~18: Sapnap~

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//tw: references to past sexual activity, mature language

To say this race was filled with awkward tension throughout would be the understatement of the century.

As I arrived at the arena, I could almost feel the cloud of awkwardness as though it was a thick layer of fog surrounding everyone I knew.

I walked towards the race track, planning on avoiding almost everyone.

My eyes wandered over the numerous groups of people as I tried to purposefully sneak around in the hopes of going unnoticed.

Four boys were standing near the red racer's car conversing over what was probably some sort of master plan.

A guy in a red beanie was sitting in the stands next to a pink-haired girl, who seemed to be trying not to laugh, as the other looked like he was venting about something important that had happened recently.

Quackity was hiding behind a stack of tires, Dream standing beside him. He looked like he was confronting him about something?

My gaze wandered over to the green section of the stands, landing on the one person I desperately didn't want to see.

Liar, I told myself. You haven't been able to stop thinking about him for literally a week now and you still think you don't want to see him?

I shoved my thoughts away, forcing my sight from Karl and having it move over to George, who was standing next to him and looking like he was going to be sick at the thought of just being at the race in the first place.

Me too, George.

Me too.

I sighed and made my way over to Dream's prized, lime-green car to check up on it.

Not much was left for me to do. It was in pristine condition, as usual.

After double-checking that the car was ready to go for this race, I went over to Dream and Quackity to see what was going on.

"You have to stand up, man."

"Nope. Walking is o u t of the question. I'm sick, remember?"

Dream scoffed. "You can't possibly expect me to believe that after what you just told me."

Quackity went pale. "It's not like that- it was- it's not- he just- I-I-... HEY THERE, SAPNAP!"

Dream turned away from Quackity snickering to himself.

As he caught my gaze, I gave him a look that told him this was the last place I wanted to be right now.

He returned my look with one that practically said 'I get what you mean, but I am very happy right now and can't wait for another after-party'.

The traumatized look I shot back told him my opinions on after-parties.

A clearing of someone's throat shook us from our thoughts.

"Could you two cut it the fuck out with the best friend looks? Jesus Christ." Quackity rose to his feet, trying to hide his wince as he did so.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Had some fun last night?"

He gave me a death glare.

My arms went up in defense. "Hey, don't give me that look. I know what someone walks like the morning after. You can't hide anything from me, Quack Meister." I smirked.

Quackity rolled his eyes and mumbled something incoherent to himself, trying his best to walk normally away from us.

Immediately, I turned back to Dream. "Spill."

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