D.I.Y rings | Doyoung

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- D.I.Y rings | Doyoung + Kim Doyoung works at the D.I.Y Rings Shop and it looks like y/n came to make rings. Doyoung and y/n ended up making couple rings together because y/n didn't have a pair. (special appearance by Choi Hyunsuk)

I searched through the internet for some hobbies to do during this long summer break.

"D.I.Y Rings"

That looks like fun. I added it into my list of things I should try, who knows it might be a new hobby. I searched through the internet again and found a website that shows places that you could visit and make D.I.Y goods.

"Perfect, I found it." I smiled as I found exactly what I wanted.


I finally took the audacity to try out the D.I.Y rings thing. So I headed to the shop that I found online and it seems like it was new. I walked into the shop and was greeted by two well you can say handsome employees.

"Welcome to D.I.Y Rings Shop!" They greeted as I walked in. I smiled at them and read their nametags, Kim Doyoung and Choi Hyunsuk.

"I'll be your assistant." Doyoung approached me.

I smiled and followed him to the station where we had to make the rings.

"Looks like you don't have a pair." Doyoung said.

"Does she need a pair?" Hyunsuk suddenly barged in.

"It's there on the rules." Doyoung pointed on the wall.

"Hold up when were we making couple rings today?" Hyunsuk said as he looked at the paper that was on the wall.

"Didn't you just added that-" Hyunsuk was cut off by Doyoung who closed his mouth.

"NO I didn't. Did you forget today we're suppose to demonstrate couple rings?" Doyoung asked Hyunsuk as he was winking at him. They seemed a bit fishy.

"heh of course, I guess I forgot." Hyunsuk forcefully smiled and walked away.

"Since you don't have a pair, I'll be your pair. So we're a couple for today." Doyoung stated.

"uh couple?" I asked as that didn't sound right.

"a pair." Doyoung clarified and he went to the storage room to take the tools that we needed.

"Should we make clay rings?" Doyoung asked me as he held onto the tools.

"Yup, clay rings sounds easier." I answered as he sat beside me.

"First, we have to wash our hands and then let's start to play with clay." Doyoung said as he ripped the packet of clay.

"You can start with any design you want, following your own creativity and I'll copy you since we're making couple rings."

"aah okay." I started shaping the clay and it looked like it wasn't going to well.

"You need to use this too shape it." Doyoung handed me the tool.

I took it from him and put my full focus on the ring.

"You seemed focus on making our couple rings." Doyoung laughed a little.

OUR COUPLE RINGS? excuse me- nevermind that I'm going to make mine way cuter than his. I made the usual clay ring, the little cute frog one because that design looked really cute when other people did it.

"Done." Doyoung said after he saw mine.

"That was fast." I starred at the frog ring that he made.

"I'm the expert here." He smirked.

I made one more that was in a shape of a clouds, I felt like it looked really cute and unique.

"We can put our initials in these." Doyoung handed me the tools.

"yes we should." I smiled and engraved my initials into the clay.

"Okay now we should paint these." Doyoung came with the paint and I felt super excited.

We painted our rings and yup it came out just like I expected.

"y/n, it's not like that." Doyoung snickered and held my hand to help me paint the ring so that the colour came out smoothly.

I stopped moving and let him guide my hand. I starred at him when he helped me and I can't deny that I felt a little weird. My heart skipped a beat? Probably....

"I know I'm handsome." Doyoung smirked.

I looked back at the ring and continued painting.

"We're done painting, yeay!" Doyoung cheered.

"Now we need to bake it right?" I said.


Doyoung put the rings into the oven and we waited for a while until it was done. It looked super cute and I couldn't wait to put them on.

"Our rings are finally done." Doyoung smiled as he handed me my rings and he wore his.

"We actually look like a couple." I laughed as we had the rings on.

"We will be one in the future." Doyoung said.

"Stop with your cheesy lines." Hyunsuk passed by.

"Can I take a picture of the rings?" I asked Doyoung.

"Why not?"

I held my hand out and so did Doyoung.

"I think we should take a picture like this." Doyoung said as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

"Then we would look like a couple and this also makes it look better in pictures."

I was shocked that he suddenly intertwined our fingers together but I continued to take pictures. It actually made the picture looked a bit better and I was satisfied with it.

"Thank you Doyoung." I smiled and let go of his hand.

"Don't you want to take these with you?" Doyoung said as he held the rings in his hand.

"You can keep those and I'll come again!" I waved goodbye.

"You better visit me again, my girlfriend!" Doyoung shouted loudly as he waved goodbye.

I looked back at him and had a confused look.

"I'll be waiting." He pointed at the rings.

He's probably just joking around. In that short time, I could literally tell that he's the flirty type and somehow I fell for his trap. I think making couple rings with Doyoung was fun. I'll meet my boyfriend again.

Author's note :

Every time I picture something in my mind but when I want to write it down it's so hard to explain so hopefully you guys get the jokes and practically the whole story also thank you to Choi Hyunsuk for his special appearance.

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