~7: Sapnap~

480 24 15

//tw: alcohol, slight mature content? (not smut!), mentions of sexual assault, mature language


I get to show off.

A confident smirk formed on my lips as I cracked my neck and pressed down on the gas pedal.

The roar that erupted from deep within the transmission of my car was enough to make the ever growing group of fangirls scream.

I snickered and rolled down my window, revving the engine at them and giving them a wink.

I'm pretty sure one girl fainted.

A green car rolled up beside me, blocking my field of vision.

"Fucking simp."

I rolled my eyes at the driver. "You know, you are a stick in the mud when it comes to girls, Dream."

"That's because I'm gay, dumbass."

I gave my best friend a look and flipped him off.

He just grinned and rolled his window back up.

I did the same.

The pretty flag girl from the last race tied the two checkered flags and tossed them into the crowd to determine who would be the flag girl for this race.

A surprised gasp came from some people in the group, and the entire crowd ended up cheering loudly for whoever caught the flags.

She must have been pretty.

I just shrugged. As much as I joked about them, I really had never been all that into girls.

Much to my surprise, the person who walked up to the poorly drawn finish line holding the two iconic checkered flags was not a girl.

My eyes widened a little as my breath caught in my throat.

The brunette boy took his stance on the line, chest puffed out confidently. He was wearing black jean shorts and an unmistakable multicolored hoodie, fluffy hair pulled out of his face with a singular yellow butterfly hair clip.

My jaw tightened as I struggled not to stare.

The alcohol in my system was probably getting to me.

I ran a hand through my hair and gripped the steering wheel, focusing on one of the checkered flags.

The boy holding the flag I was eyeing gave me a crooked smile that was impossible for me not to return, and I met his bright grey eyes.

My breath caught in my throat a little.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

I can't have feelings for Karl... he's my friend!

Karl once again caught my attention as he lifted his two checkered flags in the air.

I shook my head a little, biting the inside of my cheek to keep focus.

Beat Dream. Beat Dream. Beat Dream.

That's all I should be thinking right now.

I narrowed my eyes a little, revving my engine again.

Here we fucking go.

Karl finally wooshed the flags towards the ground, his smile growing into an excited grin.

Me and Dream's cars shot off, leaving Karl behind.

Catching a glace in the mirror, I saw him chase us for a few strides, jumping up and down and cheering as he kept waving his flags.

I smiled a little to myself, before realizing that Dream had passed me.

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