Art Museum | Haruto

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- Art Museum | Haruto + y/n went for the 40th anniversary of an art museum and kept on bumping into Watanabe Haruto who was interested in the same art as her. y/n's actually there to win the lucky draw but it seems something else happened. (special appearance by So Junghwan)

I crossed by a banner that stated that the art museum is having their 40th anniversary and they're having a lucky draw session. I was shocked by the prizes they were giving out, it was a new canvas and frame. I needed that since I was somewhat broke at the moment hah, btw yea it's also free entrance to the public, which means I wouldn't need to spend any money.

"I better search through my closet for something fancy." I thought in my head as I walked down the street back to my apartment.

I looked through my closet and the closest I had to fancy  was my prom dress. That was it and the others were my sweatshirts and casual wear.

"Do I really have to put this on?" I sighed as I looked at the dress.

"Can I even fit in this?"

I tried it on and weirdly enough it fit, which meant I hadn't grown for years, pffft-

"This will do, I guess?" I threw the dress onto my bed.

It wasn't that fancy but it will do. I hope my luck works tomorrow and I get the lucky draw gift. That's my point of going anyways other than that I should take some pictures and upload it onto my social media.


I dressed up and got myself ready for the 40th anniversary of the art museum.

I stood in front of the entrance and starred at the red carpet that was laid in front of the building. There were many people dressed up in fancy clothing walking in and out of the museum. I just need to stay here till the lucky draw starts, there was also an auction happening but I'm not going to attend for that. I can't even afford a new dress and yall want me to join an auction hell nah.

I walked in and starred at the beautiful art works that were displayed there. This was my first time in an art museum so of course I was a bit amazed.

I walked towards a section where the paintings were made by talented children. I was amazed because even I couldn't draw or paint as good as them, I was on the average side. My dream is to become an artist but I don't think my paintings will ever be displayed in a museum ever.

"These are beautiful." I smiled at the drawings.

"They are." Someone answered.

I looked beside me and there stood a tall figure in a black suit. He looked really neat and handsome. I nodded and smiled at him as I walked away.

I looked around and stopped at a painting that caught my attention. It was a drawing about a happy person but depressed inside, it was coloured in many colours but only the inside of the body was in all black and grey. It looked sad and happy at the same time.

"We meet again." He said.

"I think we have the same taste in art." He said again as he wanted to start a conversation with me.

I looked at my watch and realised that it was time for the lucky draw.

"Do you know where's the lucky draw event being held at?" I asked him.

"It's over there." He pointed and I thanked him.

"I just wanted to head there too, shall we go together?" He asked.

I starred at him and thought for a while, should I? I mean it would be less awkward if I went alone but then turning down his offer would be a bit rude.

"hmm, sure why not?" I said and we headed to the hall where the lucky draw event was held.

The organiser started reading out numbers and I was waiting for mine to be called.

"Rude of me to not introduce myself, my name is Watanabe Haruto and yours is?" He said as we sat beside each other.

"Mine is y/n and nice to meet you?" I answered politely as I waited anxiously for my number to be called.

"You seem to want to win the prize badly." Haruto laughed a little.

"That's the whole point of me coming here." I blabbered as I waited.

"You too? I thought it was only me." Haruto snickered and focused on the organiser who was calling out the number.

"This is the last number that's going to be called for our grand prize." The organiser said as he pulled out a piece of paper from the box.

"4 5 8- "

"PLEASE SAY 9, PLEASE SAY 9." I pleaded as I looked at my paper.

"8" The organiser said.

"NOOOOO" I screamed in my mind.

"Just a little more" I sighed.

"YES I WON!" Haruto jumped from his seat and walked up the stage.

"damn it, out of everyone the winner was sitting beside me." I starred at him walking up the stage and receive his prize.

Too bad for me I guess? Are they going to have a 41st anniversary next year?

I walked out from the hall and straight to the hall where the food and drinks were.

"I need a sip of coffee to cheer me up." I sighed and took a cup of coffee.

"This is refreshing." I smiled after drinking a sip.

"This is hard to believe, I won." Haruto suddenly appeared beside me.

"It is." I sighed.

"Don't be sad, you can win next year." He laughed.

"next year, hmm."

"or do you want to share it with me?" He waved his hand in front of me who was starring blankly at the prize.

"Share? How? Are you going to cut that?" I starred ta him.

"nah, we can paint each paint on half of it. For example you take the right and I take the left." Haruto explained and that was not a bad idea.

"really? you'll share it with me?" I looked at him once again.

"But how?" I asked.

"I have an art studio, you can come when you're free." Haruto said as he passed me a piece of bread.

"That sounds good and thank you so much." I smiled at him.

And that's how I got a handsome boyfriend who can paint.

"That doesn't sound romantic at all." Junghwan sighed as he sat on the couch.

"It is." I scoffed.

Author's note :

Thank you too Junghwan for his special appearance >.< hah anyways painter Haruto sksksksks can yall imagine, he probs is going to paint something related to butterflies >.<

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