~1: Dream~

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//tw: mature language


I am speed.

Building myself up for what was to come, I told myself those words, again and again, engraving them into my mind as I did before every race. I knew I had enough confidence, but I needed more than that to win. Everyone out there was depending on me. I needed to give them a show.

A hard slap to my shoulder awoke me from my thoughts and I shook my head a little, turning my head to the side. A chuckle erupted from the person next to me and I rolled my eyes, shrugging off his hand as I tried not to laugh.

"Oh, come on, man! Don't tell me you're getting all worked up again over some stupid race." The speaker raised an eyebrow and let a cocky grin seep onto his face.

"Fuck off." I lightly swatted at my best friend's hand, raising my greasy red rag to my sweaty face as I stood up from my hunched-over position.

I admired my newly polished electric green car for a minute, loving the way it sparkled in the sunlight. The hood sloped up to perfectly line up with the windshield, which was just steep enough so the cockpit could fit my tall stature inside. The tires were newly treaded and the buffer in front was not too high and not too low off the ground, perfect for showing how expensive the vehicle was and, at the same time, saving the pristine car from getting damaged during the race. I almost sighed audibly just from basking in my car's glory.

"Yo. Dream. You listening?"

I looked up from my dazed trance, having to tear my eyes away from my precious car so I could focus my attention back to my best friend. "Huh?"

"Wait wait wait. You mean to tell me that while I was ranting to you about all your fangirls and fanboys that came up to me earlier and basically begged me for your autograph, you weren't even listening? At all?" He crossed his arms.

I crossed my arms back defensively. "Knock it off, Sap. My car is overly worthy of my all attention right now." I smiled proudly towards the vehicle before me. Glorious.

Sapnap rolled his eyes "You'd fuck that car if you got the chance, you know that right?"

I playfully shoved him away "What the actual fuck is wrong with you."

Sapnap just laughed and went back to the rest of the pit crew, fixing his headset as he started talking to Sam about lord knows what.

I shook my head a little at them and then looked away, taking in my surroundings.

Bright lights above the track. Hundreds of thousands of people in the stands. Bright gleaming sun, despite the lights. Vast, wide track circumferencing the oval-shaped area.

The feeling of being here again was heavenly.

Despite the sweat dripping down my face and neck, I felt completely comfortable amidst the chaos.

I swiped a hand across my forehead and grabbed my helmet, getting into my car. I twisted the keys in the ignition, shivering a little at the feeling of my beloved car stirring to life beneath me.

This was going to be incredible.

I put the car in drive, pulling around to where the starting positions were. I lined my car up with the one in front of me and began to count down the minutes of the ten-minute long wait ahead of me.

It was just me and the car.

I breathed shakily, already starting to feel the beginning of an adrenaline rush pumping through my veins. Although driving isn't very physical, going over 150 miles an hour around a track against 12 other racers gets you winded. I would know.

But what makes it worth it is passing the checkered line.

That incredible feeling of pride when you know you've won, or came close to it.

There's nothing like that in the entire world.

I lookedto my side to see my green clad fans crowded around the spot they knew my car was going to be in.

I smiled slightly and lowered my passenger window, waving at them.

They screamed, jumping around and lifting green posters in the air. Some were shouting my name. Some were whistling. One person just smiled back at me.

That caught me by surprise. I gave the shy-looking person a small two-fingered salute.

They looked like they were going to combust from being noticed. They quickly shook the shoulder of the person standing next to them and pointed at me excitedly.

I chuckled softly and looked to the person's friend.

They looked less than happy to see me. Maybe even disgusted that I was even at the race in the first place.

I swallowed a little and looked away, not needing hate right now.

The first person seemed to be so confused as to why on earth their friend was giving me that look of hatred, but I wasn't really paying attention anymore.

It was time to start the race.

I raised my window and took a deep breath.





No losing.

I eat losers for breakfast.


I shook my shoulders a little to loosen my joints and wrapped my hands around the wheel.

You got this.


I pressed down on the gas pedal of my car along with everyone else, smoke from all the exhaust pipes clouding around my car.

I heard Sapnap's voice in my earpiece, giving me a reassuring comment before the horn was blown.


Let's fucking do this.


That's chapter one! Thanks for reading :D This is my first fanfiction ever so please be kind. Can't wait for the next chapter!!

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