~13: Dream~

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//tw: mentions of sexual activity, mature language

Waking up after a party sucks.

This party in specific made waking up even more difficult than normal.

I groaned quietly, grabbing a pillow from next to me and smashing my head into it to see if that could make all of my memories go away.

It didn't work.

My memories resurfaced one by one, each one making me cringe more.

Was last night my fault?


It wasn't my fault.

But it wasn't George's fault either.

My head went fuzzy.


All I could think about was what happened when he...

My face went pink.

When he kissed me...

At first, it didn't exactly register in my mind that there was probably reasoning behind George's actions. My short term was only focused on the fact that a cute guy was basically making out with me.

By the time my brain had finished catching up with what was going on, George was ripped from my arms all of a sudden by some buff guy. I had instinctively glared at him, suddenly very very aware of George's situation.

Before I had had time to assess the situation and come up with an appropriate response, a fist collided with my jaw and sent me stumbling back, my hand reaching up to cup my stinging face.

I recovered quickly, lunging at him in return.

We had it out, punching and wrestling until someone standing by pushed us apart from each other, thus ending the fight without a winner.

I glared at the guy, who was most likely someone who had hurt George at some point, seeing as he was currently shying away from him and trembling, the look in his eyes being enough to make even me feel guilty, and I wasn't even the one who the look was intended for.

Eventually, after seeing George's state, the buff dude retreated towards the bar, leaving me and George alone again.

I moved forward, pulling him into a comforting hug, only to get pushed away as George fled for the parking lot.

Watching him go, I sighed and headed back towards the racetrack, pulling out my phone to send a quick text to my roommate that I was on my way home. There was a huge crowd gathered in the center of the oval-shaped track, watching the ending of a race. I just numbly walked towards my car, only wanting to be at home.

Little did I know, being at home would not make me feel better at all.

I opened the door, heard many loud noises and someone's name being called out, quickly closed the door, and then returned to my car.

I blew out a breath, reclining in the front seat a little and scrolling around on my phone until movement in the corner of my eye brought my attention back to the house.

My roommate had his newest "partner" in his arms and was taking them to his car. I waited until he had driven off before finally going into the house and collapsing into my bed.

I groaned into my pillow, realizing I hadn't even had any drinks as I started drifting to sleep.

What a party.

I'm pretty sure I had even heard an ambulance as I was leaving, too.


As my memories stopped haunting me, I forced myself to get out of bed, walking tiredly to the kitchen to get some coffee. I grabbed a donut out of the box on the counter, left out from breakfast the previous morning, and ate it to try to make myself feel better.

It didn't work.

I looked up as I heard footsteps approach me, giving my roommate a look as he stole my coffee and took a sip.

"Had fun last night?"

He looked up at me. "Dude. You know I don't remember anything that happened last night."

I sighed and looked away. "You never remember anything, Sap."

Sapnap rubbed his forehead. "Why are you acting all weird? Was it you this time?"

I crinkled my nose in disgust. "Ew, what the fuck? No. It wasn't me. I didn't see who it was but, from the look of it, I think it was..."

My eyes widened slightly as a specific memory came back to me.

The name I had heard when I entered the house that first time.

Sapnap immediately became serious upon seeing the look on my face. "Dream... who was it last night..."

I looked at him, swallowing. "Um... I don't think you want to know..."

He definitely didn't want to know.

"You're scaring me, Dream. Who the fuck was it."

I went silent for a few moments, trying to decide if I should tell him or not.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to try to go do something stupid, okay?"

He raised an eyebrow, the look on his face filled with caution and confusion. "Okay...?"

I made direct eye contact with him. "Promise me, Sapnap. I'm serious. This is kind of really important."

He nodded, and I could practically feel the nervousness radiating off of him.

"I promise."

I nodded a little.

"Okay. The person you... brought home... last night was..."

I paused, not meaning to, just feeling unable to make the name come out of my mouth.

"Just spit it out already!"


His face fell. "...what?"

"It was Karl." I looked down slightly, not feeling comfortable enough to make eye contact with him at the moment.

"...oh, fuck."


That's the end of chapter 13!! I figured y'all missed Dream as much as I did, so I decided to give y'all a little recap in his point of view :DD
So sorry that this chapter is shorter than most, I just had really bad writer's block and it was hard to overcome.
See y'all soon! <3

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