~20: The Part No One Asked For~

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//tw: mature language

~Author POV~


Bet you didn't expect this, did you?


Too bad >:)

Yeah, I'm breaking the fourth wall.

It's always fun to do that ;)

Anyways, character me is in a bar rn :0

They are 21, even though I personally am 17.

Don't drink underage kids :D *thumbs up emoji*


My favorite drink is anything with a hint of tequila in it.

I'm not a big drinker, but the buzz of a spiked strawberry lemonade just hits different, y'know?

Sipping my drink, I looked around the pretty much vacant bar.

There weren't many people left; it was almost 3 am.

The only reason I was here was to chat with the bartender about a certain person in my life who is sending me so many mixed signals it's unbearable.

I know I'm never going to have a chance with them, but hey. I like chatting with Fundy. He's a fun guy.

Looking out over the almost bare dance floor, I saw what looked like a couple, drunk out of their minds and giggling their heads off as they danced together to probably the hundredth song in a row.

I smiled at them.

D a m n do I wish I had someone to dance with like they did.

Those two looked like soulmates.

Even though they had drunken hazes in their eyes, I could tell that the way they looked at each other was enough to convince anyone that they were together.

No friends looked at each other the way those two did.

They were having the time of their lives; just the two in their own little world of happiness.

I took another drink, continuing to pay attention to them.

By the time it was 3:15, the last song had stopped and they just stood there in each other's arms and smiled at each other.

They looked so fucking in love it's not even okay.

I was only sure they were a couple when the taller of the pair leaned in to give the brunette a kiss.

A tear rolled down my face and I turned away, wiping at my eyes frantically.

Fundy was grinning at the two, a surprised look in his eyes.

"Why the look of surprise?" I raised a brow, taking the last sip of my brink and setting it down, covering the top once to show that I was done.

He came over to clean my glass. "Those two have a lot to uncover beneath the surface. I know it doesn't look like it, judging by the way they're kissing like a couple drunk on love in a hallmark movie, but they do."

I hummed and nodded. "Don't judge a book by its cover. So, how long have they been together?"

To my confusion, Fundy burst out laughing. "That's the thing... they aren't even together-"

"W H A T?!"

"I KNOW!!"



We both laughed together, sharing more about how we felt about the "couple" and catching up on our personal lives as well.

Before we knew it, 4 am rolled around and it was time for Fundy to close.

"Alright, lovebirds. Pack it up."

The pair, still making out in the middle of the dance floor, slowly pulled away, smiling and giggling.

"Will I see you tomorrow cutie?"

"Yeah! At the race!"

"Oh yeah! Can I give you a kiss if I win?"



Fundy rolled his eyes and gave me a look.

I laughed quietly. "Good luck with them. I'm gonna go, I have a painting due by 9 am tomorrow."

"Oh god- Good luck!"

"Thanks! See ya later." I waved to Fundy and headed out of the bar, planning on going home and crying while watching Luca for the fourteenth time and eating another pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

The single life was one that didn't need any time to get used to.


My own personal chapter :DD Sorry it's so short I'm exhausted- but now you know why two specific people were s o awkward at the race :p And me and Fundy are bros now. It's cannon. Lmao see y'all in the next chapter- whenever that's gonna be- <33

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