~10: Bad~

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//tw: LANGUAGE!! (hehe that's a fancy way of saying mature language bc the tws have to be specific or I'll get reported eventually *peace sign emoji*)

Waiting rooms are so stressful.

You sit in an uncomfortable seat for hours at a time, extremely worried because you're unable to see your unconscious friend who passed out at a party, and are expected not to have a panic attack.

I put my head in my hands, my nervous thoughts sending me spiraling as I felt a comforting hand on my back which calmed my nerves a little.

"I'm sure he's fine, Bad. It's probably just a minor concussion, nothing more."

I nodded a little, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I rested my head on Skeppy's shoulder.

"That doesn't stop me from worrying. I just feel like it's my responsibility, y'know?" I looked up at him.

He smiled warmly at me, nodding as he moved his hand into my hair and stroked it softly.

"Yeah, I know. I care about him too."

I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch, instantly feeling my worries start to melt away one by one. "He's been through so much, Skeppy. He doesn't deserve any of this. None of it."

"You're absolutely right, love."

I nodded a little, yawning quietly.

Skeppy laughed lightly. "You should get some sleep soon."

I shook my head, ignoring the sleep tugging at my conscious. "Gotta stay up. Quackity."

As if on cue, a male nurse entered the waiting room.

My head shot up and I looked at him, crossing my fingers.

The nurse looked at his clipboard then back up. "Visitors for Quackity?"

"That's us!" I immediately stood up, grabbing Skeppy's hand and dragging him over to the door.

He smiled lightly and held the door open for us. "Right this way."

Walking down the hallway felt like a blur, and when the nurse finally stopped at a door to open it, I practically ran into the room to sit beside Wilbur.

I looked at the figure on the bed.

He looked pale and sickly.

I swallowed nervously, the panic starting to come back.

Skeppy traced circles on the back of my hand with his thumb as I struggled to stay calm and collected.

I turned to Wilbur. "How is he?"

Wilbur looked at me, nodding his head sideways a little. "He's... holding up..."

That definitely was not the answer I was looking for.

I squeezed Skeppy's hand a little to steady myself. "Do you know what's wrong?"

The nurse, who was waiting by the door, spoke up. "He didn't hit his head too hard, which means no concussion or fracture, but he has a bad case of alcohol poisoning."

I looked down, mood dropping.

"Ah. Yes, thank you. Oh, I never asked for your name! I'm so sorry, where are my manners?"

The nurse smiled a little. "Don't be sorry. I'm Foolish."

I nodded a little, smiling weakly. "It's nice to meet you, Foolish."

"You too. So, another thing about Quackity's status is we're going to have to keep him here until the poisoning passes. It's going to be a rough few nights for him, but he'll be out of here in no time. His cousin Wilbur here said that he'd be willing to stay here all four nights, but you're free to take shifts with him if you'd like."

"Alright. I'd like that very much. Thank you."

Foolish gave us all a small wave and stepped out of the room, leaving us alone.

"So. You're Quackity's cousin?" I raised a brow at Wilbur, trying to hopefully lighten the mood in the room.

Wilbur rubbed the back of his neck. "Not exactly... let's just say I didn't want him to have to ride in the ambulance alone last night."

I smiled slightly. "Good idea. Also, speaking of last night. Did you two have fun? Before everything else happened, of course."

Wilbur nodded, smiling as he looked up. I could practically see the memories reflecting onto his face as he remembered them and listed them off. He seemed grateful for an excuse to get his mind off of the elephant in the room as he excitedly recalled witty banter, shared jokes, and gambling events from the previous night.

I smiled to myself and listened to him ramble on and on. He definitely needed it.

When he was finished, I asked him about what had happened before the fall.

"Was it like tripping over a rock or did he just faint all of a sudden? Or was there something that happened that made him overwhelmed or something?"

Wilbur blew out a breath. "I'm not entirely sure what was going on in his head... but I do know that he was heavily intoxicated, and I think he saw something, or someone, that made his fight or flight reflexes kick in. He tried to run from me and in doing so fell over. He didn't pass out immediately, so that's how I knew his head was probably fine, but he wasn't responsive to anything I was trying to say to him so I called 911 just to be safe."

I reached forward and took his hand, holding eye contact. "Thank you, Wilbur. I am so glad you were there for him last night. His other friends were all otherwise involved, to my knowledge, so if you hadn't been there for him the whole night, I don't know what else could have happened."

"Of course. It was my pleasure. We both had fun, too, so." He gave me a slight smile.

I returned it, leaning into Skeppy as he moved his arm around my shoulders.

I yawned again, nuzzling my head into my boyfriend's neck as he said something to Wilbur about me needing sleep.

I wanted to argue with that statement, but was already unable to respond.

As my conscious slipped away, I let all the weight I had on my shoulders about Quackity be lifted, allowing myself some much needed, and well prolonged, rest.


Chapter 10 is complete! I loved all of the soft skephalo moments in this chapter oml. Let's hope quack man gets better soon so we can get back to that tntduo content! I know I miss it ;) happy reading and tysm for all the votes!

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