~9: Callahan~

421 22 5

//tw: mature language, mature content (marked with a pov switch; once again, not smut!)


This is chaos.

I looked around at everything that was happening, trying to figure out what on earth was going on.

I was only there because a sweet couple at my work who had been nice enough to ask me about my plans for the night felt bad for me since I said I had nothing going on.

I don't even drink.


I won't say that.

There's a lot people don't know about me.

//ugh stop being so hot Callahan *eye roll emoji* *nail polish emoji*

I silently sipped from the glass in my hand, focusing on one event at a time.

First, I had seen the guy who got my number earlier making out with another guy so that's fun.

I'm used to it though. I kinda knew he wasn't really into me. He just seemed like a nice person.

I looked away from them as they drunkenly made their way out of the after-party, trying not to think about what they would be doing next.

My eyes scanned over to another couple of people who, from the looks of it, were kissing like their lives depended on it.

I blinked a little in surprise as I watched some random guy come over and practically rip one from the other's arms and punch the other in the face.

I sipped my drink, intrigued.

Fights were always fun to watch.

The guy who was punched quickly recovered, lunging back at the first.

I looked back at the other guy, who had his hands over his mouth as he watched the scene play out in horror.

Eventually, someone else stepped in, stopping the fight.

I felt bad for the shorter of the three, who was sobbing his eyes out. I wondered what his story was as the guy in the green hoodie and the guy in the black hoodie threw each other death glares.

Eventually, black hoodie man disappeared into the crowd and the boy wearing the green hoodie stepped forward to embrace the boy wearing the blue t-shirt.

The blue t-shirt boy pushed him away and ran out of there, pulling out his phone before he vanished into the parking lot.

I looked back to the abandoned blonde boy, who had his phone out as well and was walking toward the race track.

The sound of sirens snapped my gaze back to the parking lot.

That was never good.

An ambulance pulled up to the front and paramedics rushed out the back, pulling a stretcher with them.

The party-goers parted for them like the red sea.

The music stopped too, the DJ looking up to figure out what was happening as he lowered his headphones around his neck.

I was curious, like any other overseer, and followed them to the racetrack with a few others.

When I got close enough to see what was going on, I watched two paramedics pick up an unconscious guy off the ground and place him carefully onto the stretcher.

Another guy, who was probably a friend of his (or more, I don't judge), followed the crew back to the ambulance, stuttering over claims to be related to him so that he could ride in the ambulance.

Some dude wearing blue, seemingly drunk out of his mind, tried to follow also but gave up when everyone else moved faster than him.

I silently wondered how he and the other guy were related.

Looking back over to the racetrack, I saw the couple that had invited me here quickly moving towards the parking lot.

They stopped when they saw me, worried and panic-filled faces forming into fake smiles to appease me. They must have thought I was oblivious or something.


"Hey, Callahan! Skeppy and I have to go. One of our close friends was the one who is in the ambulance unconscious so we're going to go see him. Try to enjoy the rest of the party without us though, alright?"

I nodded a little, waving pathetically as they basically ran to their car to get to the hospital.

I looked back around again.

A girl with pink hair was also running towards the parking lot.

I wonder if she knew the dude who passed out too.

I sipped my drink again, watching as the remaining crowd thinned.

The ambulance visit did ruin the mood.

Ah well.

There would be more opportunities for partying later.

I decided that I was done there too.

I had witnessed enough drama to last me a lifetime.


I had work tomorrow.


magical pov switch :0




I couldn't see anything.

I couldn't think anything.

Time felt like quicksand.

Everything that was happening couldn't register in my head.

If I had been in a normal state instead of drunk out of my mind, I doubt any of this would have happened at all.

But I was not in a normal state.

Not even close.

My phone rang, bringing part of my consciousness back.

I pulled back from a kiss, picking it up and giggling a little when I felt kisses being pecked onto my neck.


I heard George's panicked voice on the other end of the line. He sounded like he needed hel-

I was pulled back into another kiss, which broke my line of thought.

I kissed back happily, eyes fluttering shut.

I realized Geroge was still talking and made a small noise of annoyance, which made me giggle again.

"Sorry Georgieeeeeee, I'm really busy right nowwwwww. Call back laterrrrrrr!!"

Sapnap laughed at my voice as I hung up the phone and I rolled my eyes a little bit.

"Shhutttt uppppp-" I hiccuped.

Sapnap kissed my neck again. "No, you shut up."

I giggled and bit my lip a little at his tone of voice.

It was hot.

I leaned up to his ear, cupping his face in my hands as I whispered, "Make me~"

I obviously didn't need to tell him twice.


Wow. Ending that one on a spicy note. Hey, don't blame me! Y'all voted blue! Anyways, I'm running late for work and I have to get ready so I might come back and edit this some later, but for now, happy reading loves!!

//callahan supremacy :DD

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