Senior | Yoshi

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- Senior | Yoshi + yup he's the cute sunbae that helps y/n in passing her exams.

Midterm exams is coming up and me being a last minute person hasn't prepared anything but let's change that since I wanted to finally improve my grades, I really want to try to study earlier but having social media is kinda hard. I usually study for about 30 minutes then get interrupted with my phone and little did I know I would be on my phone for more than an hour.

"Sunbae, do you have any tips for the midterm exam?" I asked.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Yoshi and not sunbaeee." Yoshi was frustrated on the other line.

"but sunbae sounds polite than calling you by your name-"

"just call me Yoshi or I won't help you." Yoshi sighed.

"Y-Yoshi,,, is there any tips for the midterm exam? Happy????" I said with sarcasm.

"That's more like it." Yoshi's voice changed from a frustrated tone to a happy tone.

"Should we study at the library or my house?" Yoshi asked.

"I asked for tips not to study with you-" I screamed through the line.

"You won't even write the tips down, you're probably lying on the bed now." Yoshi answered.

"How did you know?" I laughed.

"Just make yourself free every Tuesday and Thursday, we'll study together."

"sure" I hanged up the phone.

Hold up, do I go to his house or the library? Probably his house since it's nearer. Wait?! isn't today Tuesday? Must we meet up today? I'm so lazyyyyy, I wanna lie in my bed for another hour.

Yoshi : My house at 4pm

I read the text I just received from Yoshi. We're actually starting the 'study session' today? I sighed and packed my books ready to head to his house.

"Just on time." Yoshi patted my head.

I pursed my lips and walked into his house.

"Hello, y/n!" Yoshi's mom greeted me and I greeted her back.


"From now on she'll come to our house every Tuesday and Thursday for our study session" Yoshi said as he pushed his mom slowly into the kitchen.

"Please don't bring food to us this one time pleaseeee." Yoshi begged in front of his mom.

"Why not? Y/n loves my cooking." Yoshi's mom peeked at the living room and smiled at y/n who was waiting for Yoshi.

"She'll get distracted with the food." Yoshi sighed.

"That's nonsense." Yoshi's mom hit Yoshi lightly on the shoulder.


I waited for a while till Yoshi came out from the kitchen.

"What were you talking about with your mom?" I wondered as I starred at the kitchen.

"Nothing." Yoshi laughed awkwardly and sat down.

"So what are we revising about today?" Yoshi asked as he saw my huge bag filled with books.

"addmath" I smiled and took the books out. I started asking a lot of questions and Yoshi answered it easily.

While he was explaining I thought about how the teachers in our school would always praise him as the math genius and they ain't lying, he's brain works differently from anyone else.

"Are you even listening y/n?" Yoshi snapped his fingers.

"I wonder if your brain is even real." I said while starring at him.

"That's why teenagers like you should eat healthy food like this then you'll develop a healthy brain like Yoshi's." Yoshi's mom put different types of dishes in front of me.

"Mom, I said not to-" Yoshi sighed and starred at the food.

"Do you want her to get smart like you or not?" Yoshi's mom laughed and handed me a fork and a spoon.

"Thank you. Mom?" I laughed and took the fork and spoon from her.

"She really feels like part of our family." Yoshi's mom said and headed off into the kitchen once again.

"After this we're going to study again so you better not slack off and watch tv after your meal." Yoshi said as he left to his room.

"Is Yoshi upstairs?" Yoshi's mom looked around. After she saw that he wasn't there she rushed to take a sit in front of me.

"Y/n, what do you think about Yoshi?" Yoshi's mom asked suddenly.

"hmm what do you mean? He's a really nice senior." I smiled while munching on the food.

"No I meant as a man, would you want to date him?"

I gulped and starred at Yoshi's mom for a split second. I didn't really like where this conversation was going because actually I have a huge crush on Yoshi but the feeling has started to fade away a little by little as time passes by.

"Maybe?" I answered with an unsure face.

"Mom what are you doing there?" Yoshi asked as he walked down the stairs to us.

"Just chatting with y/n" Yoshi's mom said and gave me a reassuring smile as she headed away.

"She's always keeping things from me. Anyways what did she say?"


"y/n why are you so red? Do you have a fever?" Yoshi put his hand onto my forehead.

"You don't seem to have fever, maybe because it's hot. I'll on the air conditioner." Yoshi went to find the remote control.

I couldn't say anything nor react because my feelings for Yoshi was suddenly mixed up again, at this point I don't even know my own feelings. I finished my food without making eye contact with him, the atmosphere in the living room seemed to be a bit awkward.

"Our next class will be on Thursday since you'll probably be too lazy to study after this." Yoshi said as he packed my things for me.

"Okay see you on Thursday then." I smiled headed to the front door.

"Y/n hold on." Yoshi stopped me.

I stood there looking at him approach me.

"You'll do great in the exam." Yoshi gave me a hug.

My face turned redder than it was just now. I covered my face with my hands after he released me from the hug and immediately ran out of his house.

"I think y/n has a crush on you." Yoshi's mom said as she looked at y/n exit.

"I know." Yoshi smiled as he saw y/n's silly figure running away.

"YOU DID?" Yoshi's mom was in shock.

Author's note :

Aww I think if Yoshi was a senior in my school he would have been such a heartthrob ^3^

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