~4: Wilbur~

674 22 17

//tw: mature language

Little bro won a race.

Hella sick mate.

I knew he could do it.

When he won, Nikki and I were screaming at the top of our lungs for him.

We ran as fast as we could to go congratulate him, pushing through all of the equally as excited fans as we rushed towards the red-clad pit crew.

Once I saw Tubbo let go of Tommy, I picked him up and squeezed his guts out in a hug.


Tommy chocked out a pained, "Can't- breathe-" and Nikki laughed as I set him down and clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Good job Tommy. I knew you could do it, mate!"

Tommy smiled up at me, a rare occurrence, before Dad pushed through and gave him a less bone-crushing hug.

"I'm so proud of you, son."

He sounded like he was crying a little.

I put a hand on his back and patted it a little. "Alright, Dad, give the big man some space. This calls for a celebration! Taco night on me!"

Techno bounded over. "Yo tacos sound great, Will."

"I'll bet they do, you dickhead."

I slugged him in the shoulder and he ruffled my hair roughly.

We were just about to get into a full-out round of our brotherly fighting before Dad shut us up and ushered us towards the parking lot.

Tommy, of course, first went over to Tubbo, and Ranboo, to say goodbye, before quickly joining us again. "Alright! Lead the way to the tacos!"

Nikki giggled and I laughed, both of us getting into my car as Tommy and Techno got in with Dad.

I started up my Pathfinder and turned on some of my music, starting the drive to Taco Bell.

Nikki sang along with the music and cracked jokes with me, as usual, and I enjoyed the car ride to the familiar restaurant.

After everyone had gotten there, we found a table for 5 and ordered some drinks to start us off.

I was bummed that they didn't have any good liquor on the menu, but Techno sneakily handed me a flask under the table.

I nodded along with what Dad was saying, stealthily pouring the contents of the flask into my Baja Blast.

Tommy caught me but I pointed at the ice cream on the menu and motioned for him to keep his mouth shut.

He, surprisingly, didn't say anything.

It's honestly amazing what winning a race can do to your morality.

I looked around the restaurant, seeing a table with four guys sitting there.

They all looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out where I had seen them before.

Before I could dwell on it too much, the waiter came back and asked us if we were ready to order.

I ordered tacos for everyone and an added ice cream for Tommy.

Dad didn't question it, probably because he thought it was a treat for winning the race.

Ha. Little did he know.

While we were all eating our food, I heard an excited-sounding scream-laugh coming from the table I had seen earlier. I looked over curiously, seeing one of the guys there with his head in his hands, one laughing his ass off, and the last looking like he was going to hurl.

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