~8: Quackity~

530 21 6

//tw: alcohol, mentins of borderline alcoholism (literally right off the bat), mature language

Alcohol doesn't phase me anymore.

I'm almost comforted by the feeling of harsh tasting liquor of all sorts burning my throat as it makes its way into my bloodstream.

I used to hate alcohol, and everything related to it, but now I find a safe haven when drinking the bitter-tasting liquids.

Sitting at the crowded bar, I couldn't help but think about someone.

I winced and coughed, my drink going down the wrong pipe.

Memories sucked.

Go away.

I don't want to be reminded of who I lost.

I set down my beer bottle, eyeing it guiltily.

He would have been disappointed in me.

I sighed and pushed the bottle away pitifully, putting my head in my hands.

Maybe being here wasn't the best ide-

"Hey! Quackity! Is that you?"

I looked up at the person to my left, instantly sitting up as my face lit up a little.

"Wilbur! Dude, you made it!" I grinned and held out a fist for a fist bump.

Wilbur gladly fist-bumped me, raising a bottle to his lips and taking a swig of the contents inside.

I grabbed mine and did the same. "How are you liking the party so far?"

He nodded, lowering the bottle and wiping his mouth. "It's good, it's good. Free beer is a recipe for a good time, am I right?"

I laughed, nodding. "Of course, of course."

We sat in silence for a moment, both finishing our beers.

"So, I heard your brother was the one who beat my man Dream in the race today. I bet you're proud, yeah?"

Wilbur grinned with pride and nodded. "Tommy's been practicing his ass off for this. We're all happy it paid off. He's a hard when he wants something bad enough."

I smiled and nodded back. "I'm glad. Dream needs to lose a race or two every once in a while. Keeps things more engaging for him."

Wilbur chuckled. "I'll bet it gets pretty boring winning all the time. Tommy's competitive ass is a good wake-up for him."

I hummed and nodded, tapping the counter for two more beers and handing one to Wilbur.

Wilbur cracked his open, drinking even more.

I did the same, not feeling myself start to get tipsy.

The sound of giggling brought me back to my senses and I looked a little over Wilbur's shoulder, spotting three girls whispering and laughing to themselves.

One of them looked up at me and I smiled awkwardly.

Her eyes widened a little and she whispered something urgently to the two other girls, who both turned around to look at me as well.

Wilbur saw my focus lying behind him and turned to see what I was looking at, raising an eyebrow at one of the girls.

She smiled nervously, waving to him.

He made silent communication to her that I couldn't understand, but she seemed to be able to tell what he said, responding back in the same way.

I blinked in confusion, watching them have their weird, silent conversation from all the way across the table.

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