'boy'friend | Junkyu

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- 'Boy'friend | Junkyu + 'Boy'friend in front of y/n's family but Kim Junkyu's actually y/n's boyfriend. Junkyu and Y/n's family goes to the shopping mall together, would they get caught?

It's Sunday and we felt a bit stuffy at home so my parents decided to take me and my lil brother to the mall.

"Mom, can I drag my friend along?" I held onto my mom's hand before she headed back into her bedroom.

"yea sure." My mom answered.

I was thrilled with joy as I headed back into my room to get dressed up. I wore a beige sweater and light blue jeans. I brought a small sling bag and put on my favourite accessories. Just before I headed out, I sprayed some perfume.

"What's with the heavy perfume smell?" My brother asked as he was putting on his sneakers.

"My 'boy'friend  is going to be there later." I smiled and headed into the car.

Once we reached the mall, we headed to one of the stores that my friend was waiting at.

"We're here." I said on the other line as I looked into the store.

"I'm coming." He replied.

My family and I waited for a while till he came out from the store.

"Sorry for making you wait." He said once he saw me.

I smiled and turned him around to face my parents.

"Here's my friend." I said and he bowed to them.

"I thought it was going to be one of your girl besties." My mom smiled widely.

I laughed awkwardly and nudged Junkyu's shoulder, he better introduce himself and don't give a bad first impression.

"Hello Mr and Mrs, I am Kim Junkyu. Y/n's friend." Junkyu bowed continuously as he shook hands with my dad.

"Nice to meet you." My mom smiled.

"He seems tall and handsome, just the right proportions." My dad eyed him and Junkyu began to be a bit nervous.

I laughed awkwardly and changed the topic.

"Let's get shopping." I pushed my parents lightly from the back, we headed to the nearest store they wanted to visit.

"Why haven't you introduced your friend to me before?" My mom whispered as she walked beside me. Junkyu was busy talking or more like gossiping with my brother at the back.

"Because he didn't have time to come to our house so, this is how I'm introducing him to you?" I said but it didn't sound quite amusing.

My mom stayed quiet and we headed into a shoe store. I don't know why I and Junkyu decided to follow my family around.

I wandered around the shoe store with my mom for a while until I got a bit tired. My mom was trying on shoes because there was a huge sale going on and of course she was going to get something.

I realised that Junkyu wasn't with my brother anymore so I dragged him along the huge shoe store to find a couch that we could sit on. Right at the end of the store, I found a small couch and we sat on it since my legs were going to be jelly soon.

So actually Junkyu is my boyfriend and we have been dating for around 2 years but my parents doesn't know a thing about it because if they knew they would be super angry but at the same time how long was I going to keep this from them? Isn't it about time I tell them? By the way my brother actually knows about us but he's been keeping it a secret for me. I'm so grateful I have such a nice brother pffttt.

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