Rooftop | Junghwan

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- Rooftop | Junghwan + Y/n hangs out at the rooftop during lunch time but little did she know So Junghwan actually hangs out at the rooftop too!

It was recess time and I would always head to my secret spot where I can have my me time. It was the school's rooftop.

"You guys can go first, I'm going somewhere else with my friends from the class above us." I said to my friends as I walked up the staircase. Yup I lied to them, I felt a bit guilty but like I'm not going to tell them I hang out at the rooftop alone it seems like I didn't want to be friends with them.

Once I reached the rooftop, just like any other day the rooftop was filled with unused chairs and desks. I rearranged the chairs and desks, so that I could have a little cute place for myself. I wonder who kept on rearranging it every week? I suppose it's the school's janitor. I took my seat and laid a cloth onto the table so that I could eat my lunch and make it look like I was having a picnic alone. I need some alone time too, our school has been so hectic these days.

I starred at the sky and it felt very comforting. I munched on my lunch and sipped on my chocolate milk.

While I was admiring the sky I suddenly heard someone walking up to the rooftop. I quickly hid behind the door of the rooftop that was open. I hope it's not a teacher, please be someone that I know. Please be one of my friends or a student. I'll get demerits if any of the teachers know that I'm here.

"Who left the door open?" I heard a voice and it was a guy's voice.

It didn't sound like a teacher. Is it the janitor?

"Why are the chairs and desks rearranged?" He said and I tried my best to keep myself quiet.

He walked out onto the rooftop and went to the desks immediately. Luckily for me he didn't look behind the door.

"Someone's eating lunch here? Seriously, they didn't throw their trash?" He complained and I quietly crept out.

"Hey, stop." I stopped in front of the door.

I'm doomed.

I stood there with a piece of bread in my hand. I waited for him to come over to me.

"Did you leave your trash here? At least clean up before you go." He said as he turned me around to face him.

I didn't look at him. I just went to pick up my trash.

"So your name is y/n, I'll remember that." He said as I walked out of the door.

I sighed at least he didn't threaten to tell the teachers that I was hanging out at the rooftop. Hold up then what's he doing here too? I looked back and he rearranged the chairs and desks back to where they belong. I wondered who kept doing that and now I know who the culprit is.

"Hold up, what are you doing here?" I walked back to him.

"This is my spot to hang out. For your information, I got this spot way before you." He pushed my forehead with his finger, bruh that hurts.

I folded my arms and looked at his nametag.

"l'll see you tomorrow So Junghwan. We're going to share this place." I scrunched my nose in anger and stormed out.

Who does he think he is? The owner of the rooftop pfft-


I walked up to the rooftop and I hesitated to open the door. I thought for a while, what if Junghwan was there? What should I say?

"Are you going to open the door or not?" Junghwan stood beside me and pushed the door.

I was startled and walked out too.

"Here's a chocolate milk for you." I shyly approached him.

"Thanks? Is this a bribe so that you can use this place too?" He said as he sat on one of the desks.

"nah, this is just me being nice." I smiled awkwardly.

Junghwan proceeded to drink the chocolate milk and I ate my lunch awkwardly. The rooftop felt different when someone else is there too.

"why do you come to the rooftop?" I asked him.

"Just because." He answered and starred into the sky.

"It's not because you smoke right?" I nervously said.

"How dare you think of me like that? I would never do that." Junghwan sighed and got off the desk.

"I'm leaving first." He said as he headed to the door.

I just nodded and continued eating.

"Hold up y/n, follow me." Junghwan grabbed me by my wrist and we hid behind the pile of desks and chairs.

My back was pressed onto the pile of desks and chairs and Junghwan was in front of me. He put his hands onto desks and chairs so that he wouldn't bump into me. I felt a bit flustered as his face was right in front of me and we were so close each other due to the small space that we were in.

"I heard footsteps coming up." He whispered.

My heart started to beat faster, I didn't know why it was happening. Is it because I was nervous that we could get caught or because we were too close to each other.

Junghwan kept looking at the door and soon I heard the door open. Junghwan came closer to me as we heard the footsteps coming closer.

"I think we should start throwing these unused chairs and desks soon." The teacher said.

"It seems like some students have been coming here." I heard the voice of the janitor.

"That doesn't sound good, we should catch them soon." The teacher said as both of them left and I heard the door close and their footsteps soon was not heard anymore.

Junghwan gave a sigh of relieve.

"That was close." Junghwan said as he looked at me.

"It was." I laughed a little and so did he.

We stopped laughing and Junghwan moved away. We both looked at each other awkwardly.

"umm, i'll s-see you t-tomorrow?" Junghwan stuttered a little as he rushed out.

I nodded and waved goodbye.

I gasped as soon as he left. My face started to burn up and I kept on thinking about what happened a moment ago, what was that????

Author's note :

Did your hearts flutter? lmao, mine did sksksksksks.

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