Company | Jaehyuk

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- Company | Jaehyuk + Yoon Jaehyuk and Y/n working in an album production company together? but y/n's a bit clumsy >.< it's okay since she has Jaehyuk to save the day!

"We are expecting a special guest today, so please don't cause any trouble. You might lose your job if you do." My boss said through a megaphone, does he think we can't hear him? 

I wonder who is the special guest that was going to make a sudden appearance. Is the guest here to help us or is the guest just going to stare and grade us???? I wondered for a while till I heard whispering.

"I heard it's Yoon Jaehyuk." My coworkers were whispering with each other.

YOON JAEHYUK? The guy that just had his debut in a group about a month ago under YG Entertainment? I thought for a while, it couldn't be. Rookie groups are usually busy with their schedules especially when they just debuted.

"Here he comes!" My coworker shouted excitedly as she pointed at the entrance of the building.

I squinted my eyes so that I could get a better look. He was wearing a black mask and a black cap. There were quite a few number of people behind him, it seems like they were his bodyguards and probably one of them is his manager. The man which I suppose is his manager patted his back and showed a thumbs up as he left the building because of a call.

Soon more people started walking in and it looked like there was an entertainment show crew too, they brought cameras, microphones, outfits and many more equipment. Is this a chance for me to debut on TV? I laughed lightly and continued to stare at the people who were walking in.

"Can I meet the person in charge? Her name is y/n if I'm not mistaken." A staff called, I was slightly confused as to why she called out my name.

"Me?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Y/n right? Your boss said you're in charge of packaging TREASURE's DEBUT ALBUMS" The staff said as she showed her text from my boss.

"Not again!? Every time we have a special guest  I would suddenly be in charge." I muttered to myself and smiled to the staff.

"Yes, I'm y/n and I'll make sure the filming goes smoothly." I smiled and shook hands with her.

"Yoon Jaehyuk are you ready?" The staff called.

"Yes, I'm coming." My eyes shifted to Jaehyuk who was getting his make up done.

"Please take good care of Yoon Jaehyuk." The staff said as she introduced me to Jaehyuk and he introduced himself to me.

Firstly, we headed to the CD production department. I was slightly trembling because of the amount of cameras that were surrounding us. The cameras felt like CCTVs that were watching my every move, I obviously did not want to mess up anything. I proceeded to explain everything one by one to Jaehyuk and he nodded in response.

"CUT!" The director said as the cameras went away, I was standing there with Jaehyuk.

"Here y/n, since you're nervous let's share some gummy bears. This always helps me when I'm feeling nervous." Jaehyuk put a gummy bear into my hands.

"I thought you couldn't eat during shoots." I asked in curiosity.

"Just don't get caught." Jaehyuk whispered and snickered.

I smiled too.

"Let's proceed with the next scene." The director said as we headed to the next department where we had to sort the inclusions into every album.


"You have to do this really fast and don't be clumsy." I said as I demonstrated to Jaehyuk.

"WAH YOU'RE SO COOL Y/N." Jaehyuk's eyes became big as he looked at my speed in assorting the inclusions.

"Don't I look really cool in here?" Jaehyuk asked as he held the photobook to the page that had only his face.

"Of course." I laughed and showed thumbs up.

"but not as cool as you ayyyy." Jaehyuk winked.

I'm sure that got caught on camera, IN EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE THERE WAS.

"I'm going to put two of my photocards in here so that it's special." Jaehyuk said as he put both of them in.

"you can't do that." I laughed and took it away from him.

Jaehyuk pouted cutely.

The next scene started where we had to pack the albums and put them ready for shipping to stores and other countries around the world.

"All you have to do is pack 30 albums in bubble wrap, put them in this box, stick our company's logo sticker and put it onto the cart." I pointed.

"That's easy." Jaehyuk said and proceeded.

I folded my arms and starred at him who was struggling at counting the albums that were getting piled up on the conveyor belt.

"What? A second ago you said it's easy?" I teased him.

"I lose it's not an easy job." Jaehyuk panted as he carried the boxes and stacked them up.

"Now I'll push this cart into the storage room." I pushed the cart that seemed to weigh like more than 3 big stones.

"y/n! CAREFUL!" I heard a shout and stopped in my steps.

Jaehyuk rushed to me and hugged me tightly. I stood there frozen as the boxes fell onto Jaehyuk and the floor.

I looked up and starred at Jaehyuk's eyes.

"y/n are you okay?" Jaehyuk looked extremely worried.

"I'm o-okay, what about you? Those boxes dropped on you." I said as I swept the dust off his shoulders.

"YOON JAEHYUK, why did you save her!" One of the staff rushed to us and pulled Jaehyuk away.



"Y/N! HOW COULD YOU BE SO CLUMSY!" The staff approached me and held her hand high.

"No, she didn't do anything wrong. It was an accident." Jaehyuk held the staffs hand away from me.

Jaehyuk grabbed my wrist and stormed out of the building with me.

"Sorry y/n." Jaehyuk said as he looked to the floor.

"It's my fault for being clumsy." I said and looked at the floor too.

"I'll get the ointment for your cut and you better get your body treated, those boxes were really heavy." I pointed at his forehead and felt even more sorry for him.

"Don't mind that, I'll have a word with the staff later." Jaehyuk proceeded to walk back into the building.

A happy day became gloomy in just a second all because of my clumsiness. I took the courage and walked into the building.

"We'll start the closing scene now." The director said and we proceeded as if nothing happened. Jaehyuk changed back into the bright and smiley Jaehyuk once again when the cameras started rolling. He was a professional indeed.

The filming ended and I apologised to each and everyone of the staff that were there. Including the director and his manager.

"y/n, I hope you don't feel like what happened today was because of you. Everything was just an accident." Jaehyuk said as he patted my head lightly.

"I don't think you're alright? Those boxes were quite heavy." I said feeling very guilty.

"It will take a few days to heal but the good thing is that you're not hurt. Till we meet again y/n." Jaehyuk smiled and waved goodbye as he headed into the car.

Till we meet again? There's a again?

Author's note :

I got the idea of this imagine because of Johnny's communication center, you know that one episode where he went to the album factory hah.

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