Bakery | Junghwan

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- Bakery | Junghwan + The new part-timer is So Junghwan and it looks like Junghwan likes y/n or is it the other way around?


I placed the signboard in front of the bakery. I headed back in and stood behind the counter. Just as I laid my head onto my hands a customer walked in.

"Welcome to Treasure Box Bakery!" I said energetically as I stood up from my seat.

My mom always told me to be energetic when I work and here I am being fake lmao but this is what I gotta do to earn at least some cash.

All our baked goods are packaged in cute little treasure boxes just like our bakery name and each of our products are named based on gems. For example, Carnelian bun, Amethyst cake and etc.

"Is it the usual again?" I smiled at the customer who walked in.

"Yup!" He smiled widely and walked straight to me, ready to pay.

"You really love our sapphire doughnuts don't you?" I laughed and packed the doughnuts into the treasure box packaging.

He smiled and handed the cash.

"Are you hiring part-timers?" He asked as he saw the lil sign that was on the counter.

"Oh I forgot to hang that outside, yea we need to find a part-timer because I'm going to enter university soon." I said as I held the sign.

"You're entering university soon? That means you won't- "

"Junghwan, why don't you work here?" My mom cut Junghwan off as she appeared behind me.

"Why would he want to work here?" I whispered into my mom's ear as I nudged her a bit.

"I'm sorry, my mom's a bit desperate to find part-timers, so-"

"REALLY? AM I GOING TO START TOMORROW?" Junghwan cut me off and held my mom's hands.

"Yes sure, I knew you were a bit eager to work here, since you keep coming everyday." My mom said and I was thrown aback.

She randomly hired him and he actually accepted the offer? I starred at the both of them in disbelief as Junghwan and my mom had a big smile on their faces. Am I her daughter or is Junghwan her son? >.<

"Y/n, you're going to teach Junghwan the secret recipe to our baked goods." My mom said as patted my back.

"I thought the recipe was suppose to be shared only among our family members?" I nudged my mom.

"Junghwan's just like family and it's about time the secret should be shared to others. Why did you think I wanted to hire a part-timer for?" My mom giggled as she gave Junghwan his own uniform.

'Like family'? What does she even mean, he's just a regular customer to me. I sighed as I saw how happy Junghwan looked, he held onto the uniform tightly and walked out of the bakery.

"Good luck with Junghwan." My mom smiled as she headed back into the kitchen.

Tomorrow's going to be a hectic day.


I adjusted my uniform while waiting for Junghwan to walk in. It's super early in the morning and the first thing I got to do is teach Junghwan how to make the most basic thing in our bakery which is decorating the cupcakes, I ain't going to let him bake on the first day. It might turn into a disaster, although decorating would also be a disaster but at least you can still eat it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked presentable for the customers but something's missing. I looked at my reflection in the mirror again and realised what was not there, it was my nametag! Where could it be? I searched around the bakery, everywhere even in the cupboards, in the kitchen, on the floor, at the counter and etc but it was nowhere to be found.

I focused more on the floor and walked around while bending. I searched for a while and I guess I was too focused.

"Y/N." I heard a familiar voice. He held his hand out before I could bang my forehead into one of the display shelves.

I looked up and saw Junghwan.

"What are you looking for?" He asked.

"My nametag and thanks for saving my forehead. I would have had a huge bump." I said as I continued searching.

We both ended up walking like ducks around the bakery searching for my missing nametag. I even looked in between the cupboards and display shelves but nothing.

"y/n, I found it!" Junghwan shouted as he had the nametag in his hand.

"OMG!" I wiped the sweat off my forehead and headed to him.

"Thank you so much!" I said as he handed the nametag to me.

I put it on quickly and we both headed into the kitchen.

"I'm going to teach you how to decorate the cupcakes, so make sure you pay extra attention." I said as I handed him a piping bag.

He did an amazing job on his first try but after a while it seemed like his skills weren't there anymore. Is he bored or tired I couldn't tell.

"This is how you do it." I said as I piped the cream onto the cupcake.

"understand?" I said but I didn't hear an answer from him.

I turned to him and he was definitely looking at me with a little smile on his face.

"Junghwan, are you even focusing on what I am teaching you?" I put the piping bag down.

"I've never been more focused than I am now." Junghwan said as he looked into my eyes.


"excuse me, what?" I said as my eyes became wider.

"The cream is spilling." Junghwan pointed.

I got back to my senses and held the piping bag properly. I just wasted some darn good cream. I sighed as I looked at the cream that spilled on the floor, my precious creammmm.

"I'll clean that for you." Junghwan said.

He passed by me and whispered.

"I guess someone was too focused on me." Junghwan said softly as he headed to take a cloth to clean the spilled cream.

Author's note :

Guys I really don't know why I had this idea but like yea, did you guys enjoy it? Junghwan had that like cute boy first impression but is actually a cool guy skskksksks.

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