~26: Tommy~

271 17 17

//tw: mature language

"Ready, Big D?"

"I told you not to call me that."

"Right, right sorry. Ready, Little D."

I turned to the driver in the car next to me with a grin, only to be met with a glare instead of a response.

Techno's laugh in my ear made my grin grow as Dream fought back a smile and rolled his eyes, rolling up his window.

Rolling up my window as well, I focused on the track ahead of me. After four months of racing against Dream, we now sat in front of the checkered line next to each other for the last time this season.

When we got the news that I made it to Championships, I was happier than I ever have been in my whole fucking life.

All of us had been sitting at a huge long table that Callahan had put together for us in Taco Bell, the couples coupling, the girls gossiping, and the adults adulting.

Tubbo, Ranboo, Charlie, and I were all huddling around the letter in my hand as I waited to open it.

Everyone already knew that Dream made it to Champs; he had gotten his letter weeks ago.

But that night, it was my turn to find out if I was going to make it or not.

A small smile made its way onto my face now as I remembered the feeling of opening that letter.

It was like the time I won my first race, but, like, on mega steroids.

Drifting away from the memory, I curled my hands around the steering wheel of my car and pressed on the gas pedal.

No matter how it felt to accomplish anything, no feeling could rival the feeling of adrenaline before a race.

As the flag girl waved her flags in the air, we all took off.

One thought surfaced as I made the first turn of the race.

Let's fucking win this.


magical pov switch :0





"Of course you're rooting for Dream."

"And you're not? I thought he was your boyfriend's best friend."

Karl rolled his eyes. "Doesn't mean I can't root for someone younger, and with more potential, might I add."

I lowered my clout glasses, raising an eyebrow at my best friend who just shoved me.

Shoving him back, we both laughed.

"Who would have thought, after all the crap that happened, you'd end up here?" Karl mused.

Turning to face him, I smiled. "Life just has a way of being ironic, I guess."

"Mhm. I'll say."

"Tell that to the hermit in his room four months ago."

"Hey! I was a baby ace, okay? That shit is difficult to comprehend." Karl crossed his arms in defense.

"Yea I know. Just messing with you." I gave his shoulder a poke before returning my gaze to the race.

"Has it really been four months...?"

I nodded, not fully listening. "Yeah."

"Damn... that's crazy."

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