Warm | Jaehyuk

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- Warm | Jaehyuk + A little tingly feeling when y/n and Yoon Jaehyuk go to the hill together and spend a whole day there. Jaehyuk hugs y/n to keep her warm but y/n doesn't know how to respond to his sudden actions.

'Y/n, want to go to XXXX hill with me tomorrow?' Jaehyuk asked through text.

'Yeah sure why not?' I answered and smiled.

I immediately surfed the internet to see what we could do there. There was a Christmas celebration going on there starting tomorrow. The hill is going to be super crowded because it's a once in a year celebration.

"Ice Skating Show?" I read through. Damn I really want to watch that.

'Jaehyuk, can we watch the ice skating show tomorrow?' I texted him.

'sounds like fun?' Jaehyuk texted back.

No matter what, I'm going to drag him to go and watch it with me. It's open to the public and it's free, why not right?

The next day, I waited in front of the bus stop before going up the hill. We weren't going to hike up there duh, of course we're taking the bus that takes you there.

We're going there for a whole day no more than that or my mom is going to kill me. She literally said back home before 10pm or else. We know what that means so yea....we better not go overtime.

"Y/n, sorry for making you wait." Jaehyuk said as he just arrived.

I was holding onto our tickets tightly just in case, we don't know what might happen.

"Let's get onto the bus, it's really chilly today." I pulled my scarf up to my face.

"It is." Jaehyuk said as we rushed into the bus.

We took the back seats because that's one of the nicest spots in a bus, experienced it in high school before so I kinda know things.

"It's going to take at least 3 hours to get to the top." I sighed looking at the amount of cars, it's the holiday so of course it's going to be packed up here.

"I'm going to fall asleep first." Jaehyuk yawned.

I took my phone out and started to take some videos of him sleeping, for what? for blackmail of course. He has so many weird and ugly pictures of me so this is going to be my revenge. I laughed softly while taking pictures and videos.

"Don't Y/n." Jaehyuk held my wrist.

He didn't open his eyes but he knew that I was taking pictures. I looked at his hand that held my wrist. I pushed his hand off and looked away.

I could hear my heartbeat beating louder and faster. I held my wrist and looked at Jaehyuk once again. He didn't move, he was just asleep in the same position.

"Is it because he seemed a bit mad just now? And I feel a bit scared right? That's why my heart is beating abnormally..." I said to myself and continued to scroll through my handphone.

After 3 hours, we finally reached the top, it was super chilly. It's going to be super cold in the night, I sighed. I didn't bring enough hot packs.

"Take this." Jaehyuk said as he handed me a hot pack.

"Thanks." I said and put it into my pocket of my jacket.

"Let's take some pictures here." Jaehyuk smiled as he held his phone out to take a selfie.

"You better get nice shots of me." I laughed as he kept on pressing the shutter button.

I better look good in the pictures, it's always the ugly ones that he uploads on his social media. I reached for his phone but he held it up high, I couldn't get hold of it so I ended up giving up.

We spent the whole day at the indoor amusement park, Jaehyuk bought so many churros I think he might me filled with churros. I also had to be his personal photographer, sighs. We went on a few rides but Jaehyuk got a bit dizzy so we had to stop but despite that we had a fun time, when is it not fun when you go to the amusement park with your friend?

"Y/N! It's time for the ice skating show." Jaehyuk's voice became louder as he grabbed my hand and we ran to the ice skating rink that was not that far from the amusement park.

I followed him and we reached at the ice skating rink on time. Jaehyuk was so eager to be one of the first people there so that we could stand at the front but looks like the whole ice skating rink was already full.

Jaehyuk sighed as he saw many people gathered at the rink.

"Sorry y/n but looks like the rink is full, can we just watch it from here?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Yea sure." I smiled and starred at the ice skaters.

I loved their outfits it almost seemed like they were dancing but it didn't seem like they were dancing on ice. They were so professional and I actually really want to try ice skating but I haven't before, that's why I'm fascinated to watch ice skating shows or competitions.

After a few minutes the show came to an end and the skaters gave out gifts to the audience. The skaters came out from the rink and the audience could take pictures with them. Jaehyuk held my hand and dragged me too meet one of the ice skaters.

"Hi, can we take a picture with you?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Yes sure, we can take as many as you want." He smiled.

"HOLD UP, YOU'RE PARK SUNGHOON THE ICE SKATER REPRESENTING OUR COUNTRY RIGHT?" I covered my mouth in shock as I saw him up close.

"YES." He smiled.

"I'll take a picture for you." Jaehyuk said as he nudged my shoulder, he signaled me to stand beside THE PARK SUNGHOON.

I was thrilled to take a picture with him. I couldn't stop smiling and blushing hard. Is this real or is this a dream, someone slap me already.

"Now I'll take a picture for you two. You're a couple right?" Sunghoon said as he took the phone from Jaehyuk.

"We're just friends." I choked as I answered him.

"yea." Jaehyuk answered later on.

Jaehyuk put his hand over my shoulders and we took a picture together. Damn Sunghoon took a picture with me and even took a picture for me. We waved goodbye to Sunghoon as he had to take pictures with others too.

"I'm not going to forget this day." I said to Jaehyuk as we walked back.

"hmmm" Jaehyuk answered.

"y/n, let's look at the water show." Jaehyuk pointed at the fountain and sprinklers nearby.

I followed him there and we stood there looking at the show and the sky that looked somewhat pretty today.

"y/n" Jaehyuk hugged me from the front.

I stopped moving and was shocked by how sudden he hugged me. I didn't answer but just stood in that position awkwardly.

"y/n" Jaehyuk let go of me and held me by the shoulders.

"I just protected you from getting sprinkled by the water." Jaehyuk sighed and looked away.

"t-thank you?" I answered, I mean he didn't have to hug me like that. Why is that making me get a little red? I sneezed out of a sudden.

"y/n, come here." Jaehyuk held my hand and pulled me into his arms.

"I'll keep you warm like this so that you don't catch a cold." Jaehyuk said as I was in his arms. I buried my face into his coat as it was quite embarrassing as people were passing by and looking at us.

"Let's walk." I sighed and pushed him a little.

I sneezed even more in his coat as his coat was filled with fur, how is this going to make me not catch a cold.

"YA YOON JAEHYUK" I sneezed multiple times and Jaehyuk let out a small laugh as he walked beside me.

Author's note :

Thanks to Park Sunghoon for his special appearance >.< also sksksksk guys I actually really want to try ice skating, I haven't tried it before :((

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