~22: Karl~

277 19 22

//tw: mature language

Here we are again.

I looked out the window, sitting at the same booth as last time, only this time, we had pulled up a fifth chair for Dream to sit with us.

Speaking of Dream, the man himself had not stopped looking at George since we got here. Same with him.

It was plain obvious that there was something going on between them, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

Giving up on them, I took a sip of my slushy, eyeing Quackity, who had been oddly silent this entire time.

"Hey Q."

He looked up at me. "Huh?"

"You haven't said a word to any of us since before the race and I'm calling you out. What's going on?"

Quackity looked back down, twirling his straw around in his blue slushy. "Not really in the mood to talk about it."

"Oh... Well, alright then."Though I was concerned, I let it go, turning to George and Dream, who were still staring into each other's eyes like two idiots in love on a dumb romance show.

I gave George that best friend look that said 'You're going to tell me e v e r y t h i n g later, mister', but he didn't even notice.

Turning to Sapnap, I saw him eyeing our two friends with an unreadable look in his eyes. I nudged him.

He turned to me. "Hm?"

"You look like you want to tear them out of each other's gazes," I whispered, even though I was pretty sure I could shout at the top of my lungs and the other two still wouldn't hear me.

Sapnap rolled his eyes. "That's an understatement... but yeah. They look way too happy for my liking."

I hummed in agreement, leaning back in the booth and crossing my arms. "On the other hand, I definitely wish I had that, y'know? Whatever they have going on looks heavenly..."

Sapnap sighed a little. "You have no idea.." he muttered.

I looked to him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

His face went pink. "Um nothing- Just uh... me and my thoughts..."

"Oh..." I kept my suspicious glance for a few more moments, hoping for him to break, but I eventually dropped it, when the sound of the door opening stole my attention.

The two people entering the building looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen them before. "Huh that's odd... Do we know them?" I gestured towards the two, one with pink hair and one wearing a beanie.

"Uhhh... I feel like we do but I don't know.." Sapnap squinted at them, obviously in the same state as me.

Quackity looked over, following our gaze, when his eyes suddenly widened. He seemed to visibly and emotionally shut down, and I could have sworn he stopped breathing for a hot second.

"Uh... Q? You okay?"

No reply.

I looked at Sapnap for help, but he just looked at me and shrugged.

At least a shrug was more helpful than lovey dovey eye-gazing.

Reaching over Sapnap, I gently shook one of Quackity's shoulders. "Q...?"

"I have to gay.. go-! Go- I have to go..." And with that, Quackity quickly got up from the table, rushing outside to his car.

Looking out the window, I saw him drive away, sighing slightly. "Whelp. That could have gone better."

Sapnap nodded. "I'll say."

"What happened?" George finally looked up, eyeing Quackity's empty seat and turning a confused glance towards me and Sapnap.

"Where's Quackity?" Dream asked, also noticing the missing member of our group.

Sapnap raised an eyebrow. "While you two were eye-fucking, he had somewhat of a panic moment because of seeing some kid in a beanie and dipped."

I made a 'pffft' noise, covering my mouth as I started to laugh, taking notice of George and Dream's matching cherry red blushes at the mention of eye-fucking.

Sapnap smiled a little at me, starting to laugh just because I was. "Damn Karl, your laugh is infectious. You could literally make an entire room of people laugh if you laughed hard enough, you know that, right?"

I smiled, blushing a little as I looked up at him and wiped tears of laughter from my face. "You seriously mean that? Like, you're being for real?"

"Yeah, I'm being for real." Sapnap playfully pushed my shoulder, smiling lightly as he turned his eyes back to the other two.

"Don't look now, but they're back at it again," he whispered, leaning down to my ear so they couldn't hear him.

I had to cover my mouth so I didn't giggle out loud, laughing silently into my hand. "Should we leave them here and go get ready without them or take a selfies with them like they're statues?"

Sapnap grinned. "Hmmm. Which one sounds more fun? I wonder..."

I grinned back and pulled out my phone, turning around in my seat and holding it up for selfie. "Say cheese!"

Sapnap just gave a normal picture worthy smile, while I held up a peace sign.

"Ok ok. Now what pose do we do?"

Sapnap set up the phone on the booth seat and put on the 3 second timer. "Now we have more creative freedom."

"Oh! Good thinking!"

We ended up taking around forty three different pictures, various different types of poses and acting involved in each one.

By the time fifteen minutes had gone by, George and Dream were done with our shit and had already gone outside to wait for us to be done.

At this point, the pictures were just for fun, not to make fun of the other two anymore.

When we finally decided on ending our mini Taco Bell photoshoot, we met up with the other two outside and parted, me getting in the driver's seat of my car and George getting in after so I could get us back to the apartment.

When we got there, Connor was waiting for us. He handed each of us a mask as we headed for our own rooms to get ready, since the theme for the party tonight was 'Masquerade'.

As I was getting changed into my outfit, I made a mental note to send Sapnap all of the gorgeous pictures we had taken earlier.

I looked at myself in the mirror once my outfit was complete. Eh. At least having a best friend with pretty privilege by my side would make me look better in this outfit than I would by myself.

Unless my best friend with pretty privilege was hanging around his "not boyfriend" the entire time instead.

Speaking of Dream, George still had yet to fill me in on anything and everything that had happened between them.

Which was annoying, considering the fact that I was his best friend, but I let it slide.

For now.

I figured he could tell me tomorrow.

Unless the after party had more in store for us than just a night of drinking and dancing with friends.

Because, I mean, the party was going to be at an actual bar this time.

Who knew what was going to happen?


yet skeet B) I finally updated lol
it's honestly been harder and harder to find time and motivation to update so I'll be updating a lot less, but I do have plans to wrap up the story soon so hopefully it'll only be around ten to twelve more chapters to write
don't get me wrong, I still love all of y'all and I love this story it's just kinda draining, yknow?
see y'all next time <33

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