~3: Karl~

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//tw: mature language

"George! Did you see it?! Did you see it, George?!"

I shook my best friend's and pointed wildly down at the famous driver below, who was still smiling right at us.

George just rolled his eyes. "I really don't care if some driver waves at us."

I sighed and rolled my eyes back.

"It's not every day you get a smile and a wave directed right at you from a famous person, Gogy. But have it your way." I turned back to the race track, seeing that Dream had looked away from us and flicking George on the shoulder for that.

George rubbed his shoulder. "Most drivers are dicks y'know."

I looked back to George. "You seriously aren't still thinking about-"

"Shut up, Karl. You wouldn't understand." He lowered his sunglasses onto his face and turned away.

I sighed and shook my head, rubbing his shoulder affectionately. "Hey, don't worry. I get it. Wanna get slushies after this? It'll make you feel better. Always does."

"...as long as you don't force me to go to that stupid ass after-party."


I smirked. Once grumpy pants next to me got a sweet drink in his stomach he'd be begging to go to the after-party. Even if a bunch of car dudes would be there.

The engines of the cars below us started and I snapped my attention back to the green car in front of us. Dream was my favorite driver. I have been dragging George around to all of his races for the past month and a half to try and get to him to get over some driver guy who broke his heart, but he's been stubborn as honk.

The horn sounded, bringing me back to reality.

I cheered loudly as the flag girl waved her flags and the drivers shot off.

I looked over at George excitedly, but he was just looking at his phone.

I quickly snatched it and put it away.

"Hey! Karl, what the hell?!"

I grinned crookedly. "Focus on the race, Oscar the Grouch."

George groaned and crossed his arms, but begrudgingly complied.

I nodded in approval, an excited grin replacing my prideful one.

A red car with a thick white stripe down the center caught my eye as it passed like seven cars.

My eyes widened as I watched, hopping up and down a little.

"WOAHHHH! GO RED CAR!!" I whooped and pumped a fist.

Slowly, the fans started cheering for the red car as well. It was catching up to Dream's car, and everyone was on the edges of their seats.

Even George looked a little intrigued, leaning forward curiously.

The car ended up completely surpassing Dream and winning the race, shocking everyone.

The crowd roared, everyone freaking out over this new champion.

I was shaking George's shoulders and whistling for the winner, excited to find out who had beaten Dream.


George shrugged, smiling a little. "Yeah... I guess..."

I giggled happily and grabbed George's arm. "Let's go find Sap and Quackity!"

George just let himself be dragged out of the stands, used to this by now.

I scanned the pit stops, looking for green. I saw the red crew, smiling as the young-looking driver who won embraced one of the pit crew members and started jumping around.

"I like his energy. I gotta meet him at some point," I mused, still dragging George.

George hummed a little, probably having stolen his phone back from my pocket because of how uninterested he sounded.

I pulled him over to the green-clad pit crew, who were cleaning up. The only reason fans never got to meet the drivers is because the drivers would all leave before we got the chance, but the pit crew always stuck around for their much-needed recognition and attention. They did so much behind the scenes and deserved every bit of praise they could get, even if the "praise" was just fans begging them for driver autographs or VIP tickets.

I let go of George and tackled another close friend of mine in a hug, laughing. "Sup loser!"

The attacked yelped and laughed, hugging me back. "Hey, Karl!"

I let go of the hug and grinned down at him. "How does it feel being on the second-place team for once?"

He gave me a look.

I grimaced. "Is he that upset about it?"

"He'll be alright. I think it's the fact that he got beat by a kid 4 years younger than him that has him all fucked up"

I made an o shape with my mouth and nodded.

"Yo Sap! Get your fat ass over here and help me with this stack of tires!"

I grinned. "Go get back to your "job", idiot."

Sapnap rolled his eyes and laughed. "Be right there, Quack Meister!"

He gave me a wave before heading off to help Quackity with the tires.

I turned back around, heading back to the bench where I left George.

"Ready for slushies?"

George's head snapped up from his phone.

"Always." He smiled

I grinned and linked arms with him, bringing him to his feet and starting to walk him out towards the parking lot.

"Hell of a race. Best one yet," George commented when we got back to the car.

I turned to him and smiled brightly. "You really enjoyed it?"

George rolled his eyes modestly. "Don't get too excited. I'm just glad dickface Dream didn't win."

"Good enough for me!"

"Just get me a slushy, you dingus."


Chapter 3 done!! :D How are y'all liking the story so far?? Thanks for voting!

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