~2: Tommy~

674 24 31

//tw: mature language




This was the biggest track I had ever seen in my entire life.

My wide eyes sparkled as I scanned the arena.

The people were loud, the colors were vibrant, and the cars-

The c a r s.

These cars were some of the most bright, shiny, expensive-looking in existence, and they were all right in front of me. In real life.

My older brother Wilbur chuckled and poked my shoulder "Someone's excited"

I rolled my eyes and shoved him away, jogging over to the rest of my pit crew. "Oi crew! How are we today?"

My best friend, who was finishing changing the last tire on my glinting red and white car, looked up at me and waved, smiling brightly. "Hey, Tom! I'm almost done here!" He turned back to the tire and gave it a few more cranks with his wrench before pushing himself up and rolling the other tire over to Ranboo to put away.

I grinned and went over to him, fist-bumping him and then doing our secret handshake. We had made it up in the treehouse in my backyard when we were ten and had never forgotten it since.

"Nice job, Tubbo!"

Tubbo grinned, nodded a little, and rubbed the back of his neck. "No problem! Gotta get you all set up for today, right? Speaking of; are you excited? I'm excited!"

I laughed a little and nodded "Hell yeah!" I turned back around to try and spot my brother, who was talking to his best friend, Nikki. I saw them and waved my arms in the air, calling out to my older sibling.


He looked over and held up a finger, turning back to Nikki to say goodbye before heading back to me.

"You ready?"

I nodded and grinned. "Tell Dad and Techno I said hi for me, alright?"

Wilbur nodded and ruffled my hair. "Will do."

I pushed his hand away and scowled, reaching up to fix my hair.

Wilbur chuckled and shook his head. "Why do you care if your hair is messed up? You have to wear a helmet anyway."

I just shrugged and went to my car, giving Tubbo a last high five before sliding into my seat and closing the door.

I caught a glimpse of Wilbur jogging back to Nikki and heading to the stands in my rearview mirror as I slid my helmet on. I smiled a bit to myself before starting up my car and buckling my seatbelt.

I put both hands on the wheel and took a deep breath, beginning to drive over to the starting line and pull into my spot.

I looked over to the car beside me.

Bright green.

I crinkled my nose.

Green is by far my least favorite color.

The guy behind the wheel looked like he was invested in greeting his fans.

I rolled my eyes.

Who needs fans anyway?

I smiled to myself as I thought about my supportive family in the stands.

Wilbur was definitely talking to Nikki.

Dad was probably looking for my car with the obnoxious binoculars he had insisted on bringing.

Techno was with the pit crew, probably on his phone or trying to count how many loud children he was going to punt.

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