Comics | Asahi

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- Comics | Asahi + Looks like Hamada Asahi and Y/n started reading the same series but Y/n and Asahi ended up sharing the last book of 'it's okay, it's friendship'.

My comfort place where I can be the little book worm I am, the library? Hell nah. It's the comic book cafe nearby my house. Yup I read comic books, I'm not a novel person. Novels don't have pictures and my imagination ain't that good, in addition novels are so thick like bruh that would take me at least 2-3 hours to finish. Unlike comic books there's pictures and it's not thick, also the story line is way more interesting, well for readers like me.

Every evening I would head to the comic book cafe, even the owner knows me. I'm a regular here or would you say a daily customer? There's this one spot where I sit everytime and it even has my name written on it.

I waved to the owner as I walked in and headed to one of the bookshelves to grab a comic book. I'm going to start a new series since I just finished one yesterday. I searched through the bookshelves and found a comic book title that caught my attention.

"It's okay, It's friendship." I read it softly as I took it out from the shelf.

"This must be new?" I said to myself as I haven't seen this series before.

"This seems heart fluttering." I read through the synopsis of the comic book.

I ordered a bowl of ramen and cola so that I could keep my belly full while enjoying the story. I read a few pages while waiting for the ramen to be cooked. The smell of the cooked ramen took my attention away from the comic. I took my bowl of ramen as well as my can of cola and headed to my seat.

"Isn't that my seat?" I said to myself as I saw someone sitting on my seat.

"Excuse me, this is my seat." I said.

The person looked up from his comic and faced me.

"It is?" He said.

"Don't you see my name there, Y/N?" I pointed at my name that was engraved in the seat.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't know you could book seats in a comic book cafe." He said as he stood up from his seat.

"Now you do." I smiled awkwardly at him and put my food onto the table.

He sat at one of the bean bags nearby. I sighed as I eyed him from afar. I'll let him go since it's probably his first time here. Back to reading my comic, I sighed as I got immersed in the comic.

After a few hours, I finished reading a few comics from the series, I was left with only the last comic in the series but seriously I was feeling a bit sleepy. Probably it's about time for me to head home.

I headed to the owner and asked if I could borrow the last comic but then the same guy from before also asked for it. The problem here is that the comic book cafe had only one copy of that comic.

"Why don't you guys come back tomorrow and read it together?" The owner suggested.

"That sounds good." The guy answered as he waited for my answer.

"Fine." I answered and we headed out of the comic book cafe.

"Hold up, what's your name?" I held onto his bag before he walked away.

"Asahi, Hamada Asahi." He said as he pulled back his bag and walked away.

Sheesh what an attitude. I dusted my hands on my pants and headed back home. He probably knows my name right? I mean he saw my name on the chair.


I rushed to the comic book cafe and was greeted by Asahi who was standing in front of the entrance.

"You're late." He said as he headed in.

He could just read it by himself first? >.< We don't really need to read it together, do we?

I walked in and sat at my seat.

"Here's the comic." Asahi handed it to me.

"Can we sit at the couch?" Asahi sighed as he had no space to sit and read it with me.

"yea sure." I sighed and headed to the couch.

"Don't sit so near me." I said and pushed him away a bit.

"How am I going to read if I'm this far?" Asahi rolled his eyes. As we were sitting one person on the right and the other on the left side.

"Now I can read it." Asahi said as he inched closer.

We were too close, his hair was touching my face and it was a bit itchy. I swiped his hair away bit by bit but it kept coming back.

"You hold the comic." I passed it to him.

"You flip the pages." He said annoyed.

I won't feel as if I have gone into the comic if we read like this but I have to finish it no matter what. Damn Asahi is a slow reader, I sighed as I couldn't take how slow he reads. I waited for a while but ended up falling asleep.


The story was getting more interesting and I bet the ending is going to be good. I read slowly as I wanted to immerse myself into the story.

"You can flip the page." I said as I waited for Y/n.

"YA" I said louder and looked beside me.

Little did I know, Y/n had already fallen asleep on my shoulder. I didn't even feel it because I was too immersed. I starred at her and she looked kind of cute? Is that the word? How can I fall for a person in just a day?

I closed the comic book and put it lightly onto the table without waking up Y/n. I moved her head slowly onto a pillow on the couch.

I got of the couch and starred at her sleeping for a while. She didn't seem like the Y/n I met yesterday, she seemed like a nice Y/n today.


I opened my eyes and realised that I was still in the comic book cafe, hold up what was the ending. I stood up from the couch and looked beside me, Asahi was asleep on the couch too.

"WHAT WAS THE ENDING." I said loudly and flipped through the comic book but then I stopped just before I reached the ending.

I think I should wake him up and read it with him? I looked at him but he was fast asleep, he looked shiny? Is that the word? I don't know?

I approached him and lightly pushed his hair away from his face. He started to move a little and eventually woke up.

"You're awake?" He said softly.

"y-yea?" I said awkwardly as I sat beside him.

"Let's read this tomorrow?" He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"o-okay sure?" I said as I put the comic book back.

"I need to head home first. Anyways, let's be comic book cafe buddies." He waved goodbye and headed out.

Comic book cafe buddies? Sounds good.

Author's note :

I wanna meet someone like Asahi in my life too lmao. Btw I kinda have a liking to guys when they just woke up from their sleep or are sleepy because like they look so cute idk.... I think this is all Dobby's fault for being so cute in that one Treasure Map episode when he was playing games on his phone? and he was sleepy skskskssk

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