Umbrella | Jihoon

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- Umbrella | Jihoon + An umbrella protects you from the rain and can even make a cute couple scene but that doesn't work in here!

"Let's go cafe hopping today." I suggested to Jihoon who was on the other line.

"Sounds good." He answered.

We promised to meet each other at the alley beside Orange Cafe at 3:00pm but Jihoon was missing. I sighed as I looked around for a while. I starred at the paintings in the alley and without noticing I started to take some pictures because I was mesmerized by how talented the artist was. After a while, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Park Jihoon?" I turned around with a smile but it disappeared instantly. It wasn't Jihoon, it was a random guy that tapped on my shoulder. My heart started to beat faster as I was nervous, he could be a bad person, you never know.

"The paintings are pretty isn't it." The guy lead on the conversation and I was a bit uncomfortable, I immediately took my phone out and slightly moved away from him bit by bit. Instead the guy came closer and I knew it was time for me to call Jihoon.

I hesitantly looked through my phone for Jihoon's number.

"Are you perhaps single, you're kind of pretty." He said as he came closer. My body started shaking nervously, please don't let this be the end of me. I closed my eyes in fear.

"No, she's my girlfriend." I felt someone hold my shoulder tightly in his grip as he held me closer. I knew who's voice it was for sure. I opened my eyes and it was Jihoon.

"ooh, okay." The guy said and left.

Jihoon hugged me tightly and tears fell bit by bit.

"t-thank you." I said shivering because I thought that my life would end if he didn't come and save me.

"Welcome and sorry I said you were my girlfriend." Jihoon said as he wiped the tears of my cheek. He said sorry because we're not in a relationship more like besties that's it?

"Next time, just call me or shout for help immediately." Jihoon said as he held my hand and we went into the cafe.

I'm so thankful I had someone like Jihoon by my side. He ordered the drinks and desserts as I tried to chill myself from what just happened.

"Also sorry that I came late." He apologised.

"No, it's not your fault. Stop thinking about that and let's enjoy our day." I forced a smile so that our fun day wouldn't turn out to be a disaster.

We literally went cafe hopping around the area. I guess we went to around 3-4 cafes and took so many pictures together. Definitely going to post them on social media later. It soon became dark and it was time for us to head back home.

We exited the cafe and I felt a raindrop fall onto my shoulder.

"It's drizzling." I laughed.

"What a coincidence, isn't this like how we first met." Jihoon giggled.

"Hold on, I'll head to the convenience store." Jihoon ran to the convenience store despite the rain that got heavier.

I took out my umbrella and headed to the convenience store. I waited outside for Jihoon, what's taking him so long? I looked into the convenience store and saw him asking the workers for something.

Soon Jihoon came out with an umbrella and a plastic bag full of things in his hand.

"Y/n, we can sha- oh you have your own umbrella...." Jihoon smiled.

"we can sha-?" I asked.

"We can sha- oh we can share the food I bought." Jihoon said and showed the plastic bag. Oh that's why he was long, he picked some snacks.


We headed out the cafe and y/n said that it was drizzling. I immediately thought about the time we first met when we were on the way back to our dorms but neither of us had an umbrella. Instead, I offered her my coat and we ran in the rain together back to our dorm. I smiled to the thought and rushed to the convenience store.

"I can't find for the umbrellas, can I know where is it?" I asked the worker who was standing at the counter.

"I guess we're out of it, let me check in the storage room first if we have more stocks." The worker said as he left to the storage room.

I wandered around the store to get some snacks for y/n, so that she wouldn't feel hungry when she heads back home. The worker finally came out from the storage room with an umbrella.

"We only have one left."

"I'll take it and these." I paid for the things and headed out.

"Y/n we can sha- oh you have your own umbrella." I sighed and looked away embarrassed. I thought we could share the umbrella just like last time when we shared the same coat.


We walked back to my house and he handed me the plastic bag.

"It's all for you." Jihoon said and waved goodbye.

The reason I brought my own umbrella was just in case something like this would happen. I didn't want what happened a few years ago to happen again. I'm talking about me and Jihoon sharing the same coat while running in the rain together.

I didn't want that to happen again because I might fall for him harder than I already did a few years ago. Even today, we will still remain as friends and nothing more.

Author's note :

Jihoon seems so manly that's why I kinda made the scene where he saves y/n from the weird guy lmao. Btw can you imagine running in the rain with Jihoon and his coat as your protection from the rain just like in other kdramas....>.< also sorry that this wasn't a cute ending :(

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