed his instruction and put on the helmet. I hopped onto the bike and I was contemplating on how to hold onto Asahi so that I don't drop off the motorbike.

"I'm comfortable with anything." Asahi held my hands and placed them around his waist.

He started the motorbike and I hugged Asahi with all my might like my life depended on it because I was too scared to fall off the motorbike. We stopped at a spot where there were not many people around.

I let go of Asahi immediately and got off the motorbike. Asahi took off his helmet and shook his head a bit because his hair started to go into his eyes. That moment was like those slow motion moments in kdramas, I starred and he looked really handsome.

"What are you looking at?" Asahi said as he put the helmet away.

"Nothing." I handed the helmet to him.

"I brought you here because it was too stuffy with so many people there." Asahi said as he headed to a bench.

"Oh, I bought food too." Asahi said as he held a plastic bag filled with food in his hands.

"Great, let's eat. I'm starving." I said as I searched through the plastic bag.

We munched on the food as we starred at the sunset. It's beautiful, I always wanted to eat and enjoy the sunset with my significant other but I didn't think I would do it with someone like Asahi.

"You have something there." Asahi said as he wiped it off from my lips with a tissue.

I froze as I was actually reaching out for a piece of tteokbokki, I wouldn't have imagined that Asahi would do that. This man has definitely dated someone before in his life.

"Ooh the videos and pictures, I totally forgot about them, let's take a selfie." I said as I was flustered.

Asahi sat beside me.

"You could have just sat there." I nervously laughed.

"Then we wouldn't have a nice angle." Asahi said as he unlocked his phone.

"Here, you hold it." Asahi passed it to me.

I took the phone from him but my hands were shaky. I held it up to take a selfie but the pictures were slightly blurry because of my shaky hand.

"Let's take it again." I said as I held it up and started pressing the shutter button.

Asahi held my hand that was holding the phone.

"There it's not so shaky anymore." Asahi smiled and looked at the camera.

My heart started to beat faster as his hand was on mine. I proceeded to take pictures with him until we were satisfied with it.

"I already took videos and pictures of you when you were admiring the sunset instead of me." Asahi said as he scrolled through his gallery.

I didn't even realize he took the pictures.

"here's the pictures." Asahi showed me and I looked really happy in them, it was beautiful.

"Next time look at me just like how you admire the sunset." Asahi said as he sent in the assignment.

Author's note :

Yall Asahi probably has dated in his past life lmao. 

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