~25: Dream~

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//tw: mature language, mentions of sexual assault, alcohol

"You... think it was Dream?"

George sniffled quietly and closed his eyes, ignoring the question.

I let him take his time, gently rubbing his cheek with my thumb comfortingly.

My adrenaline rush told me to go beat up the guy who actually harmed the boy in front of me, but everything else told me not to move.

He needed me here.

After my karaoke solo had finished, I spotted someone running in the back of the crowd and followed, just to make sure they were okay.

Finding out it was George, and getting a closer look at the state he was in, made all of my emotions run crazy, especially anger.

But George himself brought me back to reality and grounded me.


The small whisper made my heart swell.

"Me..?" I replied, not quite sure what he was talking about, but knowing he was far too intoxicated to say anything truly meaningful at the moment.

George nodded, turning his head and kissing my palm. "Safe."

I couldn't help but smile, a small pink blush tinting my cheeks.

"Yeah." I picked up George, sitting down where he was sitting and softly playing with his hair while I looked around the dimly lit room.

My gaze shifted down to him and I kept it there, wondering who on earth could be desperate, cruel, and low enough to do anything like this to him.

We laid like that for a while, comfortable silence settling around us.

Just as I thought he had fallen asleep, he began to speak.

"I thought, at first, that... it was you who was uh... doing things to me... but it's only because I wouldn't trust anyone else to do stuff like that... but it wasn't you... you're safe... he wasn't..." George had begun to fiddle with my fingers, focusing entirely on doing that while he spoke.

His words were fragile, like feathers drifting through a storm, and I had to take a couple of seconds to let them sink in.

My fingers gently curled around his, and I waited for him to look up to me before responding. "I'm glad you can feel safe with me. You deserve it after... everything."

Silence filled the space again, and I waited patiently for him to respond.

Eventually, he took in a shallow breath, signaling he was about to speak.

"...No one except Karl has ever made me feel as safe as you... and that's not the alcohol talking... Thank you.."

I smiled and gently tucked my chin over his head, wrapping my arms around him protectively. "As long as I'm around, no one will be hurting you any longer. I'll make sure of it."

Expecting a response of some kind, I looked down, only to find the boy in my arms fast asleep with a gentle smile resting on his face.

Laying my head back on the arm of the couch, I let my eyes fall closed as well as a smile graced my lips as well.

Hopefully, Fundy wouldn't mind us staying a few extra hours after the party for naptime.


magical pov switch :0





"Can we talk..? About uh... us...?"

Sapnap's hand stopped playing with my hair as I shifted a little to be able to make eye contact with him.


I nodded a little as a huge knot of anxiety began to grow in my chest. I wrung my hands, thinking through my words before I spoke.

"We keep getting drunk and doing... stuff... and to be honest... I'm not comfortable at all while it's happening. And after, we just go back to pretending like it didn't happen... like we're just friends."

I paused, letting the first few words sink in.

After getting confirmation that it was okay to continue with a nod of acknowledgment, I took in a shaky breath.

"I don't want to be just friends anymore... and this kind of messing around is lowkey fucking me up. Not just literally."

I could tell that Sapnap was holding back laughter at that comment and smiled a bit. "Also... there's.. something else I think I should share... I think um... I think I'm asexual... or at least on the spectrum because sometimes I like the kind of intimacy we have but other times it's revolting to me... you know?"

Waiting for a response made the anxiety in my chest spiral throughout my whole body and made me start shaking, which Sapnap must have felt because he started rubbing my back before opening his mouth to speak.

"I'm so proud of you for telling me... and I honestly think of you the same way regardless. But I do have one important question before we continue with any of this."

My heart stopped in my chest, my throat going dry as I nodded slightly, not trusting myself to speak.

"Will you, maybe, if you want to and are comfortable, and if you feel the same way... possibly go out with me? So we can, y'know, get a feel for what the whole 'not friends' thing and stuff..?"

Eyes widening, I nodded a lot, a bright smile overtaking my face. "Yeah!- I-I mean-"

I cleared my throat, trying to pretend like I was cool.

"Yeah. Yeah sure. Sounds um... rad..."

Sapnap burst out laughing at my attempt to sound chill.

I laughed quietly and rubbed the back of my neck. "Sorry... I'm awkward..."

"I know that, you doofus." Sapnap flicked my forehead.

I grinned, swatting his hand away. "Hey! That's Mister Doofus to you."

"Oh yeah? What does that make me, Mister Doofus's boyfriend?"

My face went red. "Uh..."

Sapnap's teasing smirk went away as he realized what he said. "Oh shit... I uh... sorry I wasn't thinking-"

I leaned up, shutting him up with a small kiss on the cheek. "Yes. That does make you my boyfriend."

It was now Sapnap's turn to go red in the face.

He buried his head in my shoulder and I laughed, patting his shoulder. "You alright there, Mister Doofus's boyfriend?"

Sapnap nodded wordlessly, tilting his head slightly to kiss my neck.

Sighing softly, I started playing with his hair.

It went on like that for a while, Sap leaving kisses on my neck as I played with his hair.

Feeling safer than I had ever felt, I closed my eyes and smiled, never wanting the moment to end.


Hey there! Sorry I haven't updated in f o r e v e r. I have been unbelievably busy and haven't had any time since school and marching band started up, but this should be the second to last chapter so... yay! Hope y'all liked it! Much love to all of you <3

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