~12: Charlie~

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//tw: slight mature content (I don't think I need to keep saying this so- if you want smut, read accelerate), mature language

"Charlie. Charlie, wake up."

I opened my eyes to two familiar faces hovering over me.

"Why?" I asked quietly, reaching up to rub my eyes as I yawned tiredly.

"Well... your brother is sick and we're going to take you to go see him."

I nodded a little, pulling back my green blankets and sitting up. "Is he in the hospital again?"

"Yeah. He is."

I nodded again, getting out of bed. "Do I need to get dressed?"

Bad picked me up and shook his head. "You're fine buddy. Nice pj pants, by the way."

I smiled brightly at him, wiggling my legs a little and admiring my creeper print bottoms.

"Thanks! Quackity got them for me for my 10th birthday this year!"

Skeppy ruffled my hair. "Very swag, dude! Dap me up!"

I grinned and slapped my hand into his outstretched one, grabbing it and shaking it a little.

"You rock, Skeppy!"

"You too, little dude!"

Bad chuckled a little. "Alright, let's get going."

"Okay!" I held onto Bad as he and Skeppy took me out to their car, hopping out of his arms and getting in the back seat.

Once we were all buckled in, Bad started the car and backed out of the parking spot of the run-down apartment complex.

"Hey Badddddd?" I asked, tilting my head sweetly.

Bad eyed me in the rearview mirror, raising a brow at my behavior. He knew what I was going to ask, but played along anyway.

"Yes Charlieeeeeee?"

I giggled cutely and batted my eyes, trying to play the adorable ten year old. "Can we get McDonald's?"


I smirked internally. Here we go.

I puffed out my bottom lip and widened my eyes, going into pleading mode. "Please, Bad?"

Skeppy looked at me, then at Bad. "Come on, love. We gotta take him. Just this once."

Bad sighed and pulled into the turning lane, heading for the McDonald's drive thru.

"Fine. But only because your brother's in the hospital."

I pumped both fists in the air and cheered. "Yay! Thanks, Bad!"

Bad rolled his eyes, struggling to hide his smile. "Yeah, yeah."

When he got to the window, he ordered one happy meal with McNuggets, another order of McNuggets, and two BigMacs.

I chomped on my apple slices happily, eyeing the second burger in the bag. "Who's the rest for?"

I knew it couldn't be for my brother, since he was only allowed to eat hospital food.

"It's for a friend of Quackity's," Skeppy replied, pulling the packaging of his burger back so he could take a bite. "He's been there with us all four days."

"Oh, okay. What's his name?"

"Wilbur. Wilbur Soot."

"Cool name! I wish I had the last name Soot. It sounds awesome!"

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