Concert | Haruto

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- Concert | Haruto + The mysterious person who bumped into Y/n at the entrance of the concert is actually standing beside her in the hall. Watanabe Haruto is a little mischievous and disturbs y/n.

I stood in front of the humongous stadium. I couldn't believe this, it's my first concert in my life. I smiled while looking at my ticket.


I can finally witness Bigbang perform in real life right in front of my own eyes. I bought the front row tickets because bruh I want to feel the whole experience. I was about to take a step before someone accidentally hit my shoulder and I dropped my ticket.

I bent down to grab my ticket and starred at the person who bumped into me, I could only see his back since he didn't even turn around. He didn't even say sorry. I walked towards the rude person who bumped into me and wanted to tap his shoulder but just as I reached out, fans started to rush to the entrance as it was time to head into the stadium.

"I'll remember you." I said as I scanned him from top till bottom. He had a little butterfly keyring on his bag and even his shoes had some butterfly details.

"I'll see you after the concert." I sighed and lined up.

He wasn't that hard to spot as he was quite tall and his clothing was all dark coloured. I starred at him until he walked in. I held onto my lightstick tightly, once I head in I'm going to shine my lightstick into his eyes if I spot him.

I received hand banners prepared by VIPs for the surprise event later for Bigbang. It was cute and I loved how fandoms would always have this lil cute surprises during concerts.

I rushed to the front row and got the spot right behind the barrier, yes I was that lucky. Once I secured my spot, I took my phone out and took pictures of the venue and my lightstick with the banner.

They played a few music videos before the concert began. I jammed to it like there was no tomorrow, the whole stadium was filled with voices of VIPs singing to Bang Bang Bang. That song is a hit of course everyone would go crazy for it.

I jammed for a while till I realized that the person standing beside me had some butterfly designs on his sneakers. I looked at his bag and saw the butterfly keyring, I looked again just to confirm and it was that guy that bumped into me.

I quickly on my lightstick and shine it into his eyes. The guy closed his eyes using his hand and pushed my lightstick away with his other hand.

"ummm, can you please not shine your lightstick into my eyes?" He said, I couldn't doubt it but his voice sounded attractive but I shouldn't fall for that, I need an apology.

"Serves you right." I kept on shining it at him.

"YA-" He held my hand and took the lightstick from me.

"What do you mean, I deserve it? What did I do?" He said as he lowered his hood of his hoodie.

I was flustered for a second when he held my hand but then I pulled my hand out from his grip.

"You bumped into me earlier and didn't apologize." I folded my arms so that I would give an angry impression?

Not going to lie but his looks wasn't bad either. (Y/n what are you talking about, get your head right, you want an apology not stare at his face.)

"About that, I wanted to apologize but when I turned around I didn't see you. I was in a rush to get this spot, that's why." He said as he sighed.

"Sorry." He said and looked away.

Hmmm looks like he didn't see me because I bent down to take my ticket or is he teasing me of my height. I looked at him again and decided to let it go.

I realized I wasn't holding my lightstick anymore, I looked around and searched through my bag, it wasn't in there either. I turned around to the guy and I saw my lightstick in his bag. I tried to reach out for it but he kept on moving.

"umm, can I get my lightstick back?" I tapped his shoulder and held my hand out without making eye contact with him.

"Apologize first and you'll get your lightstick." He said as he held onto it tightly.

"For what?" I sighed and looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"For almost making me blind by shining it into my eyes." He pointed at his eyes.

"fine, sorry? What's your name? Mine's Y/n." I questioned.

"It's Watanabe Haruto but just call me Haruto." He said as he waved my lightstick around.

"Sorry Haruto for shining my lightstick into your eyes and almost causing you to go blind." I said half-heartedly.

Haruto held the lightstick to me, I tried to grab it but he kept on waving it around. He held it high and smirked.

I held my anger in and jumped to get it but I couldn't reach it. Curse my height, I hate it here. I had no other choice but to use violence. I kicked him lightly on his knee and he crouched down to hold his knee that was in pain. I quickly snatched my lightstick from him.

"You didn't look like a violent person but I think I was wrong." Haruto held onto his knee.

"Never underestimate me." I sighed and waited for the concert to start.

Soon the concert started and Haruto came back to his normal self, the pain wasn't going to last that long. I knew from experience, he would be fine in a few minutes.

I enjoyed the concert but I kept on bumping into Haruto who was also enjoying the concert. Ended up we became friends after the concert.

"I'll keep your contact as VIOLENCE." Haruto said as we exchanged numbers.

"Yours is RUDE." I chuckled as I typed into my phone.

"Why don't you keep me as that EYE CANDY GUY I MET AT THE CONCERT?" Haruto smirked.

"I knew you were looking at me before you shined your damn lightstick into my eyes." Haruto chuckled.

I stayed silent and looked away.

"For a fact, I was actually checking if you were the one who bumped into me." I said softly.

"You could tell just by my shoes, you didn't even have to look at my whole body, that was uncomfortable." Haruto blabbered.

"No way, I wasn't. I'm a decent person." I scoffed.

"Just admit you had a slight crush on me when you first saw me." Haruto laughed and walked away.

"I DID NOT-" I rushed to him to hit his shoulder lightly.

"And that's the story of how I met my idiot boyfriend." I sighed while talking on the phone with Jeongwoo.

Author's note :

Hold up, Thank you to Park Jeongwoo who did a special appearance here hahah >.< I swear what was this lmao. I mean ain't y/n lucky enough to meet someone like Haruto at a concert HAHAHHA. By the way, do share with me what concert have you guys been?

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