~21: Ranboo~

300 15 34

//tw: mature language


This is... interesting.

I never thought that I would end up being a part of this much drama, but here we are.

Before the race, it was fine. Nothing much was happening and everything was going great.

Tommy and Dream were neck and neck and people were living for it I guess.

But then.

It happened.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone from our team go to the green side.

At first, I didn't think anything of it. People go over there to do stuff all the time. No biggie, right?


Just wait.

The next thing I knew, someone from the crowd of people also went to the green side.

It was much less obvious, but I could see whoever it was sneak off behind the bleachers, away from everyone, and it looked like they were talking to someone.

I tried to just focus on the race, like any normal person, but my curiosity slowly killed me to the point where I found myself trailing after the person that had left, wondering who they could be talking to.

Was I a stalker?

Doesn't matter.


I kept my distance, straining to hear their conversation while also trying not to get too close.

When I eventually did get close enough to hear what was going on, it was not even close to what I was expecting.

Nor was it who I was expecting.

After hearing enough, I went back to the pit crew, trying my very hardest to be casual and normal and natural and casual and normal.

This was going to be fine.


Tubbo was giving me a weird look so I gave him a completely average and original awkward smile.

He didn't buy it.

"What's going on...? You're acting very weird."

"What makes you think that anything is going on? Nothing is going on."

Again, he didn't buy it.

He gave me his 'I know what's going on but I don't actually know what's going on but you're going to tell me because I caught you red-handed bitch spit it out' look.

I sighed. "I'll only tell you if you promise not to tell Dream."

"Um... okay...?"

"Okay. So um."


magical pov switch :0



I have to tell someone.

Keeping this to myself is way too difficult.

Pulling out my phone, I quickly shot a text to Sam.

He replied quicker than I thought he would.

Wow. Pit crew must be boring as fuck.

I made my way out of the stands, heading to the green section to meet up with Sam. I took a friend with me behind the bleachers, having only texted Sam because I knew he would let me grab that friend from the pit.

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