Movies | Doyoung

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- Movies | Doyoung + Kim Doyoung and y/n watches horror movies together. It seems like y/n's finally showing her true colours too Doyoung.

A sunny Sunday evening, both y/n and Doyoung were bored and didn't know what to do. Both of them were scrolling through their social media.

Doyoung : I'm bored

Doyoung texted you.

y/n : Want to come over to my house?

You texted and he read it immediately.

Doyoung : Why not?

You were happy when you read his text and immediately got ready to greet Doyoung who was on the way to your house. Doyoung only lived a few houses away and you guys literally hang out at each other's houses often.

Doyoung : I'm here!

He texted and you immediately ran to your front door. You stood there looking around but there was no sight of Doyoung.

Y/n : Don't lie.

You texted frustratedly.


"BAHHH" Someone tapped my shoulders.

I turned around and was greeted with the sweetest face.

"I don't get scared easily." I playfully hit Doyoung on his shoulder lightly.

"You're no fun." Doyoung pouted.

"Then don't come in." I said and walked in.

"no no, I'm sorry. You're always the fun one." Doyoung said and entered too.

His attitude is really cute and I liked that about him.

"Where's your parents?" Doyoung asked a he looked around.

"They're on a business trip, they said they're coming home tomorrow." I said as I took out some snacks.

"How about your brother?" He asked.

"He's hanging out at his friend's house, so you better head home before he gets back." I pointed at the clock.

"OKAY" Doyoung answered and sat at the sofa in front of the TV.

"Are we going to watch movies now? How about later tonight." I sighed and took a sip of orange juice.

"Then, what should we do to fill up the extra time?" Doyoung shrugged as he inched closer.

I pushed him aside.

"What do you want?" I said annoyed.

"Let's play truth or dare." Doyoung snickered.

"That's so cliche,,, how about something else?" I searched through the board games on the shelf.

"Don't you have some video games?" Doyoung asked.

"Good idea, the person who loses washes the dishes." I held a finger gun in front of him.

Doyoung pushed my hand away.

"I never lose." Doyoung smirked and held the game console.

"What are you waiting for?" Doyoung snickered and chose the game.

We played for at least an hour and a half. I swear I was going to lose soon but I didn't want to. We reached the boss level and I swear I was going to just give up and lose lmao.

"Damn it, I'm just going to wash the dishes." I said as I put the game console down.

"I l-lost...." Doyoung said and starred at me in disbelief.

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